Title: On Generating Safe Controllers for DiscreteTime Linear Systems
1On Generating Safe Controllers for Discrete-Time
Linear Systems
EE 290N Project UC Berkeley December 10, 2004
unsafe state
disable this transition
2Talk Outline
- Research Question
- Background
- Transition Systems
- Discrete-Time Systems
- Relation Between Models of Computation
- Future Directions/Conclusions
3The Question
- For what discrete-time linear systems can I
compute a controller which will guarantee a
safety constraint? - Safety constraint specified as a linear temporal
logic constraint over the state space - I must have a method to compute the desired
controller or know that no such controller exits
4Transition SystemsA Concurrent Model of
- The set of tags is T 0, 1, 2,
6Fixed-Point Computation of the Language
- Computing the set of all initialized runs
- Knowing the set of all initialized runs gives us
the language
7Composing Transition Systems
- If there are simulation relations from P2 to P1
and P1 to P2, then P1 and P2 are bisimilar and
L(P1) L(P2)
9Linear Temporal Logic
- Given a set of predicates P over the set of
values, we are interested in enforcing certain
time-dependent safety properties - Example w always satisfies predicate p
- We can use linear temporal logic express these
properties - When we have finite number of states, we can
compute a controller whose composition with our
system enforces these constraints
10A Discrete-Time, Real-ValuedConcurrent Model of
- This is actually a special class of
discrete-time, real-valued systems (LTI)
11Feedback Composition
- Feedback composition holds if (I BH) and (I
FD) are invertible
12Feedback Composition
- We can start with initial values to compute
fixed-point behavior
13Another Feedback Composition
- The following feedback system also makes a valid
- Our problem is to design f to make x satisfy a
safety property
14Discrete-Time Systemsas Transition Systems
- We will be interested in the case where V is
15A Nice Result (Tabuada, Pappas)
V is a finite partition of W
16A Nice Result (Tabuada, Pappas)
- There exists a bisimilar transition system to P
with a finite number of states - We can compute c by first computing a controller
for the finite-state system