1When wire-less meets Internet options and
trendsof embedded internet
dr. J.J. Lukkien Eindhoven Embedded Systems
Institute Eindhoven University of Technology ir.
M.F.A. Manders ir. P.J.F. Peters prof.dr.ir.
L.M.G. Feijs
- Examples
- Enablers, technology
- Options (opportunities) of embedded internet
- Complications
- (Trends)
- Conclusion
3DVD player (Philips Research)
- Bug fixing
- New version of software
4Feeding the fish...
5Using a regular camera
- Take pictures
- Extract and change film
- Bring film to shop for development
- Pick up developed material
- Repeatedly
- View pictures may require projector/TV
- Archive the pictures
- Take pictures out of archive
6Using a digital camera
- Take pictures
- Extract and change storage medium
- Load pictures into larger archive
- Repeatedly
- Take pictures out of archive
- View pictures requires computer/TV
- Archive the pictures
7Recent developments
- Bluetooth
- wire-less, short-range (/- 10m)
- connects groups of at most 8 devices
- acts as a digital link (transports bits)
- wire-less, long-range as GSM
- connects directly to the internet
- acts as a packet link (transports IP packets or
8Using a digital camera
- Take pictures
- Extract and change storage medium
- Load pictures into larger archive
- Repeatedly
- Take pictures out of archive
- View pictures requires computer/TV
- Archive the pictures
- Solving the last-meter problem
- standardization fire-wire, usb, ethernet, LON,
bluetooth, hiperlan, dect, GPRS - automatic wire-less connection bluetooth, dect?,
hiperlan or long distance GPRS - Standardization of information transport
- protocol IP, IP, IP
Embedded system camera, aquarium electric
appliance TV set
Terminal (wall outlet, PC)
- Hardware
- Evolution wire for long distance, wire-less for
short distance - Need to reconcile different interfaces gateway
- Software
- As soon as it speaks IP, it can communicate with
the rest of the world and benefit from existing
internet technology - (IP - TCP/UDP - FTP - HTML - JAVA)
11Options of embedded internet
- Telemonitoring and
- control
- Software download
- Intelligent behaviour
12Option telemonitoring en control
- On-off control for energy and emergency
- Adjustment of process-control parameters
- Status monitoring and data collection
- billing
- statistics
- quality control
- production data
- fleet management
- remote diagnostics
- back-up and recovery
- planning of maintenance
Different value for user/owner and
13Monitoring quality of water(Turnkiek)
14Option software download
- Bug fixing
- Customisation
- Product family architecting
- Software component marketing
- Selling new features in software
- Incremental delivery of software
- perhaps platform independent code
- uploads platform independent GUI
- general follow Internet developments XML,
Java, VRML, facial and voice-based
user-interfaces, etc.
Different value for owner and manufacturer
15Platform independent
- Code
- Graphical user interface
Remote user
embedded Java, GUI classes, browsers
16Option intelligent behaviour
- Using data resources on the web
- customer behaviour analysis
- competitor behaviour analysis
- environmental data
- raw material costs
- traffic predictions
- weather predictions
- Connecting to other embedded systems
- warehousing
- just-in-time delivery
- caching and sharing of large data sets
- enhance user experience
- Security
- Feature interaction
- Performance
18Complication security
- Data confidentiality
- Access control and authentication
- User-friendliness of key handling
- Keeping pace with hackers and crackers
- Respecting national international regulations
- Keeping pace with trends and standardisation
DES, RSA, PGP, AES, firewalls, etc.
19Complication feature interaction
- many new possibilities and options
- several access levels for users
- multiple simultaneous users
- distribution
20Complication performance
- robustness and locality of control loops
- in principle, IP does not guarantee (timely)
delivery of packets - critical control loops only across owned lines
- speed predictability of high-level languages
- size and costs of processor(s)
- locking and transaction management
21Trends at the 1999 San JoseEmbedded Internet
- future of embedded internet
- embedded web servers
- real life applications
- embedded XML/HTML
- application development
- embedded web hardware
- embedded Java
- achieving web security
- embedded web databases
22Trend it is predicted that embedded Internet
will happen
- post PC era, smart devices
- more devices on the Internet than people by 2003
- average microprocessors in a home rises from 63
to 250 - low cost wireless connectivity will be a driving
enabler - niche vertical players may be the initial
adopters for new technology such as Java
23Automatiseringsgids, 15-9-2000
24Trend embedded server considered a key component
- Allegro RomPager
- 50K ROM 10K Ram for typical system
- runs on RTOS, OS-9, VxWorks, QNX
- RapidControl BackplaneTM
- kind of data-dictionary that mediates access to
embedded data - support for Telnet, HTTP, XML, set/get from
remote Java - PicoWebTM server
- various IO ports
- support for CGI, HTML, JPEG
25Platform independent
- Code
- Graphical user interface
Remote user
embedded Java, GUI classes, browsers
26Trend claiming the worlds smallest web server
- Internet Tuner(R) by iReady
- 1.5 x 1.375
- Seiko S7600 chip does TCP, IP, UDP, 50K
- PIC processor at 7.3 Mhz
- Web server in 200 bytes
- HTML page in 400 bytes
27Trend many new companies
- Automata International Marketing,
- National Instruments,
- Lightner Engineering,
- Concur System Technologies,
- PC Soft International,
- Enikia, Intrinsyc, Object Technology, Inc., US
Software Corp., Insignia Solutions, IP Solutions
Corp., Norscan, iReady Corp., Microware Systems
Corp., Certicon Corp., emWare Inc., Oracle Corp,
Sybase, Circuit Cellar.
28Trend following the developments of Sun,
Microsoft and Netscape
- high interest in lightweight Java versions
- interest in Jini and DCOM
- interest in SSL
- final observation the embedded systems will not
be stand-alone, but need server support because
of resource constraints and for software download
- Developments are already going fast but...
- When short-range wire-less connections become
widely available, it will go really fast - Wire will remain in use for wide-band,
long-distance information transport - Use standards, especially in software
- IP should go into the embedded system
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