Title: Patristics 601 Dr. Paul Gavrilyuk
1Patristics 601Dr. Paul Gavrilyuk
- Is history a science?
- What (sort of an animal) is a historian?
- Methodological issues in historical theology.
- Patrology chronological boundaries.
- Why study the early Church Fathers?
- Two theological temptations to avoid.
- Various theories of doctrinal development.
- Bonus Gavrilyuks own theory.
- The syllabus and other necessary evils...
2(No Transcript)
3Is History a science or...?
Positivists v. idealists
4If historian is not a scientist,who is she?
Perhaps an eyewitness...
(Disney Monsters. Reproduced without permission.)
5Someone who interviews several eyewitnesses...
6A detective?
7Perhaps, a cryptologist...
Carved on the wall of a private house in
Pompei... (before 79 A. D.)
8What in the world does this mean?
9The Magic Square
Arepo the sower holds the wheels at work.
10It could mean...
11Tales from the Crypt of Lucina
12Or someone who restores ancient artwork?
13Methodological issues
- Is historical theology an objective discipline?
- All history is written from the standpoint of
the present. John Dewey (1859-1952). - Is historical theology a confessional discipline?
- The role of belief/ unbelief.
- The role of a particular confessional stance.
- Perspectival relativism.
- Is historical/ theological objectivity attainable?
14Non-theological methods
- Psychology of religion
- Sociology of religion
- Classical and post-classical studies
15Chronological boundaries of Patrology
- According to Johannes Quasten
- In the West, all authors up to Gregory the Great
(d. 604) or Isidore of Seville (d. 636) somewhat
artificial. - In the East, all authors up to John of Damascus
(d. 749)very artificial.
16Why study Patristics?
17Two temptations
- Apologists temptation history as means of
justifying the present beliefs. - Reformers temptation history as means of
changing the present beliefs.
Duccio, The Temptation of Christ (1308-11).
18Some preliminary conclusions
- Historical findings make a difference for
theology. - Historical theology is informative, but not
necessarily normative.
19Theories of the Development of Dogma
- The dogma is immutable. All developments are
deviations. - Theories of the Fall.
- Martin Luther Doctrinal Fall.
- Philip Spener Moral Fall.
- Adolf von Harnack Philosophical Fall.
- Pre-modern/ modern worldviews. Rudolf Bultmann/
Maurice Wiles. - Gavrilyuks theory of dialectical development.
20The Christ of the Seven Ecumenical Councilsor
Gavrilyuks theory of dialectical christology
- Caution all grand theories fail to fully
describe the complexities of underlying
historical reality...