Title: National Dairy Feedbase Integration
1National Dairy Feedbase Integration
2Why the focus on feedbase ?
- Key driver of productivity and profitability
- Threats/Opportunities
- Climate change
- Climate variability
- Soil Plant Health
- Increasing variable costs of production
- Legislation
3Diversity of farms, farming systems, people
4National investment in feedbase
- Historically,
- Project by project
- Projects delivered into (single) regions
- Little cross-regional value gained from
investment elsewhere (despite opportunities)
5How can the Tasmanian Dairy Industry benefit
from National Integration ?
- Objective Better understanding of feedbase
principles for higher levels of pasture
production and consumption
- Understanding the impact of, and interaction
between - Defoliation interval intensity
- Soil N
- Soil moisture
Greener Pastures, WA
6What can we learn from the work in WA ?
- Different systems, pasture types, soils however
- General pasture management principles
- Research and extension design, methodologies
7Diversity of farms, farming systems, people
8For farms already achieving high levels of
pasture consumption-
- How do they achieve it ?
- Where is next gain coming from ?
- Decision making guidelines ..
3030 (Vic)
9What can we learn from 3030 ?
- Optimising management of the ryegrass pasture
base - beyond ryegrass role of complementary
forages (where is next gain coming from) - Process for whole farm systems analysis to
determine where gains can be made - Role of modelling
10It works both ways the role of Tasmania in the
national effort (examples)
- Perceived strong linkages between research and
extension - Other regions keen to learn from experiences
- Technologies/tools for daily resource management
- Greenhouse gas calculator
- Perennial ryegrass knowledge base
- Regions leverage off National research and
extension efforts in order to meet priority needs - Assist farmers to confidently manage their
feedbase resources to optimise profit - Develop a capacity to adjust their systems to
changing circumstances and opportunities