Title: Studies on 13C Deposition in ASDEX Upgrade
1Studies on 13C Deposition in ASDEX Upgrade
E. Vainonen-Ahlgren1, J. Likonen1, T. Renvall1,
V. Rohde2, R. Neu2, M. Mayer2, R. Pugno2, K.
Krieger2 and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
- 1Technical Research Centre of Finland
- 2Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Germany
2Why did we do this?
- Carbon is considered as divertor target material
for ITER (good neutrons and heat load resistance,
low plasma energy loss due to impurities,
thermodynamically efficient) - Formation of aC-H layers takes place in tokamaks
(mechanism is partly unclear) - In/out assymetry of carbon deposition at the
divertor - gt
experimental investigation of material transport
in SOL and divertor deposition was performed
3How did we do this in practice?
- full poloidal set of marker tiles (3-7 µm of C
on top of 100 nm Re) - AUG IIb divertor, 13CH4 puffed from
- outer mid-plane, 13 bottom single null H-mode
(ELM type I) shots, integrated puff time 37s,
total amount of 13C injected 9x1021 atoms - main plasma Ip1.0 MA, Bt-2.0T,
ne8.5x1019m-3, Paux6.5MW - RBS 1.6 2.5 MeV H beam, SIMS 5 keV O2 beam
4Some points to be kept in mind
- regardless of the only one puffing location,
toroidal distribution of 13C can be considered
symmetrical (earlier experiments by R. Neu and A.
Kallenbach) - results of the present study represent the
effect of the main chamber only
5What experimental results did we obtain? (1 of 4)
- total amount of 13C measured was 1x1021 at. (vs.
9x1021 at. puffed, i.e. 11) - reason deposition of 13C on central column,
protection limiter, top area (upper limiter and
divertor) and underneath the roof baffle
6What experimental results did we obtain? (2 of 4)
- SIMS depth profiles of 13C normalised to 12C
signal and natural 13C background subtracted.
Presented profiles are for tiles 1B and 9A - 13C at the surface region and decrease within
the bulk
7What experimental results did we obtain? (3 of 4)
- strike points were at the centre in the inner
divertor tile 4 and the outer divertor tile 1B - 13C peaks below the strike point are shifted
toward the roof baffle - a peak at s1.15 m (top of 1B) might be
attributed with shadowing by 1A
8What experimental results did we obtain? (4 of 4)
- High peak of 13C on 6A (top inner div.)
- no similar effect at the outer div.
- reason edge SOL particles 13C travels along
the fieldlines - small bump of 13C on 9A due to redeposition of
eroded material from 1B
9What have we learned? (i.e. conclusions)
- Transport by the SOL plasma (and the influence of
the main chamber only) might be the reason for - quite high deposition at the top of the inner
divertor - smaller total 13C deposition at the inner
divertor compared with the one at the outer
divertor by a factor of 1.5
10Long term data
- different sputtering rates
- plasma deposited film 2.50 nm/s
- original Diarc film 0.99 nm/s
SIMS spectrum at s1.51 m (tile 3)
11Long Term Data
- areas with both original and deposited films
present - erosion observed on tiles 4 (concave area), 9B
and 1A
- general trend is similar
- difference at tiles 4 (concave area), 9A and 1A
13We are grateful to
- Association Euratom-Tekes
- DIARC-Technology Inc.