Title: On Agrachev
1On Agrachevs curvature of optimal control
- Matthias Kawski ?Eric Gehrig ?
- Arizona State University
- Tempe, U.S.A.
? This work was partially supported by NSF grant
DMS 00-72369.
- Motivation. WANTED Sufficient conditions
for optimality - Review / survey
- Agrachevs definition and main theorem
- Comment connection to recent work on Dubins car
(Chitour, Sigalotti) - Best studied case Zermelos navigation problem
(Ulysse Serres) - Computational issues,
- Computer Algebra Systems. Live interactive?
- Recent efforts to visualize curvature of
optimal control - how to read our pictures
- what one may be able to see in our pictures
- Conclusion / outlook / current work
- Connection with Bang-Bang controls. Relaxation/
- A. Agrachev On the curvature of control systems
(abstract, SISSA 2000) - A. Agrachev and Yu. Sachkov Lectures on
Geometric Control Theory (SISSA 2001)Control
Theory from the Geometric Viewpoint (Springer
2004) - Ulysse Serres, The curvature of 2-dimensional
optimal control systems' and Zermelos
navigation problem. (preprint 2002). - A. Agrachev, N. Chtcherbakova, and I. Zelenko, On
curvatures and focal points of dynamical
Lagrangian distributions and their reductions by
1st integrals (preprint 2004) - M. Sigalotti and Y. Chitour, Dubins' problem on
surfaces. II. Nonpositive curvature (preprint
2004)On the controllability of the Dubins
problem for surfaces (preprint 2004)
4Purpose/use of curvature in opt. control
- Maximum principle provides comparatively
straightforward necessary conditions for
optimality,sufficient conditions are in general
harder to - come by, and often comparatively harder to
apply.Curvature (w/ corresponding comparison
theorem)suggest an elegant geometric alternative
to obtain verifiable sufficient conditions for
optimality - ? compare classical Riemannian geometry
5Curvature of optimal control
- understand the geometry (very briefly)
- develop intuition in basic examples
- apply to obtain new optimality results
6Curvature and double-Lie-brackets
- Usually, we think of curvature as defined in
terms of connectionse. g. - But here it is convenient to think of curvature
as a measure of the lack of integrability of a
horizontal distribution of horizontal lifts.In
the case of a 2-dimensional base manifold, let g
be the unit vertical field of infinitesimal
rotation in fibres, and f be the geodesic vector
field. In this case Gauss curvature is obtained
as - Recent beautiful application, analysis and
controllability results by Chitour Sigalotti
for control of Dubins car on curved surfaces.
7Curvature of optimal control
- understand the geometry
- develop intuition in basic examples
- apply to obtain new optimality results
8Classical geometry Focusing geodesics
Positive curvature focuses geodesics, negative
curvature spreads them out. Thm. curvature
negative geodesics ? (extremals) are optimal
The imbedded surfaces view, and the color-coded
intrinsic curvature view
9Definition versus formula
A most simple geometric definition - beautiful
and elegant. but the formula in coordinates is
incomprehensible (compare classical curvature)
(formula from Ulysse Serres, 2001)
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11Aside other interests / plans
- What is theoretically /practically feasible to
compute w/ reasonable resources? (e.g.
CAS simplify, old controllability is
NP-hard, MK 1991) - Interactive visualization in only your browser
- CAS-light inside JAVA (e.g. set up geodesic
eqns) - real-time computation of geodesic
spheres (e.g. drag initial point w/ mouse,
or continuously vary parameters) - bait, hook, like Mandelbrot fractals.
Riemannian, circular parabloid
12From Agrachev / Sachkov Lectures on Geometric
Control Theory, 2001
13From Agrachev / Sachkov Lectures on Geometric
Control Theory, 2001
14From Agrachev / Sachkov Lectures on Geometric
Control Theory, 2001
Next Define distinguished parameterization of H x
15The canonical vertical field v
16Jacobi equation in moving frame
17Zermelos navigation problem
Zermelos navigation formula
18formula for curvature ?
- total of 782 (279) terms in num, 23 (7) in denom.
MAPLE cant factor
19First pictures fields of polar plots
- On the left the drift-vector field (wind)
- On the right field of polar plots of
k(x1,x2,f)in Zermelos problem u f. (polar
coord on fibre)polar plots normalized and color
enhanced unit circle ? zero
curvature negative curvature ? inside ?
greenish positive curvature ? outside ?
20Example F(x,y) sech(x),0
k NOT globally scaled. colors for k and k-
scaled independently.
21Example F(x,y) 0, sech(x)
Question What do optimal paths look like?
Conjugate points?
k NOT globally scaled. colors for k and k-
scaled independently.
22Special case linear drift
- linear drift F(x)Ax, i.e., (dx/dt)Axeiu
- Curvature is independent of the base point x,
study dependence on parameters of the
drift kA(x1,x2,f) k(f,A)This case was
studied in detail by U.Serres.Here we only give
a small taste of the richness of even this very
special simple class of systems
23Linear drift, preparation I
- (as expected), curvature commutes with
rotationsquick CAS check
gt k'B'combine(simplify(zerm(Bxy,x,y,theta),tri
24Linear drift, preparation II
- (as expected), curvature scales with
eigenvalues(homogeneous of deg 2 in space of
eigenvalues)quick CAS check
gt kdiagzerm(lambdax,muy,x,y,theta)
Note q is even and also depends only on even
harmonics of q
25Linear drift
- if drift linear and ortho-gonally
diagonalizable ? then no conjugate pts(see U.
Serres for proof, here suggestive picture only)
gt kdiagzerm(x,lambday,x,y,theta)
26Linear drift
- if linear drift has non-trivial Jordan block ?
then a little bit ofpositive curvature exists - Q enough pos curv forexistence of conjugate
gt kjordzerm(lambdaxy,lambday,x,y,theta)
27Some linear drifts
Question Which case is good for optimal
diag w/ l10,-1
diag w/ l1i,1-i
jordan w/ l13/12
28Ex A1 1 0 1. very little pos curv
- globally scaled.
- colors for k and k- scaled simultaneously.
30Curvature and Bang-Bang extremals
- Current theory of curvature in optimal control
applies to systems whose set of admissible
velocities is a topological sphere (circle).
Current efforts Approximate affine system
whose set of velocities is a line or plane
segment by system whose set of velocities is a
thin ellipsoids,and analyze the limit as the
ellipsoids degenerate.
31Curvature and Bang-Bang extremals
- Current theory of curvature in optimal control
applies to systems whose set of admissible
velocities is a topological sphere (circle).
What about affine systems whose set of
velocities is a line or plane segment ?
- Curvature of control beautiful
subject promising to yield new sufficiency
results - Even most simple classes of systems far from
understood - CAS and interactive visualization promise to be
useful tools to scan entire classes of systems
for interesting, proof-worthy properties. - Some CAS open problems (simplify). Numerically
fast implementation for JAVA not yet. - Zermelos problem particularly nice because
everyone has intuitive understanding, wants to
argue which way is best, then see and compare to
the true optimal trajectories. - Current efforts Agrachevs theory applies to
systems whose set of admissible velocities is a
topological sphere (circle). Current efforts
Approximate systems whose set of velocities is a
line/plane segment by thin ellipsoids and
analyze the limit as the ellipsoids degenerate.
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