Title: Quantum Computing
1Quantum Computing
- Intro. OverviewWhats Quantum Computing All
2Classical vs. Quantum Computing
- For any digital computer, its set of
computational states is some set of mutually
distinguishable abstract states. - The specific computational state that is in use
at a given time represents the specific digital
data currently being processed within the
machine. - Classical computing is computing in which
- All of the computational states (at all times)
are stable pointer states of the computer
hardware. - Quantum computing is computing in which
- The computational state is not always a pointer
3What is Quantum Computing?
- Non-pointer-state computing.
- Harnesses these quantum effects on a large,
complex scale - Computational states that are not just pointer
states, but also, coherent superpositions of
pointer states. - States having non-zero amplitude in many pointer
states at the same time! Quantum parallelism. - Entanglement (quantum correlations)
- Between the states of different subsystems.
- Unitary (thus reversible) evolution through time
- Interference (reinforcement and cancellation)
- Between convergent trajectories in pointer-state
4Why Quantum Computing?
- It is, apparently, exponentially more
time-efficient than any possible classical
computing scheme at solving some problems - Factoring, discrete logarithms, related problems
- Simulating quantum physical systems accurately
- This application was the original motivation for
quantum computing research first suggested by
famous physicist Richard Feynman in the early
80s. - However, this has never been proven yet!
- If you want to win a sure-fire Nobel prize
- Find a polynomial-time algorithm for accurately
simulating quantum computers on classical ones!
5Status of Quantum Computing
- Theoretical experimental progress is being
made, but slowly. - There are many areas where much progress is still
needed. - Physical implementations of very small (e.g.,
7-bit) quantum computers have been tested and
work as predicted. - However, scaling them up is difficult.
- There are no known fundamental theoretical
barriers to large-scale quantum computing. - Guess It will be a real technology in 20 yrs.
or so.
6Early History
- Quantum computing was largely inspired by
reversible computation work from the 1970s - Bennett, Fredkin, and Toffoli
- Early quantum computation pioneers (1980s)
- Early models not using quantum parallelism to
gain performance - Benioff 80, 82 - Quantum serial TM models
- Feynman 86 - Q. models of serial reversible
circuits - Margolus 86,90 - Q. models of parallel rev.
circuits - Performance gains w. quantum parallelism
- Feynman 82 - Suggested faster quantum sims with
QC - Deutsch 85 - Quantum-parallel Turing machine
- Deutsch 89 - Quantum logic circuits
7More Recent History
- There was a rapid ramp-up of quantum computing
research throughout the 1990s. - Some developments, 1989-present
- Refining quantum logic circuit models
- What is a minimal set of universal gates for QC?
- Algorithms Shor factoring, Grover search, etc.
- Developing quantum complexity theory
- What is the ultimate power of quantum
computation? - Quantum information theory
- Communications, Cryptography, etc.
- Error correcting codes, fault tolerance, robust
QC - Physical implementations
- Numerous few-bit implementations demonstrated
8Quantum Logic Networks
- Invented by Deutsch (1989)
- Analogous to classical Boolean logic networks
- Generalization of Fredkin-Toffoli reversible
logic circuits - System is divided into individual bits, or qubits
- 2 orthogonal states of each bit are designated as
the computational basis states, 0 and 1. - Quantum logic gates
- Local unitary transforms that operate on only a
few state bits at a time. - Computation via predetermined seq. of gate
applications to selected bits.
9Gates without Superposition
- All classical input-consuming reversible gates
can be represented as unitary transformations! - E.g., input-consuming NOT gate (inverter)
in out0 11 0
- Remember the CNOT (input-consuming XOR) gate?
11Toffoli Gate (CCNOT)
A B C A B C0 0 0 0 0 00 0 1
0 0 10 1 0 0 1 00 1 1 0
1 11 0 0 1 0 01 0 1 1 0
11 1 0 1 1 01 1 1 1 1 1
Now, what happens if the unitary matrix elements
are not always 0 or 1?
12The Square Root of NOT
- If you put in either basis state (0 or 1) you get
a state that appears random when measured - But if you feed the output back into another N1/2
without measuring it, you get the inverse of the
original value! - How is thatpossible?
0 (50)
0 (50)
1 (50)
1 (50)
0 (50)
1 (50)
0 (50)
1 (50)
13NOT1/2 Unitary implementation
Prob. ½
Prob. ½
14The Hadamard Transform
- A randomizing square root of identity gate.
- Used frequently in quantum logic networks.
15Another NOT1/2
- This one negates the phase of the state if the
input state was 0?.
16Optical Implementation of N1/2
- Beam splitters (semi-silvered mirrors) form
superpositions of reflected and
transmittedphoton states.
17Deutschs Problem
- Given a black-box function f0,1?0,1,
- Determine whether f(0)f(1),
- But you only have time to call f once!
18Extended Deutschs Problem
- Given black-box f0,1n?0,1,
- and a guarantee that f is either constant or
balanced (1 on exactly ½ of inputs) - Which is it?
- Minimize number of calls to f.
- Classical algorithm, worst-case
- Order 2n time!
- What if the first 2n-1 cases examined are all 0?
- Function could still be either constant or
balanced. - Case number 2n-11 if 0, constant if 1,
balanced. - Quantum algorithm is exponentially faster!
- (Deutsch Jozsa, 1992.)
19Universal Q-Gates History
- Deutsch 89
- Universal 3-bit Toffoli-like gate.
- diVincenzo 95
- Adequate set of 2-bit gates.
- Barenco 95
- Universal 2-bit gate.
- Deutsch et al. 95
- Almost all 2-bit gates are universal.
- Barenco et al. 95
- CNOT set of 1-bit gates is adequate.
- Later development of discrete gate sets...
20Deutsch Gen. 3-bit Toffoli gate
- The following gate is universal
(Where ? is any irrational number.)
a bb a
21Barencos 2-bit gen. CNOT gate
- where ?,?,?,? are relatively irrational
- Also works, e.g., for ??, ??/2
22Barenco et al. 95 results
- Universality of CNOT 1-bit gates
- 2-bit Barenco gate already known universal
- 4 1-bit gates 2 CNOTs suffice to build it
- Construction of generalized Toffoli gates
- 3-bit version via five 2-bit gates
- n-bit version via O(n2) 2-bit gates
- No auxilliary bits needed for the above
- All operations done in place on input qubits.
- n-bit version via O(n) 2-bit gates, given 1 work
23Quantum Complexity Theory
- Early developments
- Deutchs problem (from earlier) Slight speedup
- Deutsch Jozsa Exponential speed-up
- Important quantum complexity classes
- EQP Exact Quantum Polynomial - like P.
- Polynomial time, deterministic.
- ZQP Zero-error Quantum Polynomial - like ZPP.
- Probabilistic, expected polynomial-time, zero
errors. - BQP Bounded-error Quantum Poly. - like BPP.
- Probabilistic, bounded probability of errors.
- All results relativized, e.g.,
- ?O EQPO ? (NPO ? co-NPO)
Given a certain black-box, quantumcomputers can
solve a certain problemfaster than a classical
computer caneven check the answer!
24Quantum Algorithms
- Part I Unstructured Search
25Unstructured Search Problem
- Given a set S of N elements and a black-box
function fS?0,1, find an element x?S such that
f(x)1, if one exists (or if not, say so). - Any NP problem can be cast as an unstructured
search problem. - Not necessarily the optimal approach, however.
- Bounds on classical run-time
- ?(N) expected queries in worst case (0 or 1
solns) - Have to try N/2 elements on average before
finding soln. - Have to try all N if there is no solution.
- If elements are length-? bit strings,
- Expected trials is ?(2?) - exponential in ?.
26Quantum Unstructured Search
- Minimum time to solve unstructured search problem
on a quantum computer is - ?(N1/2) queries (2?/2) (21/2)?
- Still exponential, but with a smaller base.
- The minimum of queries can be achieved using
Grovers algorithm.
27Grovers algorithm
- 1. Start w. amplitude evenly distributed among
the N elements, ?(xi)1/?N - 2. In each state xi, compute f(xi)
- 3. Apply conditional phase shift of ? if
f(xi)1(Negate sign of solution state.)
Uncompute f.
28Grovers algorithm, cont.
- 4. Invert all amplitudes with respect to the
average amplitude
29Grovers algorithm, cont.
- 5. Go to step 2, and repeat 0.785 N1/2 times.
of iterations
30Shors Factoring Algorithm
- Solves the gt2000-year-old problem
- Given a large number N, quickly find the prime
factorization of N. (At least as old as Euclid!) - No polynomial-time (as a function of nlg N)
classical algorithm for this problem is known. - The best known (as of 1993) was a number field
sieve algorithm taking time O(exp(n1/3
log(n2/3))) - However, there is also no proof that an
(undis-covered) fast classical algorithm does not
exist. - Shors quantum algorithm takes time O(n2)
- No worse than multiplication of n-bit numbers!
31Elements of Shors Algorithm
- Uses a standard reduction of factoring to another
number-theory problem called the discrete
logarithm problem. - The discrete logarithm problem corresponds to
finding the period of a certain periodic function
defined over the integers. - A general way to find the period of a function is
to perform a Fourier transform on the function. - Shor showed how to generalize an earlier
algorithm by Simon, to provide a Quantum Fourier
Transform that is exponentially faster than
classical ones.
32Powers of numbers mod N
- Given natural numbers (non-negative integers)
N?1, xltN, and x, consider the sequence - x0 mod N, x1 mod N, x2 mod N, 1, x, x2 mod
N, - If x and N are relatively prime, this sequence is
guaranteed not to repeat until it gets back to 1. - Discrete logarithm of y, base x, mod N
- The smallest natural number exponent k (if any)
such that xk y (mod N). - I.e., the integer logarithm of y, base x, in
modulo-N arithmetic. Example dlog7 13 (mod N)
33Discrete Log Example
- N15, x7, y13.
- x2 49 4 (mod 15)
- x3 47 28 13 (mod 15)
- x4 137 91 1 (mod 15)
- So, dlog7 13 3 (mod N),
- Because 73 13 (mod N).
34The order of x mod N
- Problem Given Ngt0, and an xltN that is relatively
prime to N, what is the smallest value of kgt0
such that xk 1 (mod N)? - This is called the order of x (mod N).
- From our previousexample, the orderof 7 mod N
35Order-finding permits Factoring
- A standard reduction of factoring N to finding
orders mod N - 1. Pick a random number x lt N.
- 2. If gcd(x,N)?1, return it (its a factor).
- 3. Compute the order of x (mod N).
- Let r min kgt0 xk mod N 1
- 4. If gcd(xr/2?1, N) ? 1, return it (its a
factor). - 5. Repeat as needed.
- The expected number of repetitions of the loop
needed to find a factor with probability gt 0.5 is
known to be only polynomial in the length of N.
36Factoring Example
- For N15, x7
- Order of x is r4.
- r/2 2.
- x2 5.
- In this case (we are lucky), both x21 and x2?1
are factors (3 and 5). - Now, how do we compute orders efficiently?
37Quantum Order-Finding
- Uses 2 quantum registers (a,b)
- 0 ? a lt q, is the k (exponent) used in
order-finding. - 0 ? b lt n, is the y (xk mod n) value
- q is the smallest power of 2 greater than N2.
- Algorithm
- 1. Initial quantum state is 0,0?, i.e., (a0,
b0). - 2. Go to superposition of all possible values of
38Initial State
39After Doing Hadamard Transform on all bits of a
40After modular exponentiationbxa (mod N)
41State After Fourier Transform
42Quantum Algorithms III
- Wrap-up
- Classical vs. Quantum Parallelism
- Quantum Physics Simulations
43Classical Unstructured Search
- The classical serial algorithm takes ?(N) time.
- But Suppose we search in parallel!
- Have MltN processors running in parallel.
- Each searches a different subset of N/M elements
of the search space. - If processors are ballistic reversible
- Can cluster them in a dense mesh of diameter
?(M1/3). - Time accounting
- Computation time ?(N/M)
- Communication time ?(M1/3) (at lightspeed)
- Total T ? N/M M1/3 is minimized when M ?
N3/4 ? N1/4 Faster than Grovers
44ClassicalQuantum Parallelism
- Similar setup to classical parallelism
- M processors, searching N/M items each.
- Except, each processor uses Grovers algorithm.
- Time accounting
- Computation T ? (N/M)1/2
- Communication T ? M1/3 (as before)
- Total T ? (N/M)1/2 M1/3
- Total is minimized when M?N 3/5
- Minimized total is T ? N1/5.
- I.e., quantum unstructured search is really only
N1/4/N1/5 N1/20 faster than classical!
45Simulating Quantum Physics
- For n particles, takes exponential time using the
best known classical methods. - Feynman suggested use quantum computing
- Takes only polynomial time on a QC.
- History of some fast QC physics algorithms
- Schrödinger equation (Boghosian, Yepez)
- Many-body Fermi systems (Abrams Lloyd)
- Eigenvalue/eigenvector computations (ditto)
- Quantum lattice gases, Ising models, etc.
- Totally general quantum physics
simulations(Field theories, etc.) - Lloyd 1996
46Simulating Quantum Computers
47Efficient QC Simulations
- Task Simulate an n-qubit quantum computer.
- Maximally stupid approach
- Store a 2n-element vector
- Multiply it by a full 2n2n matrix for each gate
op - Some obvious optimizations
- Never store whole matrix (compute dynamically)
- Store only nonzero elements of state vector
- Especially helpful when qubits are highly
correlated - Do only constant work per nonzero vector element
- Scatter amplitude from each state to 1 or 2
successors - Drop small-probability-mass sets of states
- Linearity of QM implies no chaotic growth of
48Linear-space quantum simulation
- A popular myth
- Simulating an n-qubit (or n-particle) quantum
system takes e?(n) space (as well as time). - The usual justification
- It takes e?(n) numbers even to represent a single
?(n)-dimensional state vector, in general. - The hole in that argument
- Can simulate the statistical behavior of a
quantum system w/o ever storing a state vector! - Result BQP ? PSPACE known since BV93...
- But practical poly-space sims are rarely described
49The Basic Idea
- Inspiration
- Feynmans path integral formulation of QED.
- Gives the amplitude of a given final
configuration by accumulating amplitude over all
paths from initial to final configurations. - Each path consists of only a single
?(n)-coordinate configuration at each time, not a
full wavefunction over the configuration space. - Can enumerate all paths, while only ever
representing one path at a time.
50Simulating Quantum Computations
- Given
- Any n-qubit quantum computation, expressed as a
sequence of 1-qubit gates and CNOT gates. - An initial state s0 which is just a basis state
in the classical bitwise basis, e.g. ?00000?. - Goal
- Generate a final basis state stochastically with
the same probability distribution as the quantum
computer would do.
51Matrix Representation
- Consider each gate as rank-2n unitary matrix
- Each CNOT application is a 0-1 (permutation)
matrix - a classical reversible bit-operation. - With appropriate row ordering, each Ui gate
application is block-diagonal, w. each 22 block
equal to Ui. - We need never represent these full matrices!
- The 1 or 2 nonzero entries in a given row can be
located computed immediately given the row id
(bit string) and Ui.
52The Linear-Space Algorithm
- Generate a random coin c?0,1.
- Initialize probability accumulator p?0.
- For each final n-bit string y at time t,
- Compute its amplitude ?(y) as follows
- Generate its possible 1 or 2 predecessor strings
x1 (and maybe x2) given the gate-op preceding t. - For each predecessor, compute its amplitude at
time t?1 recursively using this same algorithm, - unless t0, in which case ?1 if ?x?s0, 0
otherwise. - Add predecessor amplitudes, weighted by entries.
- Maybe output y, using roulette wheel algorithm
- Accumlate Pry into total p ? p ?(y)2
- Output y and halt if pgtc.
53A Further Optimization
- Dont even have to enumerate all final states!
- Instead Stochasically follow a trajectory.
- Basic idea
- Keep track of 1 current state its amplitude
?0. - For CNOTs Deterministically transform state.
- For Us
- Calculate amplitude ?1 of neighbor state w.
path-integral - Calculate amplitudes ?0 and ?1 after qubit op
- Choose 1 successor as new current state, using
?2 distrib.
Current state
Neighbor state
54Complexity Comparison
- To simulate t gate ops (c CNOTs u 1-bit unitary
ops) of an n-qubit quantum computer - Space Time
- Traditional method 2n t2n
- Path-integral method tn n2t
- (Actually, only the u unitary ops, not all t ops
or all n qubits, contribute to any of the
exponents here.) - Upshot
- Lower space usage can allow larger systems to be
simulated, for short periods. - Run time is competitive for case when t lt n
55Quantum Information Communication
- DecoherenceQuantum Error CorrectionQuantum
- The effect that makes macroscopic quantum systems
appear to behave classically. - Theory was developed in many papers by Zurek.
- Occurs due to inevitable interactions between a
given quantum system an unknown (high-entropy)
environment. - Interaction increases (von Neumann-) entropy of
the reduced density matrix of the quantum system. - Quantum state gradually collapses or decays
to a classical statistical mixture of the pointer
states (measurement eigenstates).
57Decoherence Breaks Interference
- Quantum computation w/o decoherence
Isolation / insulation of quantum computer from
58Quantum Information Communication cont.
59The Key Distribution Problem
- How can parties A and B use a physically insecure
long-distance communications channel to
nevertheless securely exchange keys that they can
use to enable future secure, encrypted
communication between them? - Present-day solution Public-Key Cryptography
- see next slide
60Public-Key Cryptography
- A and B each prepare a pair of a public key and a
corresponding private key. - Infeasible to compute private key from public
one. - They openly publish their public keys.
- Anyone can now use the public key to encrypt
messages to A or B. - But only the one w. the matching private key can
decrypt the message. - Security of technique depends on existence of
one-way (a.k.a. trapdoor) functions. - ? functions believed (but unproven) to be such.
61PK Crypto vs. Q-Computing
- A serious weakness in most present-day PK
cryptosystems (such as RSA) - They depend for their security on the
one-way-ness of certain functions that is due
to the hardness of the factoring and discrete
logarithm problems. - But, Shors algorithm gives a fast way to solve
these problems if we just had a quantum computer! - Large QCs may be implemented within next 10-20
years. - Therefore, data encrypted today with these
cryptosystems cannot be considered secure over
multi-decade time-frames! - But, other PK systems w/o this weakness may exist.
62Q-Cryptography to the Rescue!
- Features
- Provides for secure key exchange over physically
unprotected channels w. a guarantee of detection
of any eavesdropping of the key. - Doesnt protect against denial-of-service
attacks. - Physically impossible to compromise security
(except _at_ endpoints) barring overthrow of
physics! - Provably secure under known laws
- Experimentally verified to work perfectly over
gt48 km distances (so far) (Hughes 99) via
fiber-optic networks.
63The One-Time Pad
- The only known provably secure cryptosystem.
- Based on a key of the same length as the data to
be encrypted. - A given key can only be used once.
- The key is simply a random string of bits.
- The plaintext is bitwise-XORed with the key to
produce ciphertext. - Provably secure because any plaintext is equally
likely to produce the same ciphertext. - The only problem How to send the key?
64Outline of QC Protocol (BB84)
- A chooses a random bit-string
- A key for later use as a one-time pad.
- A sends each bit as a qubits with a
randomly-chosen basis (out of 2 different bases). - B measures each bit in a randomly-chosen basis
(out of the same 2 bases). - A B publicly determine which bits they chose
the same bases for. - They publicly spot-check a random subset of the
bits for errors, and use remaining bits.
65Typical Implementation Method
- Any flying qubit will do.
- Most common method uses polarized
photons. (Bennett Brassard 84)
Diffraction gratingw. vertical slits
Arbitrary choiceof basis
? ?/4
Diffraction gratingw. diagonal slits
66QC Crypto Protocol - details
- 1. A chooses a random bit-string
- 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0
- 2. A chooses a random string of polarization
bases, out of , - 3. A encodes bits as photons polarized in the
chosen basis
67QC Crypto Protocol - details
- 2. A chooses a random string of polarization
bases, out of , - 3. A encodes bits as photons polarized in the
chosen basis - 4. Photons are sent to B over open channel, w.
possible noise and/or eavesdropping
68QC Crypto Protocol - details
- 3. A encodes bits as photons polarized in the
chosen basis - 4. Photons are sent to B over open channel, w.
possible noise and/or eavesdropping - 5. B chooses random string of polarization bases
to measure with -
69QC Crypto Protocol - details
- 4. Photons are sent to B over open channel, w.
possible noise and/or eavesdropping - 5. B chooses random string of polarization bases
to measure with - 6. B measures photon state w.r.t. his bases
- 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
70QC Crypto Protocol - details
- 5. B chooses random string of polarization bases
to measure with - 6. B measures photon state w.r.t. his bases
- 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 - 7. A B publicly compare basis choices,
determined which matched
71QC Crypto Protocol - details
- 6. B measures photon state w.r.t. his bases
- 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 - 7. A B publicly compare basis choices,
determined which matched - 8. Now, they expect their bits w. matching bases
to match (others are discarded) - A 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0
0 B 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
1 0
72QC Crypto Protocol - details
- 7. A B publicly compare basis choices,
determined which matched - 8. Now, they expect their bits w. matching bases
to match (others are discarded) - A 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0
0 B 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
1 0 - 9. They compare some of these bits publicly to
determine level of errors and/or eavesdropping - Or, compare parities of random subsets (avoids
73QC Crypto Protocol - details
- 8. Now, they expect their bits w. matching bases
to match (others are discarded) - A 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0
0 B 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
1 0 - 9. They compare some of these bits publicly to
determine level of errors and/or eavesdropping - Or, compare parities of random subsets (avoids
waste) - 10. Use remaining bits in the clean part of data
as the key for 1-time pad - 1 1 0
Or, hash these bits down to a smaller butmore
secure bit-string (privacy amplification)
74Quantum Crypto Scalability
- Optic fiber lengths ? 60-100 km not feasible due
to attenuation. - Free-space (air/vacuum) transmission being
explored. - Useful in networks of orbiting satellites?
- Given quantum computers, can build quantum
repeaters that apply quantum error correction to
clean up noisy signals? - Can then maintain secure quantum cryptography
throughout large networks (quantum internet?) - Research topic currently under investigation...
75Physical Implementations of Quantum Computing
76Implementation Requirements
DiVincenzo 00
- 1. Scalable physical system w. well-characterized
qubits. - Internal/external coupling parameters accurately
known. - 2. Initializability to a standardized state.
- Necessary for error correction.
- Speed of cooling/measurement is important.
- 3. Decoherence time gtgt gate operation time
- gt104-105x for robust, fault-tolerant operation
- Only computational degrees of freedom need long
decoherence times.
77Implementation Reqs., cont.
- 4. A Universal set of quantum gate operations
- Controllable interactions generating desired Us.
- 1- and 2-body interactions suffice
- Parallel ops are necessary for fault-tolerance.
- 5. Bit-specific, amplifiable measurements
- High quantum efficiency, or else redundancy.
- Shouldnt disturb the rest of the computer.
- Also for quantum crypto, comm., distributed
computing - 6. Faithful transmission of flying qubits.
- 7. Interconversion btw. stationary flying.