Title: The colours of Cewip
1The colours of Cewip
Team Sopot ?
2The Colours of Cewip the colours of rainbow
which are
- Red,
- Orange,
- Yellow,
- Green,
- Blue and
- Violet.
3The colours of CEWIP are all around me.
The colours of CEWIP are beautiful to see.
4Red is the colour of ketchup on a pizza.
Red is the colour of French wine on a blouse.
NO !!!
5And a colour on Polish flag Italian flag
Spanish flag German flag Slovakian flag
English flag and French flag.
WOW !!! WOW !!! WOW !!! WOW !!! WOW !!! WOW
!!! WOW !!!
6The colours of CEWIP are all around me.
The colours of CEWIP are beautiful to see.
Orange is the colour of an orange motor
Orange is the colour of a tiger marionette
8The colours of CEWIP are all around me.
The colours of CEWIP are beautiful to see.
9Yellow is the colour of CEWIP logo
Yellow is the colour of the Sun above Lindlar,
Olbia, Madrid, Divina and Sopot.
10The Colours of CEWIP are all around me
The colours of CEWIP are beautiful to see.
11Green is the colour of crocodile tears.
Green is the colour of Mother Nature.
And a colour of Italian Flag
WOW !!!
12The colours of CEWIP are all around me.
The colours of CEWIP are beautiful to see.
13Blue is the colour of CEWIP logo.
Blue is the colour of a clear sky above
Great Britain
Simply above all Europe,
whole world.
14The colours of CEWIP are all around me.
The colours of CEWIP are beautiful to see.
15Violet is a colour of a trendy top
Violet is a colour of lilics in May
16The colours of CEWIP are all around me.
The colours of CEWIP are beautiful to see.
17CEWIP song
The EnD
Text written by Sopot CEWIP team Danka,
Paulina, Ola, Jessica, Larry, Lukasz and Marek
supervised by Iwona Górtowska.
Created by M. Mueller pRemieRsiTe
WebDesign http//revolucja.pl email