Title: Tracking Usage of EGovernment Publications
1Tracking Usage of E-Government Publications
- Susan L. Kendall,
- San Jose State University
- Celia Bakke,
- San Jose State University
2Traditional Ways of Tracking Materials
- Circulation Records
- In house shelving counts
- Surveys of patrons
3Tracking Use of Electronic Materials
- User could be in the library or ..
4What to change in the database
5Government Publications Architecture
Programming languages COLDFUSION, HTML, CSS
Database Miscrosoft SQL Database (MS SQL DB)
stat_govPub_(month).txt (text file)
Stores data- bibNum
stat_govpub.htm parameters receive
-bibNum -vendor url
insert into
extract data using cfhttp
- Collects data
- bibNum
- suDoc
- class
- title
Gov_Pub DB
- Stores data
- bibNum
- suDoc
- class
- title
MS SQL DB Server
insert into
Redirect to vendor website
Extract data using cfhttp to initiate a one-way
request from information from a remote server
(the library catalog) http//mill1.sjlibrary.org/s
Lyna Nguyen
6Government Publications Architecture
Programming languages COLDFUSION, HTML,
CSSDatabase Miscrosoft SQL Database (MS SQL DB)
stat_govPub_(month).txt (text file)
Stores hit data- bibNum
stat_govPub.htm -login/logoff -view by month
year -sort by a-z, suDocs, highest hits-search
by bibNum, suDocs, title
read file
extract data
user submits
- Retrieves/Groups/Counts data
- count
- bibNum
- suDoc
- class
- title
Gov_Pub DB
- Data from DB
- bibNum
- suDoc
- class
- title
MS SQL DB Server
display to web browser
query data
connect to db
Lyna Nguyen
7Steps to Modifying the Bibliographic Record
- Identify the Bibliographic Record Number
- TITLE Nominations of Hon. Todd Walther Dillard
and Robert R. Rigsby - B19650826 Bibliographic Record Number
8Then add the bibliographic record number to the
- The prefix is http//univ-intranet.sjlibrary.org
9Identify the URL in the record
- 856 field will have the URL address
- http//purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS24014xSJSU
10Then add tracking information
- 856 41 uhttp//univ-intranet.sjlibrary.org/scrip
ts/ database_statistics/stat_govpub.htm?id1965082
6pathhttp //purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS24014xS
11How to Change the Database(using character based
12Overall Database changes
- Search records in the database using review files
- Initial search strategies
- 856 has GPO (Bibliographic records search)
- Since most of these records have a purl,
records are grouped into one review file for
batch changes.