Title: EMgt 4110 Engineering Professionalism and Practice
1EMgt 4110 Engineering Professionalism and Practice
- Week 1 Introduction
- Hongyi Chen
2This weeks Plan
- Introductions
- Self introduction
- Course introduction
- Syllabus
- Presentation skills
- Team formation
- Lab discussions
3Self Introduction
- Name
- Your plan after graduation
- Your interested industries
4BSIE and BSME Outcomes
- d. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary
teams. - f. An understanding of the professional and
ethical responsibilities of an industrial/mechanic
al engineer. - g. An ability to communicate effectively,
including oral, written and visual forms. - i. A recognition of the need for, and the ability
to engage in life-long learning.
5Topics to be covered
- Career Planning
- Project Management
- Communication and Team Building
- Design Methods, Issues, Process
- Decision Making
- Engineering Ethics
- Related Law Basics, Contracts
- Other issues
6Format of this course
- Half lecture
- Half discussions and team exercises
7Go through syllabus
- Required books
- Out-of-class requirements
- Project report (due on Dec 4th)
- Article presentation
- Team project
- Important dates
- Grading policy
8Grading Percentages
- Midterm exam 15
- Final exam 25
- Quiz
8 - Team project 20
- Individual project report 20
- Article presentation 5
- Class participation 7
Your individual score for the team project
your team project grade satisfactorily
completed work by you as a percentage to the work
assigned to you
9Questions about the syllabus?
10Presentation Skills
11Team Membership Categories Category-1 Team
builder There are many aspects of this problem.
I will find the experts in each area, get their
opinions, then formulate my answer Category-2
Individualist I have enough information about
it, and have formed my opinion. I can not wait
to explain my thoughts on it Category-3 Analyst
I have to do research on this. I will get
detailed information on the issues from the
library and the Internet, analyze them and give
you my answer tomorrow
- Read The Unwritten Laws of Engineering, pp. iii
20 - Read Memory Jogger II pp. iv-2
- Read Project Management Memory Jogger pp. iv-viii
13EMgt 4110 Engineering Professionalism and Practice
- Week 1 Lab
- Discuss Laws pp1-19
14What the beginner needs to learn at once
In relation to the work
- Your first job and early assignment
- Keep job rolling / avoid demanding
- Get things done
- Prepare, execute and follow up for business trips
- Express yourself and promote your ideas, but be
concise and clear - Lets go see!
- A wrong answer is worse than no answer
- Confirm everything in writing
15What the beginner needs to learn at once (cont.)
In relation to your supervisor
- Selection of your supervisor
- Your direct supervisor is your boss
- Never surprise the boss
- Do not report every detail to the boss
- Whatever your supervisor asks you to do
- Priority
- Reconsiderations, deviations, additions
- Report frequency
16What the beginner needs to learn at once (cont.)
In relation to your colleagues and outsiders
- Never invade the domain of any other department
without knowledge and consent of the manager in
charge. - Avoid overlooking other peoples interests and
right - Seek other peoples opinions and recommendations
- Make your complaints first to the most directly
responsible individual - Remember that you represent the company
17(No Transcript)