Title: Principles of Economics, Case and Fair,8e
1(No Transcript)
- Monopolistic Competition
- Product Differentiation
- Price and Output Determination in Monopolistic
- Economic Efficiency and Resource Allocation
- Oligopoly
- Oligopoly Models
- Game Theory
- Repeated Games
- Oligopoly and Economic Performance
- The Role of Government
- Regulation of Mergers
- monopolistic competition
- A form of industry (market) structure,
characterized by a large number of firms.
- Each firm is small relative to the market.
- Some degree of market power is achieved by firms
producing differentiated products.
- No barriers to entry and exit.
- product differentiation
- A strategy that firms use to achieve market
- Accomplished by giving products certain
characteristics that distinguish them from
competitors products.
- Firms make their products characteristics known
to the public by way of advertising.
- Is product differentiation good?
- The Case for Product Differentiation and
- Advocates claim
- Increases the variety of products available to
accommodate consumers different preferences
- Advertising provides consumers with valuable and
meaningful information on product availability,
quality, and price that they need to make
efficient choices in the marketplace.
- The Case against Product Differentiation and
- Critics claim
- Product differentiation and advertising waste
societys scarce resources
- Enormous sums of money are spent to create
minute, meaningless differences among products.
- These increased expenditures on advertising only
serve to increase the price that consumers pay
- No Right Answer
- Empirical evidence yields to conflicting
- Some studies show that advertising leads higher
profits, and others, that advertising improves
the functioning of the market.
- A monopolistic competitor has a monopoly of its
own unique product but there are many close
substitutes for the good.
- Although the demand curve faced by a monopolistic
competitor is likely to be less elastic than the
demand curve faced by a perfectly competitive
firm, it is likely to be more elastic than the
demand curve faced by a monopoly because of the
availability of substitutes.
Product Differentiation and Demand Elasticity
FIGURE 14.2 Product Differentiation Reduces the
Elasticity of Demand Facing a Firm
- Price/Output Determination in the Short Run
- Like all other firms, a monopolistic competitor
will profit maximize by producing the quantity
where MRMC.
- Since the Demand curve is downward sloping, MR is
below price.
Price/Output Determination in the Short Run
FIGURE 14.3 Monopolistic Competition in the
Short Run
- In the short run, the firm will shutdown if the
profit maximizing price is below AVC and it will
exit in the long run as long as the profit
maximizing price is below ATC.
- In the long run, because there are no barriers to
entry or exit, if firms are making positive
economic profits, there will be entry of new
types of products which are close substitutes. - This makes the demand curve for a particular
firms product more elastic (flatter).
- Entry will occur until zero profits are being
earned. In other words in a long run equilibrium,
the profit maximizing price will have to equal
Price/Output Determination in the Long Run
FIGURE 14.4 Monopolistically Competitive Firm at
Long-Run Equilibrium
The firms demand curve must end up tangent to
its average total cost curve for profits to equal
zero. This is the condition for long-run
equilibrium in a monopolistically competitive
- Even though there are zero economic profits in
the long run, the final outcome is not
- First, the profit-maximizing strategy is to
restrict production relative to the perfectly
competitive case, and to charge a price above
marginal cost. So it does not produce the
efficient amount of output. - Second, final equilibrium in a monopolistically
competitive firm is necessarily to the left of
the low point on its average total cost curve.
oligopoly A form of industry (market) structure
characterized by a few dominant firms.
Products may be homogenous or differentiated.
The behavior of any one firm in an oligopoly
depends to a great extent on the behavior of
- Because many different types of oligopolies
exist, a number of different oligopoly models
have been developed.
- All kinds of oligopoly have one thing in common
- The behavior of any given oligopolistic firm
depends on the behavior of the other firms in the
industry comprising the oligopoly.
- Oligopoly Models that we will study
- Collusion/Cartel
- Game Theory
- One shot Game
- Repeated Interaction
21OLIGOPOLY Collusion Model
- The Collusion Model (also know as the
Monopoly/Cartel Model)
- cartel A group of firms that gets together and
makes joint price and output decisions to
maximize joint profits
- The different firms get together and act like
they are a monopolist (one firm) and decide what
is the total output that will be produced, and
what will each firm produce, and what will be the
price charged by each firm.
22OLIGOPOLY Collusion Model Ex 14.1
- Example Suppose there are 2 identical firms in
the industry.
- The firms decide to form a cartel and maximize
industry profits, and will each produce an equal
share of output.
- To find what individual firms do, first see what
a monopolist would do.
- Given the following market demand and MC curve
(next slide), find what each firm will produce
and charge. Also, what are each firms profits?
23OLIGOPOLY Collusion Model Ex 14.1
A monopolist would produce 400 units of output
and charge a price of 10. Profits would be (P-
ATC)Q (10-5)4002000.
24OLIGOPOLY Collusion Model Ex 14.1
- A monopolist would produce 400 units of output
and charge a price of 10. Profits would be
- Each firm in the cartel will produce 200 units,
charge the same price of 10, and will each have
an equal share of profits of 1000 each.
25OLIGOPOLY Collusion Model Ex 14.1
- The problem with the collusion/cartel model is
that each firm has an incentive to cheat and
produce a little bit more than its competitors.
- By doing so, it could increase its own profits at
the expense of the other firms in the market.
- To see this consider what would happen if firm 1,
cheats and makes 300 units of output, but the
other firm sticks to the agreement and makes 200
each. - Total output in the industry will now be
300200500 which means a new market price will
26OLIGOPOLY Collusion Model Ex 14.1
Total output in the industry will now be 500
which means a new market price will prevail equal
to 9.
27OLIGOPOLY Collusion Model Ex 14.1
- What are each firms profits now?
- Firm 1 makes 300 units and charges a price of 9
- Profits for firm1(9-5)3001500, so Firm 1s
profits increased.
- The other firm makes 200 and also sells at a
price of 9 per unit.
- Its profits (9-5)200800, so its profits
- The cheating firm gains at the faithful firms
28OLIGOPOLY Collusion Model
- Since each firm has an incentive to cheat on the
cartel, it is very hard to keep cartel contracts
- If all firms cheat on the contract, all of them
will be worse off then under the cartel. (They
will each make a profit of 900)
- To see when cartels will or will not work, we use
Game Theory.
29OLIGOPOLY Game Theory
- Mathematical technique used to study choices in
situations when the outcomes of your choices
depend on the choices of everyone else.
- In game theory, firms are assumed to anticipate
rival reactions.
- Example Suppose there is a duopoly (only two
firms in the industry). Should one firm form a
cartel, collude, stay faithful to the cartel? The
answer (and profits) depend on what other firms
do and how they might react.
30OLIGOPOLY Game Theory
- Elements of a Game
- Players (individual decision makers, firms in
previous example)
- Strategies (all possible choices that can be made
by the players)
- Payoffs (all possible outcomes given what all
players choose. This will be profits when talking
about firm behavior.)
31OLIGOPOLY Game Theory
- Assumptions
- Players act independently and dont know what the
other player will choose.
- Game is played just once (one-shot game)
- (Later we will consider when the game is played
repeatedly. This will allow players to punish
each other for cheating- and this will be what is
needed to get cartels to work)
32OLIGOPOLY Game Theory
- Normal Form Representation of a game
2s payoff
2s payoff
1s payoff
1s payoff
2s payoff
2s payoff
1s payoff
1s payoff
33OLIGOPOLY Game Theory
- The first game we look at is what is known as the
prisoners dilemma.
- prisoners dilemma
- Players Ginger and Rocky, two prisoners accused
of shoplifting.
- Strategies The police give them a choice of two
alternatives (Confess, Dont confess)
- Payoffs
- If neither confesses, they each get exactly one
- If only one confesses, the confessor goes free,
and the silent one gets 7 years.
- If both confess, each will get 5 years.
34OLIGOPOLY Game Theory
What is the best strategy?
FIGURE 14.7 The Prisoners Dilemma
35OLIGOPOLY Game Theory
- dominant strategy
- In game theory, a strategy that is best no matter
what the opposition does.
- In the above example, no matter what the other
player does, both prisoners choose confess. This
is their dominant strategy.
36OLIGOPOLY Game Theory
- What will be the outcome?
- We look for an equilibrium where no player has an
incentive to change behavior given what the other
is doing. This concept is called a Nash
equilibrium. - Nash equilibrium In game theory, the result of
all players playing their best strategy given
what their competitors are doing.
37OLIGOPOLY Game Theory
- Finding a Nash Equilibrium
- To find a Nash equilibrium, consider what each
player would choose given the action of the other
player (circle the payoff for player 1 of this
strategy). - Then consider what the other player would do
given the actions of the other player (circle the
payoff for player 2 of this strategy).
- If there is a grid with both payoffs circled,
then this is a Nash Equilibrium.
- (Note there may more than one or no Nash
38OLIGOPOLY Game Theory
Find the Nash Equilibrium
FIGURE 14.7 The Prisoners Dilemma
39OLIGOPOLY Game Theory
- In the prisoners dilemma, the players are
prevented from cooperating and each has a
dominant strategy that leaves them both worse off
than if they could cooperate. - The only strategy in which neither has an
incentive to change his or her behavior, given
what the other is doing is to (confess,
confess). - Confess, Confess is the Nash equilibrium of this
game. Any game that leads to a similarly
inefficient outcome where players do not find it
optimal to cooperate is considered a prisoners
dilemma game.
40OLIGOPOLY Game Theory
- Example 14.1 Continued.
- We could consider the example of whether a cartel
will hold or not as a type of prisoners dilemma
- If the game is only played once, the Nash
equilibrium is where both firms cheat, and both
are worse off than they would be under the cartel.
41OLIGOPOLY Game Theory
Example 14.1 Continued. The Nash Equilibrium is
(Cheat, Cheat)
42OLIGOPOLY Game Theory-Repeated Interaction
- So how is it that cartels like OPEC are able to
get their members to not cheat and stay faithful
to the collusion contract?
- KEY Need repeated interaction (that the game is
repeatedly played time after time). If you have
this additional dimension, then firms are able to
punish cheaters in future periods.
43OLIGOPOLY Game Theory-Repeated Interaction
- Two types of strategies could be used to punish
- Grim Trigger Strategy
- One firm says I will not cheat as long as you
dont. If you ever cheat, I will cheat forever
- This strategy now decreases the gains from
cheating. Even if cheats the first year, (and
gets higher profits), will be worse off in future
years because he knows the other firm will not be
faithful to the agreement. - Tit for Tat
- One firm says Whatever you do, I will do next
44OLIGOPOLY Game Theory-Repeated Interaction
- These strategies may be implicit rather than
explicit agreements.
- Since in the US, tacit collusion is strictly
illegal, some firms try to imply that they are
willing to cooperate and collude rather than
expressly agree. - For example, consider what the Nash Equilibrium
would be for the two airlines Lufthansa and
British Airways competing in flights between New
York and London.
Payoffs are Weekly Profits What is the Nash Equil
ibrium of a one-shot game? How might the tit for
tat strategy work here?
FIGURE 14.9 Payoff Matrix for Airline Game
46OLIGOPOLY and Economic Performance
- Oligopolistic, or concentrated, industries are
likely to be inefficient.
- First, profit-maximizing oligopolists are likely
to price above marginal cost. When price is above
marginal cost, there is underproduction from
societys point of view. - Second, to the extent that oligopolies
differentiate their products and advertise, there
is the promise of new and exciting products. At
the same time, however, there remains a real
danger of waste and inefficiency.
47Market Structure Summary Chart
FIGURE 14.1 Characteristics of Different Market