Title: AnAerobic Metabolism During Exercise
1(An)Aerobic Metabolism During Exercise
Exercise Metabolism
EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY Theory Application to
Fitness and Performance S. Powers E. Howley
2Metabolic Responses to Exercise What we know!
- Exercise poses a serious challenge to the
bioenergetic pathways in working muscle - Contracting skeletal muscle may increase their
energy utilization 200 times over that at rest - During heavy exercise, total energy expenditure
may increase 15-25 times above rest - At rest, almost 100 of the energy required to
sustain bodily functions is produced by aerobic
3Metabolic Responses to Exercise Influence of
Duration and Intensity
- Immediate pathway (1-10 sec)
- ATP-PC System
- Short-term pathway (10-60 sec)
- Anaerobic glycolysis Lactic Acid system
- Combo of ATP-PC, glycolysis aerobic systems (60
sec - 2 min) - Long-term pathway (gt2 min)
- Aerobic metabolism oxidative phosphorylation
4The Energy Continuum
Figure 4.1
5Interaction between the energy systems ATP
- No exercise or event or physical activity is
absolutely, purely, or solely anaerobic or
aerobic - Combination of immediate, anaerobic and aerobic
one just dominates - Anaerobic contribution is greater during short
term, high intensity activity - Aerobic contribution is greater during long term,
lower to moderate intensity
Goucester 2008
6Figure 4.2
7Maximal Oxygen Uptake (VO2max)
- The maximal capacity to consume, transport, and
utilize oxygen (expressed in absolute or relative
terms) - L/min ml/min ml/kg/min
- Measured by graded or incremental exercise tests
- Reached when increase in power output does not
result in an increase in oxygen uptake
(plateau) - Genetics and training influences
- Physiological ceiling
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9Lactate Production
Amount produced depends on 1. Muscle
contraction 2. Enzyme activity 3.
Muscle fiber type 4. SNS activation 5.
Insufficient oxygen
10Lactate Clearance 1. Oxidation
(intracellular) 2. Gluconeogenesis
11Lactate Threshold
- As exercise intensity increases, blood levels of
lactic acid HLa begin to rise in an exponential
fashion - Sudden rise in blood lactic acid level is point
at which there is an increased reliance on
anaerobic metabolism - Occurs at 50-60 of VO2max in untrained Occurs
at 65-85 of VO2max in trained - Controversy re the terminology and the mechanism
to explain the sudden rise in HLa
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15Why is Lactic Acid a Problem? 1. Pain 2.
Performance decrement a. Metabolic
fatigue b. Muscular fatigue
16Figure 4.17
Figure 4.16
17The Exercise Response
- At the onset of exercise, VO2 increases rapidly
until a steady state is reached - VO2 does not instantaneously increase to S.S.
level - Oxygen Deficit - The difference between the
oxygen required during exercise and the oxygen
supplied and utilized. Occurs at the onset of
all activity - Oxygen Drift Rise in O2 consumption during
moderate-heavy, submaximal exercise - Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC)
O2 consumption during recovery that is above
normal resting values - 1. Rapid portion (first 2-3 min post
exercise) - 2. Slow portion (persists gt 30 min post
18O2 deficit debt during light/moderate exercise
and heavy exercise
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20Factors contributing to oxygen deficit
During the transition from rest-to-exercise (O2
deficit), energy is supplied by 1. The
splitting of stored ATP-PC 2. Anaerobic
glycolysis, with the concomitant production
of lactic acid 3. Utilization of oxygen stores
in capillary blood and on myoglobin 4.
Oxygen transport and utilization
21 22Exercise Response
- What variables do we need to assess aerobic
capacity (submax maximal VO2, LT)? - Oxygen Consumption (VO2) - The amount of oxygen
taken up, transported and used at the cellular
level - Carbon Dioxide Produced (VCO2) -The amount of
carbon dioxide generated during metabolism - Lactate Threshold
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25Factors governing fuel selection
Total contribution of protein 5-15, thus fat
and CHO serve as primary substrates Several
factors determining whether fat or CHO is the
primary substrate Diet Intensity (low vs.
high) Duration (short vs. prolonged)
26Exercise Intensity and Fuel Selection
As exercise intensity increases, there is an
exercise intensity at which the energy derived
from CHO exceeds that of fat This work rate has
been labeled the crossover point
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29- Causes of this substrate shift?
- Recruitment of fast twitch fibers
- Better equipped to metabolize CHO than fats
(enzymes) - Increasing blood levels of Epinephrine
- High levels of EPI increase muscle glycogen
breakdown, CHO metabolism, lactate production - Increased lactate gt inhibition of fat metabolism
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31Exercise Duration and Fuel Selection
As duration of submaximal exercise increases,
there is a gradual shift from CHO to fat
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34Exercise Duration and Fuel Selection
- Why is there a gradual shift from CHO to fat
utilization? - Glycogen depletion
- Prolonged exercise gt rise in hormones gt
stimulation of lipases gt lipolysis gt increase
in blood and muscle levels of FFA gt promotion of
fat metabolism
35The Aerobic Response to Exercise - Terminology
Caloric Cost - Energy expenditure of an activity
performed for a specific period of time
The Metabolic Equivalent (MET) - A unit that
represents the metabolic equivalent in multiples
of resting rate oxygen consumption of any given
activity 1MET 3.5 mlO2/kg/min 1MET
Caloric Equivalent - The number of kilocalories
produced per liter of oxygen consumed
uel Utilization During Exercise
Nutrient Kcal/gram Kcal/LO2 Carbohydrate
4.2 5.05 Protein 4.2
4.50 Fat 9.5 4.70
37Fuel Utilization During Exercise
To estimate the contribution of CHO or fat
metabolism during rest and/or exercise RQ - The
ratio of the amount of carbon dioxide produced
divided by the amount of oxygen consumed at the
cellular level RER (R) - O2 and CO2 exchange
measured at the lungs RER
38Estimation of Fuel Utilization
Fat and CHO differ in the amount of O2 used and
CO2 produced during oxidation Fat VCO2 / VO2
16 CO2 / 23 O2 0.70 CHO VCO2 / VO2 6 CO2 /
6 O2 1.0 Fat 0.70 CHO 1.0 mixed 0.85
Fat oxidation requires more O2 than does CHO
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ummary of Aerobic Response
Caloric cost (kcal/min) O2 consumed (L/min) x
caloric equivalent (kcal/LO2) Example/Given RER
.91 O2 consumption 2.15 L/min Now calculate
caloric cost for 30 min of exercise
ummary of Aerobic Response
O2 Consumed (L/min) x Caloric Equivalent O2
consumption 2.15 L/min Kcal/LO2 for .91
4.936 4.936 x 2.15 10.6 kcal/min x 30 318
kcal Multiply by to determine fat/CHO 318 x
0.694 220 Kcal from CHO 318 x 0.306 97 Kcal
from Fat
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