Master of Science - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Master of Science


Temporal Heat Map (THM) is a visualization technique for streaming data derived ... hold an approximation of the Markov property. 12/9/08, Sandia National Labs ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Master of Science

Anomaly Detection Using Data Mining Techniques

Margaret H. Dunham, Yu Meng, Donya Quick, Jie
Huang, Charlie Isaksson CSE Department Southern
Methodist University Dallas, Texas
75275 This material is based
upon work supported by the National Science
Foundation under Grant No. IIS-0208741
  • Develop modeling techniques which can
    learn/forget past behavior of spatiotemporal
    stream events. Apply to prediction of anomalous
  • Introduction
  • EMM Overview
  • EMM Applications to Anomaly Detection
  • EMM Applications to Nuclear Testing
  • Future Work

(No Transcript)
  • Introduction
  • Motivation
  • What is an anomaly?
  • Spatiotemporal Data
  • Modeling Spatiotemporal Data
  • EMM Overview
  • EMM Applications to Anomaly Detection
  • Emm Applications to Nuclear Testing
  • Future Work

  • A growing number of applications generate streams
    of data.
  • Computer network monitoring data
  • Call detail records in telecommunications
  • Highway transportation traffic data
  • Online web purchase log records
  • Sensor network data
  • Stock exchange, transactions in retail chains,
    ATM operations in banks, credit card
  • Data mining techniques play a key role in
    modeling and analyzing this data.

What is Anomaly?
  • Event that is unusual
  • Event that doesnt occur frequently
  • Predefined event
  • What is unusual?
  • What is deviation?

What is Anomaly in Stream Data?
  • Rare - Anomalous Surprising
  • Out of the ordinary
  • Not outlier detection
  • No knowledge of data distribution
  • Data is not static
  • Must take temporal and spatial values into
  • May be interested in sequence of events
  • Ex Snow in upstate New York is not an anomaly
  • Snow in upstate New York in June is rare
  • Rare events may change over time

Statistical View of Anomaly
  • Outlier
  • Data item that is outside the normal distribution
    of the data
  • Identify by Box Plot

Image from Data Mining, Introductory and Advanced
Topics, Prentice Hall, 2002.
Statistical View of Anomaly
  • Identify by looking at distribution
  • THIS DOES NOT WORK with stream data

Image from, Normal distribution.
Data Mining View of Anomaly
  • Classification Problem
  • Build classifier from training data
  • Problem is that training data shows what is NOT
    an anomaly
  • Thus an anomaly is anything that is not viewed as
    normal by the classification technique
  • MUST build dynamic classifier
  • Identify anomalous behavior
  • Signatures of what anomalous behavior looks like
  • Input data is identified as anomaly if it is
    similar enough to one of these signatures
  • Mixed Classification and Signature

Visualizing Anomalies
  • Temporal Heat Map (THM) is a visualization
    technique for streaming data derived from
    multiple sensors.
  • Two dimensional structure similar to an infinite
  • Each row of the table is associated with one
    sensor value.
  • Each column of the table is associated with a
    point in time.
  • Each cell within the THM is a color
    representation of the sensor value
  • Colors normalized (in our examples)
  • 0 While
  • 0.5 Blue
  • 1.0 - Red

THM of VoIP Data
  • VoIP traffic data was provided by Cisco Systems
    and represents logged VoIP traffic in their
    Richardson, Texas facility from Mon Sep 22
    121732 2003 to Mon Nov 17 112911 2003.

Spatiotemporal Stream Data
  • Records may arrive at a rapid rate
  • High volume (possibly infinite) of continuous
  • Concept drifts Data distribution changes on the
  • Data does not necessarily fit any distribution
  • Multidimensional
  • Temporal
  • Spatial
  • Data are collected in discrete time intervals,
  • Data are in structured format, lta1, a2, gt
  • Data hold an approximation of the Markov

Spatiotemporal Environment
  • Events arriving in a stream
  • At any time, t, we can view the state of the
    problem as represented by a vector of n numeric
  • Vt ltS1t, S2t, ..., Sntgt

Data Stream Modeling
  • Single pass Each record is examined at most once
  • Bounded storage Limited Memory for storing
  • Real-time Per record processing time must be low
  • Summarization (Synopsis )of data
  • Use data NOT SAMPLE
  • Temporal and Spatial
  • Dynamic
  • Continuous (infinite stream)
  • Learn
  • Forget
  • Sublinear growth rate - Clustering

  • A first order Markov Chain is a finite or
    countably infinite sequence of events E1, E2,
    over discrete time points, where Pij P(Ej
    Ei), and at any time the future behavior of the
    process is based solely on the current state
  • A Markov Model (MM) is a graph with m vertices or
    states, S, and directed arcs, A, such that
  • S N1,N2, , Nm, and
  • A Lij i? 1, 2, , m, j? 1, 2, , m and Each
  • Lij ltNi,Njgt is labeled with a transition
  • Pij P(Nj Ni).

Problem with Markov Chains
  • The required structure of the MC may not be
    certain at the model construction time.
  • As the real world being modeled by the MC
    changes, so should the structure of the MC.
  • Not scalable grows linearly as number of
  • Our solution
  • Extensible Markov Model (EMM)
  • Cluster real world events
  • Allow Markov chain to grow and shrink dynamically

  • Introduction
  • EMM Overview
  • EMM Applications to Anomaly Detection
  • EMM Applications to Nuclear Testing
  • Future Work

Extensible Markov Model (EMM)
  • Time Varying Discrete First Order Markov Model
  • Nodes are clusters of real world states.
  • Learning continues during application phase.
  • Learning
  • Transition probabilities between nodes
  • Node labels (centroid/medoid of cluster)
  • Nodes are added and removed as data arrives

Related Work
  • Splitting Nodes in HMMs
  • Create new states by splitting an existing state
  • M.J. Black and Y. Yacoob,Recognizing facial
    expressions in image sequences using local
    parameterized models of image motion, Int.
    Journal of Computer Vision, 25(1), 1997, 23-48.
  • Dynamic Markov Modeling
  • States and transitions are cloned
  • G. V. Cormack, R. N. S. Horspool. Data
    compression using dynamic Markov Modeling, The
    Computer Journal, Vol. 30, No. 6, 1987.
  • Augmented Markov Model (AMM)
  • Creates new states if the input data has never
    been seen in the model, and transition
    probabilities are adjusted
  • Dani Goldberg, Maja J Mataric. Coordinating
    mobile robot group behavior using a model of
    interaction dynamics, Proceedings, the Third
    International Conference on Autonomous Agents
    (agents 99), Seattle, Washington

  • Our proposed EMM model is similar to AMM, but is
    more flexible
  • EMM continues to learn during the application
  • State matching is determined using a clustering
  • EMM not only allows the creation of new nodes,
    but deletion (or merging) of existing nodes.
    This allows the EMM model to forget old
    information which may not be relevant in the
    future. It also allows the EMM to adapt to any
    main memory constraints for large scale datasets.
  • EMM performs one scan of data and therefore is
    suitable for online data processing.

  • Extensible Markov Model (EMM) at any time t, EMM
    consists of an MM and algorithms to modify it,
    where algorithms include
  • EMMSim, which defines a technique for matching
    between input data at time t 1 and existing
    states in the MM at time t.
  • EMMIncrement algorithm, which updates MM at time
    t 1 given the MM at time t and classification
    measure result at time t 1.
  • Additional algorithms may be added to modify the
    model or for applications.

  • Find closest node to incoming event.
  • If none close create new node
  • Labeling of cluster is centroid/medoid of members
    in cluster
  • Problem
  • Nearest Neighbhor O(n)
  • BIRCH O(lg n)
  • Requires second phase to recluster initial

lt18,10,3,3,1,0,0gt lt17,10,2,3,1,0,0gt lt16,9,2,3,1,0,
0gt lt14,8,2,3,1,0,0gt lt14,8,2,3,0,0,0gt lt18,10,3,3,1,
Delete N2
EMM Advantages
  • Dynamic
  • Adaptable
  • Use of clustering
  • Learns rare event
  • Scalable
  • Growth of EMM is not linear on size of data.
  • Hierarchical feature of EMM
  • Creation/evaluation quasi-real time
  • Distributed / Hierarchical extensions

Growth of EMM
Servent Data
EMM Performance Growth Rate
EMM Performance Growth Rate
Minnesota Traffic Data
  • Introduction
  • EMM Overview
  • EMM Applications to Anomaly Detection
  • EMM Applications to Nuclear Testing
  • Future Work

  • MnDot Minnesota Department of Transportation
  • Automobile Accident
  • Ouse and Serwent River flow data from England
  • Flood
  • Drought
  • KDD Cup99
  • http//
  • Intrusion
  • Cisco VoIP VoIP traffic data obtained at Cisco
  • Unusual Phone Call

Rare Event Detection
Detected unusual weekend traffic pattern
Weekdays Weekend
Minnesota DOT Traffic Data
Our Approach to Detect Anomalies
  • By learning what is normal, the model can predict
    what is not
  • Normal is based on likelihood of occurrence
  • Use EMM to build model of behavior
  • We view a rare event as
  • Unusual event
  • Transition between events states which does not
    frequently occur.
  • Base rare event detection on determining events
    or transitions between events that do not
    frequently occur.
  • Continue learning

  • EMMRare algorithm indicates if the current input
    event is rare. Using a threshold occurrence
    percentage, the input event is determined to be
    rare if either of the following occurs
  • The frequency of the node at time t1 is below
    this threshold
  • The updated transition probability of the MC
    transition from node at time t to the node at t1
    is below the threshold

EMM Labels for Anomaly Detection
  • Label of Nodes (CF)
  • Cluster feature ltCNi, LSigt
  • CNi cardinality
  • LSi first moment (Medoid or Centroid based)
    give defines here.
  • Label of Links
  • ltCLijgt

Determining Rare
  • Occurrence Frequency (OFc) of a node Nc
  • OFc
  • Normalized Transition Probability (NTPmn), from
    one state, Nm, to another, Nn
  • NTPmn

  • Given
  • Rule1 CNi lt thCN
  • Rule2 CLij lt thCL
  • Rule3 OFc lt thOF
  • Rule4 NTPmn lt thNTP
  • Input Gt EMM at time t
  • i Current state at time t
  • R R1, R2,,RN A set of rules
  • Output At Boolean alarm at time t
  • Algorithm
  • At

1 ?Ri True 0 ?Ri False
Rare Event in Cisco Data
Risk assessment
  • Problem Mitigate false alarm rate while
    maintaining a high detection rate.
  • Methodology
  • Historic feedbacks can be used as a free resource
    to take out some possibly safe anomalies
  • Combine anomaly detection model and users
  • Risk level index
  • Evaluation metrics Detection rate, false alarm
  • Detection rate
  • False alarm rate
  • Operational Curve

Detection rate TP/(TPTN) False alarm rate
Reducing False Alarms
  • Calculate Risk using historical feedback
  • Historical Feedback
  • Count of true alarms

Detection Rate Experiments
False Alarm Rate
  • Introduction
  • EMM Overview
  • EMM Applications to Anomaly Detection
  • EMM Applications to Nuclear Testing
  • Future Work

Research Objectives
  • Apply proven spatiotemporal modeling technique to
    seismic data
  • Construct EMM to model sensor data
  • Local EMM at location or area
  • Hierarchical EMM to summarize lower level models
  • Represent all data in one vector of values
  • EMM learns normal behavior
  • Develop new similarity metrics to include all
    sensor data types (Fusion)
  • Apply anomaly detection algorithms

Input Data Representation
  • Vector of sensor values (numeric) at precise time
    points or aggregated over time intervals.
  • Need not come from same sensor types.
  • Similarity/distance between vectors used to
    determine creation of new nodes in EMM.

EMM with Seismic Data
  • Input Wave arrivals (all or one per sensor)
  • Identify states and changes of states in seismic
  • Wave form would first have to be converted into a
    series of vectors representing the activity at
    various points in time.
  • Initial Testing with RDG data
  • Use amplitude, period, and wave type

New Distance Measure
  • Data ltamplitude, period, wave typegt
  • Different wave type 100 difference
  • For events of same wave type
  • 50 weight given to the difference in amplitude.
  • 50 weight given to the difference in period.
  • If the distance is greater than the threshold, a
    state change is required.
  •  ?amplitude
  • amplitudenew amplitudeaverage /
  • ?period
  • periodnew periodaverage /

EMM with Seismic Data
States 1, 2, and 3 correspond to Noise, Wave A,
and Wave B respectively.
Preliminary Testing
  • RDG data February 1, 1981 6 earthquakes
  • Find transition times close to known earthquakes
  • 9 total nodes
  • 652 total transitions
  • Found all quakes

  • Introduction
  • EMM Overview
  • EMM Applications to Anomaly Detection
  • EMM Applications to Nuclear Testing
  • Future Work

Ongoing/Future Work
  • Extend to Emerging Patterns
  • Extend to Hierarchical/Distributed
  • Yu Su
  • Test with more data KDD Cup
  • Compare to other approaches
  • Charlie Isaksson
  • Apply to nuclear testing

Hierarchical EMM
  • Thanks!

  • Zhigang Li and Margaret H. Dunham, STIFF A
    Forecasting Framework for Spatio-Temporal Data,
    Proceedings of the First International Workshop
    on Knowledge Discovery in Multimedia and Complex
    Data, May 2002, pp 1-9.
  • Zhigang Li, Liangang Liu, and Margaret H. Dunham,
    Considering Correlation Between Variables to
    Improve Spatiotemporal Forecasting, Proceedings
    of the PAKDD Conference, May 2003, pp 519-531.
  • Jie Huang, Yu Meng, and Margaret H. Dunham,
    Extensible Markov Model, Proceedings IEEE ICDM
    Conference, November 2004, pp 371-374.
  • Yu Meng and Margaret H. Dunham, Efficient
    Mining of Emerging Events in a Dynamic
    Spatiotemporal, Proceedings of the IEEE PAKDD
    Conference, April 2006, Singapore. (Also in
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 3918,
    2006, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 750-754.)
  • Yu Meng and Margaret H. Dunham, Mining
    Developing Trends of Dynamic Spatiotemporal Data
    Streams, Journal of Computers, Vol 1, No 3,
    June 2006, pp 43-50.
  • Charlie Isaksson, Yu Meng, and Margaret H.
    Dunham, Risk Leveling of Network Traffic
    Anomalies, International Journal of Computer
    Science and Network Security, Vol 6, No 6, June
    2006, pp 258-265.
  • Margaret H. Dunham and Vijay Kumar, Stream
    Hierarchy Data Mining for Sensor Data,
    Innovations and Real-Time Applications of
    Distributed Sensor Networks (DSN) Symposium,
    November 26, 2007, Shreveport Louisiana.
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