Title: BLS CPR Instructor Renewal
1BLS CPR Instructor Renewal
- Minnesota State Colleges and Universities,
- Multi-Regional Training Center
- Add your college/business name here
2AHA Training Network.
- AHA requires that every instructor join a
Training Center. (See Instructor Manual Part 1
Chapter 1 for the AHA Network.) - MnSCU, Multi-Regional Training Center (MRTC) is
the largest training center out of 3,000 TC
nation-wide. The centers 2002 activity reports
showed you trained 47,584 and became a AHA
Multi-Regional Training Center.
3Overview of Instructor Responsibilities
- AHA requires renewal every two years.
- Pass the HCP test at 90
- Successfully perform skills
- Demonstrate your teaching skills via Mini-topic
Presentations - Attend Updates mandated by AHA.
- Teach 4 provider course every two years
4Overview MRTC Instructor Responsibilities
- Send confirmation to your CTC that you have
successfully completed your Instructor Renewal.
(For MnSCU MRTC this also includes the Instructor
Profile Form--you can find these forms on our
website www.firecenter.mnscu. edu/ctc/instructorfo
rms.html.) - Retain the following records for a minimum of 3
years student rosters, tests scores, skills
check-off sheets, mini-topic evaluations and
course evaluations. - Bi-annually turn in your Activity Reports (you
can find these forms on our website
) - Make sure textbooks are available to students
before, during and after a class.
5Overview of MRTC Instructor Responsibilities,
- Consider assisting Regional Faculty and MRTC
Faculty in your area for additional teaching
experience. - Attend yearly MnSCU, Multi-Regional Training
Center Faculty/Instructor meetings. (These
meetings are round table discussions with other
instructors and gives us an opportunity to share
new AHA information with you.)
6Filling Out Those Cards(Front)
- Students name, including middle initial
- If applicable, cross out modules not taught.
- Indicate issue date (ex. Month, day, year)
- Renewal date is two years from issue date (month
and year) - Note Instructor cards will have your AHA MRTC
7Filling Out Those Cards, Cont.(Back)
- Region Minnesota Region
- TC name MnSCU MRTC
- Training Site College, agency or company name
- Lead instructors name
- Student is to sign his or her name in black or
blue ink
8MnSCU MRTC Membership Benefits
- As a MnSCU MRTC member you will receive your
Instructor card for free. - Receive a Continuing Education Unit Certificate
for your initial or refresher AHA Instructor
course. - AHA Materialsyou may buy just the amount you
need, however, we do offer discounts for buying
in bulk. - Equipment rentals for Manikins and AEDs.
- The MRTC serves as an information resource for
AHA requirements, procedures and programs.
9MnSCU, MRTC Membership Benefitscont.
- State-wide coordination of Faculty and Instructor
courses for new and renewing instructors. - Offers a mentorship program.
- Ensures quality assurance among its instructors.
- Our Medical Advisory Board reviews AHA materials
and MnSCU curriculum. - Access to full service EMS library.
10Teaching and Learning Methodologies/Strategies
- See Instructors manual Part 1 Chapter 2
- In addition see the AHA Basic Life Support
Education Update (Power Point) located on our
website www.firecenter.mnscu.edu under instructor
11Mini-Topic Presentations
- Mini-Topics are determined by the MRTC Faculty
- Need Ideas?
- Review of AHA Course Options
- Manikin maintenance and decontamination
- Logistics and Administration
- Mentoring of Instructorshow would you serve as a
role model for effective teaching - What makes a good instructor
- What is learning?
- The Challenging Studenthow do you deal with
them? - How to use multi-media.
- Teaching to the English as a Second Language
(ESL) student. - Affective Domain
- Other suggestions can be found on page 2-160 and
12Skills Demonstration Tools
- Discussion What is required.
- Videos? Remember successful completion of AHA
courses are competency-based. - Scenario Practice?
13Skills Performance Required for Instructors
- Perform Adult, Child and Infant CPR using a
pocket mask and BVM. Perform Adult, Child and
Infant FBOA , demonstrate Cricoid Pressure, plus
demonstrate use of an AED.
14Written Exam for Instructors
- AHA Faculty tests are not available yet--use the
HCP test. - Take the HCP exam, correct and review. (required
pass rate of 90 Instructors) - Send confirmation to your TC that you have
successfully completed your MRTC Faculty
RenewalTC will issue your card. (MnSCU-AHA-MRTC
members should use the Instructor Profile Form
Remember to check your paperwork for completeness
and signatures before you leave!!
15Remediation of Students
- Discuss principles of remediation
- Cant be evaluated by the same instructor
- Document, document, document.
- Leave testing open so the student can come back
to test if they feel they are ready. (You might
consider charging the student for your time.) - Use the watch, then practice video as a learning
- Provider Tests for Students
- pretests (optional)
- post-test, versions A or B (required _at_ 84 for
HCP and HS students.) - Annotation (reference)
- Student skill evaluation (required)
- Course Evaluations (see sample www.firecenter.mnsc
u.edu/ctc/instructorform or use your own)
17- Thank you for your participation!
- The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities,
- Multi-Regional Training Center
- (put in your college/busienss name here),