Title: Joe Schindler, MHA
12003 HAR Guidelinesand Information
Kristin Loncorich, MDH Amy Camp, MDH
- Joe Schindler, MHA
- Vicki Drasher, MHA
2(No Transcript)
- Background of HCCIS Rules
- Uses of HCCIS Data
4Whats New for 2003
- Delete Gross Receivables Summary
- Delete Budget Year Reporting
- Add New Reporting Requirements
- Specialty Care
- Adult and Pediatric
- Primary Payer
- Add New Formset Enhancements
- Name Box
- Audit Checks
- Additional Automatic Calculations
5Method of Preparation
6Name Box
7Page 3 Institution
8(No Transcript)
9Page 4 Physician Services
10Page 6 Reference Lab/Reference Radiology Services
11Page 8 Natural Expense Summary
12Page 9 Patient Care Charge Summary
13Page 10 Patient Care Charges by Specialty and
14Payer Information Step 1
15Payer Information Step 2
16Payer Information Step 3
17Payer Information Completed
18Contractual Adjustment and Patient ChargeAudit
19Page 12 Operating Income
20Page 13 Revenue in Excess of Expense
21(No Transcript)
22Page 16 Salaries FTEs
23Average Salary Audit Check
24Page 18 Administrative Expenses
25Page 20 Charity Care Cost, Policies, and Summary
26Page 21 Patient Utilization
27Page 23 Patient Utilization
28Page 31 Outpatient Registrations
29Average Outpatient Charge Audit Check
30Attachment A
31If you get swamped
32Contact Information
- MHA staff at (800) 462-5393 or
- (651) 641-1121
- Vicki Drasher, MHA (651) 659-1422
- Amy Camp, MDH (651) 282-3818