Centre for the Development of Enterprise - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Centre for the Development of Enterprise


Activities or 'mini'-programmes initiated in each region (national or regional ... A mini programme has been developed for the SME service providers operating in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Centre for the Development of Enterprise

Centre for the Development of Enterprise
  • Caribbean Regional Field Office Proposed
    Priority Areas 2009 -2010

CDE -Centre for the Development of Enterprise
  • An institution of the ACP Group and the EU
    under Cotonou Agreement (since 1977)
  • Supports the sustainable development of the ACP
    private sector
  • Financed by the European Development Fund (EDF)

CDE Structure
  • CDEs headquarters is in Brussels
  • There are 4 regional field offices (West, East
    and Southern Africa and the Caribbean and two
    more are being planned (Pacific and Central
  • The regional field office for the Caribbean is in
    Dominican Republic
  • It supports CDEs operations in the 15 CARIFORUM
    member countries and is responsible for
  • Identifying potential programmes/projects
    consistent with the needs of the region
  • Collaborating with other development partners in
    joint initiatives
  • Facilitating better communication with
  • Ensuring more efficient processing of requests
    and management of contracts.

The CDE intervenes
  • Through Programmes
  • Increasingly, CDE interventions are being
    undertaken within the framework of global
    sector Programmes (In 2009 there are ten
    programmes for about 2/3 of the CDEs operational
    budget and for specific regions)
  • Activities or mini-programmes initiated in
    each region (national or regional base) for group
    of enterprises in priority sectors.
  • Through Ad Hoc Assistance
  • In response to individual requests
  • Preferably in regions not sufficiently covered by
    the sector programmes.

Ad hoc projects
  • Key eligibility criteria
  • Private sector SMEs legally established in an ACP
  • Net assets of at least 80.000 and/or a turnover
    of 250.000
  • Maximum net assets 10 m
  • At least five employees
  • If new enterprise same amounts of investments,
    turnover and jobs forecast
  • Commitment to contribute at least one-third of
    the expenditures eligible for assistance
  • Compliance with international codes of good
    conduct (working conditions and environmental

Amount of grant
  • Maximum 50,000 /year per enterprise with a limit
    of 2/3 of the amount of assistance required
  • The enterprise is expected to contribute 1/3 of
    the costs
  • CDEs contribution is decided after a review of
    the application by a project committee
  • No contribution to current investments and
  • NOTE the contracting party can be the ACP
    promoter, the EU partner or a Consultant but the
    beneficiary is always the ACP organisation.
  • How consultants are selected
  • lt 5.000 by mutual agreement
  • Between 5.000 et 200.000 market

Global Sector Programmes 2009
CDE is actively negotiating with partner
institutions ways to expand the scope of these
CAR 9.0
EAF 25.8
PAC 3.0
CAF 15.8
SAF 18.5
WAF 27.9
General remarks for CDEs global Programmes
  • Purpose
  • Identify and select sectors and activities with
    highest potential for social and economic
    development in ACP countries.
  • Benefits
  • Better knowledge of selected sectors and
    transversal activities
  • Lower average cost per intervention, hence more
    SMEs can be assisted
  • Improved ability to promote inter-enterprise
  • Better complementarity and coherence with the
    priorities of other development actors
  • Prompt and effective response to requests for
  • Higher efficiency by grouped assistance
  • More visibility of CDE-ProInvest actors in the

Proposed Priorities Sectors for the Caribbean
Region 2009 -2010
  • Agro- Industry
  • Manufacturing (mainly Agro-Processing)
  • Engineering and Maintenance services by
  • SMEs in Mining, Oil Gas, Quarrying,
  • Energy Management - consistent with the CDE
    global project
  • Competiveness in Tourism services
  • focused on product enhancement and market
  • Marine Industrial services
  • Forestry, Wood and Furniture consistent with
    CDE global programme for this sector
  • ICT professionals service providers
  • SME Investment Support Programme consistent
    with CDE global programme

The Proposed Priorities for the Caribbean have
been determined based on
  • CDEs Mandate including a recent review and
    recommendations which also considered the
  • Studies such as the recent CDE/ UNIDO study on
    Competitiveness and Innovation requested by
  • Requests from and discussions with various sector
  • CDEs own experience and reports of our network
    in the region.

  • Proposed Objectives
  • Mechanization and the introduction of more
    scientific approaches to agriculture
  • New product development and development of niche,
    high end markets, such as organic foods and areas
    where the Caribbean can be competitive (high
    quality cocoa, coffee) among others.
  • Justification
  • the agricultural sector is a significant
    contributor to GDP in many of the countries of
    the region
  • Rising world food prices and other concerns such
    as health and internal security have made agro
    industry a priority sector for most CARIFORUM
  • The Caribbean region has relatively high labour
    costs and other challenges in attracting labour
    to agriculture and therefore programmes in
    agriculture must encourage the introduction of
    technology and mechanism.

  • Proposed Mini Programmes or Activities for Groups
    of Enterprise
  • The Cocoa Industry for 7 CAR countries
  • market access, quality management, value added
  • labour and mechanization through possible
    solutions such
  • as a technical centre/ demonstration projects
  • Coffee for DOR a mini programme to address
    market access
  • Dairy for DOR a mini programmes to address
    Good Manufacturing Practices
  • Vegetables and tropical fruit introduction of
    technology such as green house technology and
    ICT in agriculture addressing such issues as
  • Seafood and fisheries for GUYSUR, BEL a mini
    programme to address HACCP certification.

Manufacturing (mainly agro-procesing)
  • Proposed Objectives
  • Measures to reduce operating costs and increase
  • Modernization of plant and equipment
  • Introduction of standards to support market
    access including GMP, Food Safety, Environmental
    Management, Quality Management.
  • Justification
  • The manufacturing sector is not competitive due
    to high production costs resulting from small
    production volumes , high energy and wage costs
    and less competitive financing costs
  • In terms of contribution to GDP, manufacturing is
    most important in Dominican Republic, Jamaica,
    Guyana and Suriname and in Trinidad and Tobago.

  • Proposed Mini Programmes or Activities for Groups
    of Enterprise
  • Introduction of Integrated Management Systems
    IMS ( Food Safety and Environmental Management)
    for groups 1 proposed in the OECS
  • Quality Management programme in the Dominican
    Republic This is a priority area for the Export
    Promotion agency who has embarked on an
    initiative to encourage the introduction of ISO
    standards in the country
  • Plant, facilities upgrades - CDE has received a
    number of individual Ad hoc requests from SMEs
    for example in Suriname for support in plant,
    facilities upgrades. These could be grouped.

Engineering and Maintenance By SMEs in Mining,
Oil Gas, Quarrying and Bauxite)
  • Proposed Objectives
  • Support to projects that encourage more local
    content, linkages with the local economy and
    other sectors
  • Support for the Introduction of Environmental
    Management Standards.
  • Justification
  • These sectors are important contributors to GDP
    in, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname and Trinidad and
  • Sustainable impact requires more involvement of
    local service providers
  • They traditionally have low linkages with the
    rest of the economy. Where the local players
    have opportunities to provide services, the local
    players must be internationally competitive
  • Increasing concerns about green house emissions
    and global warming, require improved environment
    management standards and systems.

Engineering and Maintenance By SMEs in Mining,
Oil Gas, Quarrying and Bauxite)
  • Proposed Mini Programmes or Activities for Groups
    of Enterprise
  • Activity for building the capacity of road
    maintenance contractors and subcontractors in
  • Capacity building of companies in the Mining
    Quarry Association of Jamaica in collaboration
    with the Mines Geology Division of Jamaica and
    in particular support for a Mission to HillHead
    Quarrying Exhibition 2009
  • A mini programme has been developed for the SME
    service providers operating in the Oil and Gas
    sectors in Trinidad and Tobago. The project
    proposes competency analysis and development of
    63 jobs where SMEs can provide services, gap
    analysis among SMEs and capacity building of
    companies in common areas of needs. The project
    will ensure sustainability through training and

Supporting Optimal Energy Management
  • Proposed Objectives
  • Consistent with the theme of CDE global Energy
  • Programme Contribute to overall competitiveness
    and environmental performance of ACP industries
    by optimizing their energy consumption
  • and assisting the development of cost effective
    renewable energy sources.
  • Justification
  • Energy costs is a significant operational cost
    for CARIFORUM countries and in particular, the
    OECS countries, Haiti and Dominican Republic are
  • Across all industries but in particular in the
    tourism sector, energy cost impacts on
    competitiveness. The sector is dominated by small
    and medium sized independent enterprises with 75
    rooms or less. The current high and rising price
    of fuel and cost of electricity which is a major
    operating cost add to the challenges faced by the

Supporting Optimal Energy Management
  • Proposed Mini Programmes or Activities for Groups
    of Enterprise
  • CDE is requesting presentation of requests for
    proposals for Supporting Optimal Energy
    Management by SMEs
  • CDE will also participate in a CHTA/ IADB
    initiative The Caribbean Hotel Energy Efficiency
    Action Programme (CHENACT) project where CDE
    would be involved in Assessing energy consumption
    patterns of Caribbean hotels and defining options
    for reducing energy consumption, thereby
    effecting cost savings and improving competitive

Competiveness in Tourism
  • Proposed Objectives
  • Upgrading and improving the overall product
    offering and standards of the hotel sector
  • Assistance in repositioning and developing niche,
    higher end markets.
  • Justification
  • Tourism is a major contributor to GDP in most
    economies of the region but the product is mature
    and diversity and renovation is required
  • Minimum international standards such as food
    safety and sanitation as well as environmental
    management support efforts to reduce energy
    costs but also support sustainable use of natural
    resources and contribute to product enhancement
  • Linkages with local economy are also important to
    increase the impact of tourism spend and further
    enhance the product.

Competiveness in Tourism
  • Proposed Mini Programmes or Activities for Groups
    of Enterprise
  • IMS programmes- CDE is assisting two groups of
    small hotels in Jamaica (5 hotels) and in
    Trinidad (7 hotels) with the implementation of
    Integrated Management Systems addressing Food
    Safety and Sanitation as well as Environmental
    Standards to HACCP or ISO 22000 standards and
    Green Globe respectively
  • Reposition and market access a possible
    programme for small group in Jamaica is also
    being considered which would involve an
    assessment of physical and other improvements
    required to serve targeted markets and support in
    market access.

Marine Industry
  • Proposed Objectives
  • Support for projects promoting specialized marine
    human resource skills development and
    introduction of environmental standards and
    market expansion.
  • Justification
  • Studies conducted in 8 countries in the region by
    UN-ECLAC showed that the Marine industry
    contributed more to the economies in terms of
    long term sustainable development than cruise
    tourism. The marine industry comprises the boat
    yards, mariners and service providers marine
    woodworking, fabrication, sail making, mechanics,
    electricians, suppliers, restaurants etc.
    catering to visiting and local yachts, charter
    boats and local leisure crafts and boats
  • Following a PROINVEST initiative in the industry,
    a regional body was formed and a number of
    priority areas for developing the industry were

Marine Industry
  • Proposed Mini Programmes or Activities for Groups
    of Enterprise
  • Possible programme for OECS mariners under the
    umbrella of Caribbean Marine Association (CMA)

Forestry, Wood and Furniture
  • Proposed Objectives
  • Consistent with CDE global programme for this
    sector - development of Sustainable Forest
    Management (SFM), downstream processing (DP) and
    export of value added products.
  • Justification
  • Although furniture is not a priority industry in
    any of the countries of the region, it has very
    strong linkages with the tourism, construction
    and related industries
  • There are also a large number of manufacturers
    throughout the region and employment generated
    from these industries is significant.

Forestry, Wood and Furniture
  • Proposed Mini Programmes or Activities for Groups
    of Enterprise
  • Furniture sector programme in the Dominican
  • Supported by CDE with a consortium of 4 Spanish
    technical centres specialized in wood and
  • The first phase is to establish a strategic plan
    to develop the competitiveness of the sector and
    a second phase is envisaged comprising training
    and technical assistance in such areas as
  • Supply management
  • Production systems
  • Furniture systems
  • Furniture design
  • Finishing and glues
  • Computer assisted design
  • Marketing
  • Costing

Building Capacities In The ICT Sector
  • Proposed Objectives
  • Capacity building of ICT service providers and
    support for market access in the higher end
    products and services.
  • Justification
  • ICT has an important role to play as an enabler
    of competitiveness of SMEs, competitiveness of
    CARIFORUM countries as a whole and as an
    important sector in its own right
  • Because of the regions relatively high wage
    costs, but at the same time its strengths in
    terms of the level of education, it is felt that
    the Caribbean should focus more on the higher end
    ICT services
  • CDEs support will focus on strengthening the ICT
    providers to develop better products in software,
    consultancy and training services to SMEs to
    increase their adoption of technology.

Building Capacities In The ICT Sector
  • Proposed Mini Programmes or Activities for Groups
    of Enterprise
  • Jamaica Computer Society (JCS) sector analysis
    and strategy and participation at CeBIT 2009
    Trade Show
  • Support to Association Haitienne pour le
    Développement des Technologies de lInformation
    et de la Communication (AHTIC) - Participation
    in the Technology Fair in Dominican Republic
  • Consistent with CDE sector programmes, the CAR-
    RFO will encourage requests to Support promotion
    of open source software in SMEs.

SME Investment Support Programme
  • Proposed Objectives
  • Consistent with CDE global programme, CDE will
    work in partnership with selected regional risk
    capital/ equity investment entities to improve
    the SME investment process via targeted
    pre-investment technical appraisals.
  • Justification
  • There is a need to strengthen the technical and
    market aspects of many SME projects in the
    process of accessing investment capital. The
    idea of this facility is to evaluate and
    strengthen the technical and market aspects,
    present the information and risks so that
    investors could make an informed decision.

SME Investment Support Programme
  • Proposed Mini Programmes or Activities for Groups
    of Enterprise
  • CDE already has one pilot programme in the region
    with Caribbean Development Capital Limited
    (DEVCAP) and is currently assessing other
    potential partners who operate at a regional
    level and who are involved in equity investments
  • SME Diagnostic assessments using the Fundes
    Diagnostic Tool for assessing enterprises.

Estimates if Programmes are implemented between
2009 to December 2010
  • Agro industry 418,714.00 28
  • Manufacturing/Agro processing 341,000.00
  • Engineering and Maintenance by SMEs 247,336.10
  • Energy 150,000.00 10
  • Tourism 110,226.53 7
  • Furniture 95,497.00 6
  • SME Investment Support 61,554.00 4
  • Marine 50,000.00 3
  • ICT 31,977.00 2
  • Total 1,506,304.63 100

CDE Global Achievements over the last 10 years
4,000 ACP enterprises have been assisted by CDE
through some 6,500 interventions
  • Geographical distribution
  • Sectoral distribution
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