Title: MECH 420: Fundamentals of Control Systems
1MECH 420 Fundamentals of Control Systems
- Ali Israr (post doc)Mechatronics and Haptic
Interface Lab - Rice University
- January 28, 2009
2Content Outline
- Feedback Control Systems
- Time and Laplace Representation
- Block Diagram Algebra
- Closed-loop Transfer Function
- Effects of Disturbances
3Feedback Systems
- Open loop
- Closed loop Example Cruise control, auto pilot
etc. - Achieve required response, even with uncertainty
in model - Robust to noise disturbance
- Stability
- Dynamics are known and well modeled
- No uncertainty or external disturbance
4Temporal vs. Laplace Domain
- Temporal domain
- Laplace domain
- Temporal Laplace
- Convolution Multiplication
5Transfer Function
- Only for LTI systems
- Inherent property of the system does not depend
on the external inputs - Denominator represents stability
- Commutative
- Associative
6Transfer Function
7Block Diagram Algebra
8Example 1 Y(s)/R(s)? (1 of 6 )
Transformation 4 (outside block coming in the
9Example Y(s)/R(s)? (cont. 2 of 6)
Transformation 6
10Example Y(s)/R(s)? (cont. 3 of 6)
Transformation 1 (Cascade blocks)
11Example Y(s)/R(s)? (cont. 4 of 6)
Transformation 6
12Example Y(s)/R(s)? (cont. 5 of 6)
Transformation 1 (Cascade blocks)
13Example Y(s)/R(s)? (cont. 6 of 6)
14Example 1 (Summary)
15Class Exercise
Is the overall transfer function stable?
16Class Exercise (Worksheet)
17Class Exercise 2
18Class Exercise 2 (cont.)
19Class Example 2
20Class Example 2 (part 1)
Alternate method
21Class Example 2 (part 2)
22Class Example 2 (part 2)
Alternate method
23Class Example 2 (part 3)
24Class Example 2 (part 3)
Alternate method
25Class Example 2 (part 4)
26Class Example 2 (part 4)
Alternate method
- What are the poles and zeros of the process?
- Is the process stable?
- Find the overall transfer function Y/R.
- Is the overall transfer function Y/R stable?
Why? - Find the transfer function Y/D0.
- In the presence of disturbance, is the system
response stable? Why?
- What are the poles and zeros of the process?
- z-5 p7 and -2
- Is the process stable?
- No.
- Find the overall transfer function Y/R.
- Is the overall transfer function Y/R stable? Why?
- Yes. Poles at -19.94, -7.03, -2.03.
- All stable poles and zero-pole cancellation
of unstable pole
- Find the transfer function Y/D0.
- In the presence of disturbance, is the system
response stable? Why? - NO! Unstable pole sign change in the
31Thank you!!