Title: Peter J Baugh
1Analytical Mass Spectrometry
- Peter J Baugh
- Quay Pharma Training Progamme
- Day 4, September 28, 2004
2Analytical Mass Spectrometry
- Mass spectrometry is an extremely powerful
analytical instrumental tool in its own right but
also, and importantly, when coupled to a range of
introductory and/or chromatographic systems, such
as GC (SFC) and LC. It is used by chemists,
biochemists, biologists and physicists in many
fields analytical/environmental, molecular
biological, toxicological, clinical, medical and
physical - MS has been at the forefront of the recent high
powered research to elucidate/characterise the
Human Genome and without its capability in
analysis no advances would have been made in this
field. - This training session is designed to introduce MS
as a stand alone analytical tool and when
interfaced to chromatographic systems. The
following areas will be covered - Theory of MS ion production, processes and
mechanisms - Instrumental configurations ionisers,
analysers, detectors, data systems, scan modes
and functions - Introductory and interfaced systems
- Applications in selected areas
3Introduction to MS
- Background Aston in 1920s designed a mass
spectrograph using a magnet to mass analyse and
photographic plate to detect positive ions
produced by ionisation of gases and vapours.
Using this mass spectrograph he identified in
excess of 200 isotopes of a wide range of
chemical elements and received the Nobel prize
for this work. Today we use his foundation work
as a basis for the field of mass spectrometry (a
term now used more frequently rather than the
older term of mass spectroscopy the latter
inferring that a spectroscopic detector is
utilised). - Nowadays, the analysers are more wide ranging in
type and in combination as follows - Magnetic (B) and electrostatic (E) analysers in
combination, EB or reverse geometry BE - Quadrupole (Q) and ion trap (IT) electric
fields only - Time of flight (TOF)
- Ion cyclotron resonance (Fourier transform MS)
- In addition both hybrid and tandem analyser
systems have been designed to conduct analysis
using more complex scan modes, EBqQ, QTOF,
4- Theory of Mass Spectrometry
- Much work has been carried out on the theory of
ion production and ion processes. Until the
1970s only positive ion mass analysis could be
conducted because the ionisation modes , such as,
EI, FD (FI) produced only positive ions in
sufficient abundance from solids bombarded by
electrons emitted from a hot filament, or by
desorption - electric field application. Sample
introduction was via a solids probe. Strictly
speaking electrons generated could be captured by
molecules in the ionisation source but with
almost zero efficiency because of the large mean
free path high vacuum, very low pressure
atmosphere. In fact, the efficiency of
ionisation to generate positive ions is only a
few . - A positive ion, M., are generated from a
molecule of a chemical solid, M, in Electron
Impact ionisation with highest efficiency by
employing electrons with Ee 70 eV as follows - M e- ? M. 2e-
- If the radical cation formed is unstable which is
often the case because it has too much kinetic
energy imparted to it during the ionisation
process it can break up in a number ways to
produce secondary ions and neutral radicals or
ions and molecular products. - M. ? A B. or A. B or C H2
- The secondary ions, A , B, or C, are
accelerated from the ion source using an applied
voltage Vacc (high or low depending on the mode
of MS) , mass analysed and detected. Some ions
can also break down in flight metastables, and
such ions can be analysed also by linked scanning
(EB or BE instruments only).
5- Theory of Mass Spectrometry
- Stabilisation and fragmentation of positive ions
produced by EI - Mechanisms of positive ion breakdown are numerous
and vary depending on the stability of the ion
and the nature of the molecule. The molecular
ion produced by EI is commonly unstable and the
breakdown or fragmentation leads to more stable
ions which vary in abundance and the distinctive
pattern characteristic of the molecule is termed
the mass spectrum (relative abundance versus m/z
ratio). The most stable ion is termed the base
ion or the base peak in the mass spectrum (100
relative abundance). The structure of a molecule
can often be deduced from the mass spectral
fragmentation pattern and molecules with similar
structures show similar mass spectra, however,
knowledge of the mass (m/z) of the molecular ion
is required for confirmation. An homologous
series of compounds exhibit similar mass spectra
and the same base ion (100). - For example
- N-alkanes. m/z, 57, C4H9 , the butyl ion
N-alkenes, m/z , 55, C4H7, butylene ion - fatty acid methyl esters, m/z, 74, a
stabilised ion via a McClafferty rearrangement, - CH3O C CH2
- OH
- Aromatic compounds exhibit molecular ions or
stabilised fragment ions with the aromatic
structure intact - Other ionisation modes
- FD generates, preferentially molecular ions or
stabilised ions by elimination of water. - Pseudo molecular positive and negative ions and
adduct ions are form by other ionisation
processes CI, FAB, TSP and ESI, APCI, MALDI
(Laser desorption/ionisation), PD (plasma
desorption 252Californium)
6- Mass Spectrometric instrumentation
- Essentially, a mass spectrometer comprises an ion
source, mass analyser(s) and a detector in a
high vacuum system, almost always nowadays
electronically-interfaced to a data system (DS). - Ion source (see schematic diagram 1)
- Sample introduction for EI in its simplest form
is via a solids probe heated to several hundred
0C. This type of introduction is limited to
organic solids of up to about 600 u RMM.
Oligomers, Peptides and proteins of high RMM
undergo excessive fragmentation to yield low RMM
fragment ions. Excessive decomposition occurs in
organic solids that decompose on heating, i.e.,
have no m.pt. The ions are generated in the ion
source by bombardment with electrons emitted from
a heated filament e.g., rhenium wire, to which a
voltage is applied - 150 V. The electron energy,
Ee, can be varied (10 120 eV) and the molecular
ion stability is inversely proportional to Ee .
In an EI source the electrons are collected (go
to earth). A high accelerating voltage is
employed for EI in EB or BE MS and a low voltage
is used for quadrupole MS. In the CI source the
electrons are not collected. - Mass analysers
- Magnetic sector/electric sector analysers MS is
fundamentally based on magnetic sector analysers,
such instruments are single focussing (SF) with
respect to mass through use of a magnet only.
Double focusing (DF) sector instruments either
focus ions first through the electric sector
(ESA), energy focusing and then the magnet (B),
mass or momentum focussing, or vice versa in
reversed geometry, i.e., EB or BE. The DF
systems are capable of high mass resolution
(0.001 u or 1 ppm), scanning metastables and
linked scan functions (based on E, B and possibly
Vacc together).
7Diagram 1. EI Ion Source
8- Mass analysers continued
- Although the equation describing the relationship
between m/z (m/e), B2, Vacc , r, the field radius
is based on the SF magnetic sector instrument
that for the DF sector MS is more appropriate
which describes the relationship between m/z, B2,
the electric sector voltage, E, the distance
between the ESA plates, d, the field radius, r ,
and the radius of curvature of the ESA, R. - m/z B2 r2 d/ ER .
- It can be seen that m/z is independent of Vacc .
Scanning is conducted with respect to E, B (or V)
or linked E/B or B2/E , etc. The accelerating
voltage is 2 8 kV. The magnetic field flux is
normally scanned, exponentially downwards, where
m mo. exp(-2bt) with scan rates being described
in terms of seconds per decade of mass. Until
the 1980s the magnet scanning was hampered by
long reset times imposed by hysteresis of the
magnet the magnetic cycle involves scan-up,
scan down and reset phases. Thus the scanning of
a quadrupole was much faster at that stage in
time. The introduction of low hysteresis magnets
(laminated) with rapid reset times allowed
improved scan speeds (lt 0.1 sec per decade)
compatible with quadrupole systems. - See schematic diagram -2 and 3 of DF magnetic
sector instrument
9Diagram 2B ESA of a Double Focusing MS
Diagram 2C Normal Geometry DF MS energy and
momentum focusing to increase mass resolution
10Diagram 3 Normal Geometry DF MS showing ion
11- Mass analysers continued
- Quadrupole mass analyser The basic quadrupole
mass analyser is an electric sector device
depending only on generation of electric fields.
The analyser comprises circular (hyperbolic) four
rods making up the quadrupole in which
diametrically opposed rods (x and y directions)
are electrically coupled to a combination of dc
and rf amplitude voltages, U and V (see schematic
diagram - 4). - To operate the analyser to enable mass analysis a
combination of U and V must be applied to the x
and y rods such that the ratio of U/V is
constant. Varying the voltages over a set range
allows ions of a selected m/z to undergo stable
z-direction oscillations in the electric field
generated at the appropriate U/V (the quadrupole
is termed a mass filter for this reason). The
Mathieu equations describing the trajectory in
the combined field in x and y directions are not
discussed here. However, it is useful to note
that the application of U and V voltages is
governed as follows - x-axis rods U Vcos(wt) y-axis rods -U
Vcos(wt) - The coswt relationship implies that the rf
amplitude voltage,V, is 180o out of phase with
the dc voltage.The stability diagram (triangle)
describing the region in which ions of a selected
m/z is stable is obtained from solutions of the
Mathieu equations (terms a and q) and provides
information about the conditions under which mass
analysis can be conducted. Essentially, only
ions of a selected m/z can be analysed at a
particular U/V and mass selection is maximised
when ions of different m/z attain the same
velocity (imposed by varying the accelerating
voltage up to 20 V applied to the ions exiting
from the ion source, coincidently with U/V) (see
schematic diagrams 5 and 6). - Transmission of ions is lost towards the apex of
the triangle where the resolution (mass
selection) is greatest and a quadrupole mass
analyser is essentially capable only of low mass
resolution (unit mass accuracy) where as a DF
magnetic/electrostatic sector analyser system is
capable of low and high mass resolution.)
12Diagram 4 Quadrupole MS showing a. X () and Y
(-) rods coupled to dc and rf voltages forming
the mass analyser and b. ion trajectory
13- Additional Notes
- Parameters, a and q, for the Stability Diagram
- Quadrupole and Ion Trap Analysers
- The primary concern in the utilisation of a
quadrupole device are the criteria that govern
the stability of an ion trajectory within the
field, i.e., the experimental conditions that
determine whether the ion remains within the
device or is lost to the environment. The
trajectory of a charged particle under the
influence of a two dimensional field is described
as an oscillating system in which the restoring
force is periodic in time. The system can be
described by two parameters, a and q,
formularised in terms of dc (U), rf (Vamp), ion
mass (m), radiofrequency (?), charge (e) and the
distance between the rods (ro) - a 8neU/m (ro ?)2 and q 4neV/m (ro ?)2
- Being periodic in time, a and q could have a
range of values but only discrete values allow
the amplitude of the ion oscillation to remain
bounded. Hence, it is customary to construct a
stability diagram that reveals the range of a/q
values for which the amplitude remains finite
(stable) and other values for which oscillations
become infinite (unstable). - The a/q diagram show regions of stability that
may be satisfied by many combinations of U, V and
m with the assumption that ro and ? are constant.
The mass scan lines consist of ion values having
a constant a/q ratio. Transmission of an ion
occurs when U and V are such that the ion has
particular values of a and q lying within the
stable region. A diagram in (U,V) space,
however, is specific to particular mass to charge
ratio, and each ion will possess a different U,V
diagram. Thus, the mass scan will successively
pass through the apices of a family of diagrams
(see stability diagrams 5 and 6).
14Diagram 5 Stability Curve for ions, m1 , m2
and m3 only m2 within the region of stability,
is transmitted and detected.
Diagram 6 Stability curves for ions m1 , m2
and m3
15- Mass analysers continued
- Quadrupole analysers are said to discriminate
across the mass range as m/z increases, i.e., the
transmission is reduced whereas magnetic
analysers do not exhibit this effect. - The triple quadrupole is capable of MS-MS, see
later. - Mass scanning is conducted linearly upwards with
respect to the voltage applied. - Ion trap analyser The IT analyser can be
described as a 3D quadrupole with three
hyperbolic electrodes comprising a ring and two
end caps that form the core of the instrument.
Similarly to the quadrupole only an electric
field is generated in the ion trap and ions
generated are held in the ion trap when the dc
and rf amplitude voltage are applied to the ring
electrode. Ion ejection is initiated by selective
ramping of the fundamental rf amplitude voltage
that sequentially makes ion trajectories unstable
allowing mass analysis and a mass spectrum to be
generated by sequential ejection of fragment ions
from low to high m/z.. Ions are ejected through
holes in the endcap electrode and detected by an
electron multiplier. (see schematic diagram - 7) - There are two scan modes of operation
- mass selective stability whereby dc and rf
voltage applied to the ring electrodes are ramped
at a constant rf/dc ratio to allow stability and
storage of ions of a single m/z for mass analysis - mass selective instability whereby all ions
created over a given time period are trapped and
then sequentially ejected from the IT to the
detector (EM). Thus ions of differing m/z are
stored while mass analysis is performed. Unlike
the mode above this mode coupled with the
presence of helium gas (1 mtorr) in the trapping
volume greatly improves mass resolution by
contracting the ion trajectories to the centre of
the trap and reducing the kinetic energy of the
ions allowing ions of a given m/z to form a
packet. These advances allowed the successful
development of the commercial ITMS.
16- Ion Trapping Ions created by EI, ESI or MALDI
are focused using an electrostatic lensing system
into the ion trap. An electrostatic ion gate
pulses open (-V) and closed (V) to inject ions
into the ion trap. The pulsing of the gate
differentiates ion traps from beam instruments
where ions continually enter the mass analyser.
The time during which the ions are allowed into
the trap, termed the ionisation period, is set to
maximise the signal while minimising the
space-charge effects. Space-charge results from
too many ions in the trap that cause a distortion
of the electrical fields leading to an overall
reduction in performance. The ion trap is filled
typically with helium (1 mtorr). Collisions with
helium molecules dampens the kinetic energy of
the ions and serve to quickly contract ion
trajectories toward the centre of the trap,
enabling trapping of injected ions. Trapped ions
are further focused toward the centre of the trap
the use of an oscillating potential, referred to
as the fundamental (rf), applied to the ring
electrode. An ion will be stably trapped
depending on the values of m/z of the ion, the
size of the ion trap (r), the oscillating
frequency (?), and Vamp . The dependence of ion
motion on these parameters is described by the
dimensionless parameter qz, - qz 4eV/mr2w2
- (see schematic diagram 7 diagram - 8 ).
17 Ring Electrode rf ? Vamp
End Cap Electrode tickle (ac) voltage
Diagram 7 Ion trap schematic
Diagram 8 Stability Diagram (SD) for ions in an
ion trap showing the region of overlap of axial
and radial stability. Depending on the Vamp an
ion of given m/z will have a qz value that falls
within the boundaries of the SD and the ion will
be trapped, If the qz at Vamp falls outside the
boundaries SD, the ion will hit the electrodes
and be lost.
18- Ion trap Glossary
- ac voltage- a voltage placed on the endcap
electrodes used to induce resonance excitation
and resonance ejection. - bath gas, damping gas, target gas He- in the
trapping volume at 1 mtorr serves to cool the
kinetic energies and focus ion trajectories into
a tight packet in the centre of the trap. - fundamental rf- typically 1.1 MHz potential
applied to the ring electrode, the amplitude of
which determines the range of m/z values that can
be trapped and is ramped to eject ions. - high resolution- the mass scan of the instrument
is reduced resulting in an increase in the
density of data points per unit m/z thus
increasing mass resolution. - qz- dimensionless parameter that determines
stability of ion trajectories depending upon
their m/z ratio, the size of the trap, and the
amplitude and frequency of the rf. - Resonance- an ac voltage is applied to the endcap
and the qz value of an ion of interest is changed
until the secular frequency of the ion matches
the frequency of the applied voltage. When
resonance occurs, the amplitudes of the ion
trajectories increase linearly with time. A high
amplitude ac voltage will cause resonance
ejection, while a low ac voltage will cause
resonance excitation. - secular frequency- the frequency dependent upon
the qz value, with which an ion oscillates in the
trap. - space-charge effects- too many ions in the trap
distort the electric fields, leading to
significantly impaired performance. - tickle voltage- an ac voltage applied to the
endcaps during the excitiation period. The
amplitude is generally small so as to enable
fragmentation of the ions by collision with the
helium damping gas rather than ejection.
19- Ion excitation and ejection Ions oscillate with
a frequency, known as the secular frequency, that
is determined by the values of az and qz and rf,
?. Resonance conditions are induced by matching
the frequency of a supplementary potential by the
application of a low amplitude ac resonance
signal across the end cap electrodes causing the
ion kinetic energies to increase and leads to ion
dissociation due to many collisions with the
helium damping gas. This process causes random
fragmentation of the ion analogous to that
obtained in TSQ MS. A mass spectrum is generated
by sequentially ejecting fragment ions from low
to high m/z by choosing amplitudes of the
fundamental rf potential that sequentially make
ion trajectories unstable. Ions are ejected
through holes in the encap electrodes and
detected using an electron multiplier.
20- The mass scanning is conducted in a manner
similar to that for a quadrupole (linearly for
m/z with respect to voltage). - The generation of the electric field is governed
by complex Mathieu equations that do not need to
be discussed here. - The nominal mass range has been extended from m/z
650 to 70,000 greater than a quadrupole MS but
less than a TOF-MS. Worth noting is that
multi-stage MS-MS (or MSn where n 1 12) can
be carried out in an ion trap directly by
introduction of a collision gas (argon) causing
collisionally-induced decomposition (CID) of the
initial ions trapped. This feature is beyond the
capability of of TSQ or TOF-MS and greatly
increases the the structural information
obtainable for a given molecule. - The ITMS is extremely sensitive being able to
detect as few as 1.5 million peptide molecules
and this feature together with others has created
an interest in applications of ITMS to biological
molecules. Easy access to different modes of
scanning for different experiments is provided
without the need for extensive manual set-up and
tuning and in-depth understanding of theory thus
extending the power to biologist and biochemists.
21- Mass analysers continued
- Time of flight mass analyser The TOF analyser
discriminates between ions of differing m/z by
the time taken to traverse a flight tube, drift
to the detector A pulse of ions is accelerated
out of the source by application of a reasonably
high voltage. Ions of all m/z have the same
energy . Thus the velocity v decreases with
increasing m/z and the time taken to reach the
detector increases with m/z. The separation of
ions of differing m/z depends on the time of
traverse. A time signal is initiated when ions
are pulsed and also when ions arrive at the
detector so that the time of flight for each m/z
can be measured. - See schematic diagram - 9
- The velocity, v, of an ion is determined by the
accelerating voltage. The kinetic energy is given
by - m2v/2 zV
- where m mass z charge on ion (electronic
charge) and V accelerating voltage - The time of flight of an ion, t, is given by t
l/v where l is the length of the flight. The mass
of ion can be calculated if the time of flight,
the length of flight, the charge on the electron
and the accelerating voltage are known, as
follows - m/z 2V2t2 / l2
- The mass range of a TOF analyser is almost
infinite and so for this reason with MALD it has
found application recently in the analysis of
high mass polymers for biomolecular (protein) and
synthetic polymer research and applications. The
resolution of a TOF-MS depends on the time spread
of the ion beam and was limited to ca. 2000 u.
Recent advances employ reflectron lenses
(electrostatic repeller field ion mirror) and
the resulting delayed extraction allows improved
resolution by minimising small differences in ion
energies and resolutions of up to 12000 u - . Higher energy ions penetrate deeper into the
ion mirror than lower energy ions of the same m/z
and will be turned around and arrive at the
detector at the same time.
22Diagram 9 Reflectron TOF MS
Reflectron TOF
23- Ionisation methods
- Ionisation of a compound to produce positive ions
has been exemplified so far by the
well-established conventional EI (FD) in an ion
source under high vacuum conditions. Other
ionisation methods are available leading to the
stabilisation of pseudo molecular ions, negative
ions and adduct ions. Many methods employ
energetic electrons to initiate the ionisation
primary ionisation. However, if a reagent
(reactant) gas is introduced a reaction of the
primary ion occurs and chemical ionisation
results as a secondary process leading to the
production of a secondary ion from molecules of
the sample to be analysed. Ionisation can be
produced electrically (ESI) Atoms and ions can
also be used to ionise molecules under soft
ionisation conditions (FAB). Lasers can be used
to desorb and ionise molecules (MALDI) - Chemical ionisation positive ion CI Chemical
ionisation occurs when a reagent gas such CH4,
NH3 or isopropane is introduced into the ion
source at low pressure (lt 1 torr) ionisation
occurs in the reagent gas to produce positive
ions characteristic of the reagent gas - CH4 e- ? CH4 2e- CH4 CH4 ? CH3.
CH5 M CH5 ? MH CH4 - The positive ion produced because of its high
acidity will protonate a neutral molecule of the
sample introduced to generate a pseudo-molecular
ion (M H) characteristic of the compound
analysed. If this ion is produced in an
energetic state, excess internal energy imparted
during protonation, as is the case with methane,
it will decompose leading to lower m/z fragment
ions. However, if a softer chemical ionisation
is employed as with NH3 or isopropane , the
pseudo molecular ion will be more stable. NH3
leads to the formation of adduct ions at m/z, (M
18) and (M 35) but only with molecules
containing heteroatoms with lone pairs, such as O
and N.
24- Ionisation methods continued
- Chemical ionisation Negative ion CI NICI can
be achieved in several ways. When a reagent gas
is introduced the electrons emitted from the
filament ionise this gas producing more electrons
which have lower energies brought about through
inelastic collisions with neutral molecules.
Thermal electrons are subsequently produced when
the electron energy is reduced to that of the
surroundings and these electrons undergo
resonance capture reaction with molecules of a
compound to be analysed having a finite electron
affinity. The process of electron capture is
simply as follows - M e-t ? M.- ? A- B.
- The radical anion produced is sometimes unstable
and undergoes dissociative electron capture
resulting in the formation of stabilised A-
characteristic of the molecule. Little
fragmentation often occurs in NICI. - NICI can also be conducted by using a reactant
gas, X, from which reactant gas ions, X-, are
generated on interaction with electrons produced
by ionisation of the reactant gas. The reactant
gas ion undergoes charge transfer with a molecule
of a compound introduced frequently by proton
transfer X- M ? XH (M H)- . - Fast atom bombardment and secondary ion MS The
molecular ion generated through electron
bombardment is very frequently unstable because
the molecule is sensitive to breakdown. A much
softer ionisation must be employed to produce
stable molecular ions in this instance. FAB
employs fast atoms or ions to sputter ions from
molecules of the analyte in a liquid matrix, e.g.
glycerol in which the solid compound is
dispersed. The process is essentially one of
desorption ionisation. Fast atoms are prepared by
accelerating xenon (or argon) ions to an energy
in the range of 6 9 KeV and then neutralising
these ions by charge exchange (electron transfer)
as they pass almost stationary xenon atoms at low
pressures, the excess kinetic energy is
transferred to the xenon atoms formed.
25 ? Xe Xe ? Xe Xe
- When the fast atoms impart energy into the
solution of the sample in the matrix molecules of
the compound are desorbed, often as ions, by
momentum transfer. FAB has the capability to
analyse large polar molecules and it is
beneficial to couple a FAB source to magnetic
sector instrument having a mass range of up to
10, 000 12, 000 daltons at full accelerating
voltage. An alternative matrix is
thioglycerol/diglyerol (1/1). It is important
that the sample dissolves in the matrix and is
marginally more hydrophobic than the matrix thus
occupying the matrix/vacuum interface. Cs ions
are also employed in FAB analysis (see schematic
diagram - 10). - Positive and negative ion FAB mass
spectra can be recorded, MH and (M-H)- the
molecular ion species are usually the most
abundant ions and since large molecules can be
analysed RMM determination is extremely easy by
these techniques. - Plasma desorption The principle of plasma
desorption employing 252Cf PD source is
illustrated in the diagram (see schematic diagram
- 11). The sample is deposited on a thin metal
foil, usually nickel. Spontaneous fission of
252Cf occurs and each fission event results in
the formation of two fragments travelling
diametrically at 180o (momentum conservation). A
typical pair of fragments is 142Ba18 and
106Tc22 with kinetic energies of roughly 79 and
104 Mev, respectively. When a high-energy
fission fragment passes through the sample foil,
extremely localised heating occurs, producing a
temperature in the region of 10,000 K. The
molecules in this plasma zone are desorbed with
the production of both positive and negative
ions. The ions formed may be accelerated out
into the analyser system. - 252Cf PD is more able to produce
molecular ion signals than FAB or SIMS in the RMM
range 10,000 20,000 daltons, where the
precision of mass determination may be /- 10
20 mass units.
265. MALDI-MS Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption
Ionisation TOF.MS is an alternative to PD-MS, see
Diagram 12. For this technique a matrix is
required in which the target compound is
dissolved usually a viscous organic liquid
glycerol, cinnamic acid, nitrophenol derivative
Since lasers only generate coherent light at
specific wavelengths not all compounds undergo
MALDI. The firing of the laser is synchronised
with the TOF to enable accurate flight times and
m/z to be recorded.
27Diagram 10 FAB mechanism
28Diagram 11 Plasma Desorption MS
29Diagram 12 MALDI MS
30- Ionisation methods and interfaces for
chromatography - Ionisation devices have been specially designed
for applications with chromatography in addition
to the universally used EI and CI mode (stand
alone MS). The development has been rapid and GC
was first coupled to mass spectrometry via a jet
separator for packed column analysis and by
direct insert for capillary column mode.
Whereas, for LC applications the advances were
more recent and have been slower, progressing
through more design stages Moving belt,
Particle Beam, (FAB also stand alone),
Thermospray, PD, Atmospheric Pressure Chemical
Ionisation and API/Electrospray (originally
developed in 1930s). Because the mobile phase is
a liquid and a flow rate of 1 ml/min entering the
MS on vaporisation, would create a volume of
vapour which the mass spectrometer pumping system
could not cope with. Therefore, there is a need
in the design of the interface to reduce the
volume of vapour entering. - The directly coupled interface for GC requires an
interface oven heated to 300oC between the GC and
MS through which the capillary column passes
before entry into the ion source. The column exit
will be at low pressure because of the vacuum
effect of MS manifold reducing the column
performance and shortening retention times. To
overcome this effect the column can be connected
via a split coupling to allow ambient pressure at
the column exit by introducing helium gas via an
auxiliary line (and cutting of the
analytes/solvent eluting from the column if
required). This device enables matching of
retention data from GC/MS analysis to that
obtained from conventional GC. - Interfaces for LC The interfaces developed
specifically for LC include MBI, PBI, TSP, APCI
and ESI. The discussion will focus mainly on APCI
and API/ESI. The interface can be divided into
two types, ionisation interfaces, TSP and ESI and
pre-ionisation interfaces, APCI (MBI and PBI)
whereby ionisation occurs in the ion source
31- Electrospray ionisation ESI is a technique used
to produce gaseous ionised species from a liquid
solution generated by creating a fine spray of
charged molecules in the presence of a strong
electric field. The charged molecules are
sprayed from the tip of metal nozzle held at
approximately 3 4 kV and then electrostatically
directed towards the mass spectrometer inlet.
Either gas, heat or a combination of both are
applied to the droplets to induce vaporisation
prior to entering the MS. As the solvent
evaporates, the electric field density increases,
hence the mutual Coulombic repulsion between
individual species becomes so great that it
exceeds the surface tension and at the Rayleigh
limit the droplet explodes forming a series of
smaller, lower charged droplets. Ions leave the
droplet through what is known as a Taylor Cone.
The process of shrinking is repeated until
individually charged analyte ions are formed.
Increasing the solvent evaporation, by
introducing a drying gas flow counter current to
the sprayed ions increases multiple charging. - A Schematic diagram - 13 of an ESI Source and
- B diagram 14 demonstrating formation of a
Taylor cone and ion ejection - Atmospheric Pressure Ionisation can be carried
out in two ways - AP MS employing ESI which is termed, ionisation
in the interface. To aid solvent evaporation and
reduction in droplet size a dryng gas N2 is
introduced prior to discharge also later as a
curtain gas to reduce clustering of ions which is
a feature of ESI. - AP MS using chemical ionisation whereby a fine
spray from a nebuliser is directed into the ion
source to which an ionisation device is fitted,
such as discharge needle (Corona) at 7 8 kV or
plasma generated by 252Cf. Here also N2 is
introduced to aid evaporation. - The AP assists in reducing the flow rate of
liquid eluting from the HPLC column from 0.5
ml/min to 10 100 ?l/min so that the vacuum
system of the MS can handle the inflow of the
vapour generated from the liquid (NB. 1 ml of
liquid, usually water, produces over 1000 ml
32Diagram 13 Electrospray ion source
33Diagram 14 ESI and formation of Taylor Cone
(coulombic explosion)
34- Tandem (Hybrid) Mass Spectrometry for Multiple
Modes of Scanning (MS-MS) - T(H)MS is an instrumental technique in which
multiple MS-MS modes of scanning can be
conducted, is divided into three categories
comprising, for the first two, combinations of
analysers - one type of mass spectrometer only EB-EB, BE-EB
or Q-q-Q both pure tandem MS-MS (the lower case q
denotes a transmission only quadrupole) - two or more types of analyser in a hybrid
configuration EBqQ Q-TOF EB-Q-TOF - OR a single MS system
- Ion trap MS in which MSn can be conducted where n
1 - 12. - The tandem MS-MS involving E an B sector
analysers has been largely superseded by 1. TMS
involving Q analysers, 2. hybrid MS and 3. ion
trap MS. - The advantages of TMHS are several higher
specificity for characterising a target compound
in a complex mixture and higher sensitivity,
particularly at higher mass resolution for the
compound of interest (reduced ion background
interference, higher S/N ratio). - The TMS configuration, QqQ, for example, allows
primary or reactant ions to be selected in the
first Q, to undergo collision-induced
deactivation (CID) in second Q (collision gas
argon transmission only) and the product ions
resulting to be analysed by dynamic mass scanning
of the third Q (see type (i) below). For a full
demo of the operation for MS-MS see Applied
BioSystems HPLC TSQ MSppt notes. - The scanning can be of three types
- Static mass scanning of the first Q and dynamic
mass or selected mass scanning of the third Q
(reactant ions fragmenting to the product
ions - Dynamic mass scanning of the first Q and static
mass scanning of the third Q (product ions
having the same reactant ion) - Static mass scanning of the first Q and static
offset mass scanning of the third Q to monitor
constant neutral loss (mass difference between
reactant ion 1 and product ion 2).
35- Detectors
- There are several types of detector suitable for
use with MS - Electron and Photomultipliers The EM relies on
a conversion electrode (dynode) at high voltage
( 1 to 3 kV range), at which a positive ion is
transformed into an electron, an electron gain
multiplication factor, 106, pre-amplification of
the electron current, conversion of the electron
current into an analogue voltage prior to
digitisation via a fast ADC interfaced to the
Data System. The modern EM is of a continuous
(trumpet) dynode type. channeltron c oate on
the inside with an electron emissive material). - see Schematic Diagram - 15
- The detection in the PM is brought about by
transformation of a positive ion at a conversion
dynode into an electron that subsequently
impinges on a phosphor screen producing a light
photon (h?), followed by multiplication,
pre-amplification and current-voltage conversion
as indicated above. - The detection and conversion of a negative ion
is complicated by the fact that the first dynode
of the EM cannot be used to directly detect the
negative ion. A further conversion dynode (at
high positive kV) is added to transform the
negative ion into a positive ion which in turn is
converted by a dynode at -kV into an electron
prior to multiplication, pre-amplification and
current to voltage conversion. - see Schematic Diagram - 16
- Microchannel plate This detector consists of an
array of glass capillaries (10 25 ?m i.d.) that
area coated on the inside with an electron
emissive material. The capillaries are biased at
a high voltage, and like the channeltron, an ion
that strikes the inner wall of one of the
capillaries creates a cascade of secondary
electrons. This cascading effect creates a gain
of 104 and produces a current at the output.
36 Schematic Diagram - 15
37Schematic Diagram - 16
Schematic Diagram - 16
38- Data Systems
- Data system electronically interfaced to MS is
vitally important for - Control of MS modes of scanning, voltages,
currents, etc., tuning and mass calibration - data acquisition the digital voltage signal
response for each ion scanned transmitted from
the fast ADC - data processing to obtain mass spectra, RA
abundance lists, elemental composition, selected
mass chromatograms, library search NBS/Wiley,
quantitation (total ion chromatogram, TIC) - Following tuning to optimise the response mass
peak shape/intensity using a calibrant gas
pftba (quadrupole) or pfk (EB or BE) and (PEG
oligomers and Cs ion clusters for high mass) and
mass calibration, acquisition of data can be
carried out in conjunction with chromatography
(GC or LC) or solid probe with ionisation modes
- EI, FD/FI, CI, FAB, APCI/ESI, laser - LD/I,
252Cf - PD - Centroiding of the mass peak The digitised
voltage and intensity of the signal (Im/z) of
the ion peak detected (m/z) is proportional to
the current carried by that ion and related to
the time of appearance (tm/z) of that ion in the
scan (a typical total scan time, span, is 0 - 1
s). The calibration table stored on the DS is
used to relate the tm/z to the mass (m/z) and
thus the intensity v. m/z relationship can
obtained to build up the mass spectrum from the
molecular ion and all the fragment ions (m/z)
detected for the compound being analysed. For
accurately obtaining the mass of each ion
detected a process of mass centroiding is
require. An adequate sampling (data points per
unit time) of the mass peak is required so that
the centre of mass can be determined from the
mass peak profile. The width of the mass peak
decreases with resolution and thus the ADC
sampling rate must be extremely fast (MHz range)
for EB instruments.
see Schematic Diagrams 17 18
39Schematic Diagram - 17
40Schematic Diagram - 18
Schematic Diagram - 18
41- Scan modes
- Full Scan For acquisition of the complete mass
spectrum of a component in a complex mixture (GC
or LC) or single compound on a probe the mode of
scanning is full scan over the required mass
range and 40 650 u is adequate for most organic
compounds that are volatile (gas
chromatographable). The mass range for a
quadrupole is 1000 3000 u while that for a
magnetic sector is dependent on the accelerating
voltage. - Selected ion monitoring/recording (SIM or SIR)
For detection of low levels of a particular known
target compound in a complex mixture, monitoring
of a single ion, or selected ions characteristic
of the compound is required. Accurate mass
tuning and optimisation is required prior to SIM.
The enhancement is proportional to the time of
residence on the ion selected which is typically
0.1 sec for a mass span of /- 0.02 u as compared
to full scan, 1 - 2 msec for a mass span of 1 u.
The employment of internal standards (13C or 2H
labelled analogues) assists in the quantitation
of target compounds. For EB or BE instruments a
device to lock the mass selected for the standard
to that of the target is required and accurate
mass is carried by out by reference to the mass
calibration gas (pfk) - Multiple or selected reaction monitoring (MRM)
This mode of scanning is possible only for tandem
MS and similar to above the MRM can be general
used or specifically to detect low levels of a
target compound in a complex mixture by selecting
the reactant ion and product ions generated, in
one or several targets to be analysed, such that
the CID is operated in a unique fashion.
42Examples of Data Processing
- Total ion chromatogram (TIC), sum of all the ions
detected during a chromatographic run in each GC
peak and the background (chemical noise). Diagram
19 20 - Mass Spectrum, raw and refined, RA of each m/z
with respect to the base ion m/z (100). Diagram
21 - Relative Abundance Mass Lists, raw refined, RA
of an ion, m/z, relative to the base m/z (100). - Mass Chromatogram / fragmentogram processing for
location of target compounds in the TIC. using
selected characteristic ions, m/z. Diagram 22 - Library search and match factors for raw and
refined mass spectra to determine absolute,
probable, possible and tentative ID.
Examples of Scan function operation
- Full Scan involves a selected mass range, 45
450 u, depending on maximum m/z expected
generating a Total Ion Chromatogram (TIC). - Selected or Single Ion Monitoring (SIM/SIR)
requires mass calibration and full scan
chromatogram operation (TIC) to obtain the
accurate masses of the ions to be monitored in
the GC peak of the target compounds, usually the
100 m/z and two diagnostic ions, prior to SIM
chromatogram generation. - Selected or Multiple Reaction Monitoring
(SRM/MRM) in MS-MS involves scanning of
characteristic precursor ions in Q1, CID in Q2
and scanning of the product ions in Q3.
Precursor ions for different compounds undergo
different fragmentation reactions that may be
compound specific. SIM can also be conducted
using MS-MS.
43Diagram 19 Typical MRM chromatogram
Desethylatrazine 188/146 2ng/mL
Atrazine 216/174 1ng/mL
Propazine 230/146 1ng/mL
Simazine 202/68 1ng/mL
Desisopropylatrazine 174/68 10ng/mL
API 2000 LC/MS/MS system with TurboIonSpray
44Diagram 20 Single quadrupole vs. triple
quadrupole sensitivity/selectivity
Injection of 8.0 ng/ml Acyclovir
much better detection limits in MS/MS due to
higher selectivity in MS-MS
45Diagram 21 Typical Mass Spectra using MS/MS
Base Mass (ion) Peak, 100
Possible Molecular Mass (ion)
Intensity, or relative
Product Ion Scan 35V Haloperidol
100x more sensitivity in full scan
Mass/Charge Ratio, m/z
46Diagram 22. Mass Chromatograms (Fragmentograms)
generated through Data Processing from the Total
Ion Chromatogram (m/z 191 and 218 selected),