Title: Training techniques for Troubleshooting a process
1Training techniques forTroubleshooting a process
- Richard Clark
- EdTech 572, Summer 2000
2It didnt come out right
- Creating a desired result undervariable
conditions problem solving
- Describe a framework for instruction on
troubleshooting processes
4The problem solving cycle
5The troubleshooting cycle
- Constraints on problem space
- finite set of principles
- known goal state
- typical failure modes
- Simplified model
- 1. recognize variance from normal
- 2. identify specific principle
- 3. match symptom to solution
6A troubleshooting lesson
Main lesson Motivation - Introduce problem - Poll
students for questions Preview lesson Body - Show
big picture - Train on each principle - Train
on problem/solution pairs (if not in
principles) Practice - Hands-on problem
solving Summarize
Principle sub-lesson Arouse interest - show a
problem tied to this Body - Tie to past
knowledge - Present new information Practice Closu
re - Tie back to student concerns
7Issues to consider
- Teach principles first or in context?
- How to keep the students on track?
- How do you develop a recognition of whats right?
- Troubleshooting solving problems in a finite
domain - Can build on a general problem solving model
- Focus on domain-specific principles their
application - Pay attention to student motivation