Title: Piccolo.NET
A Scalable Structured Graphics Toolkit
- Benjamin B. Bederson, Aaron Clamage
- Computer Science Department
- Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL)
- University of Maryland
2What is Piccolo?
- An extensive 2D graphics toolkit
- Primarily designed to support
- Zoomable information spaces
- Structured canvas of graphical objects
- Hierarchical scenegraph model
- Creation of custom controls
- Supports 2D Object Oriented Graphics
- Hierarchies (transformation, transparency)
- Animation, events
- Cameras, layers, views
3What is it good for?
- Structured graphics
- Custom interaction
- Zoomable User Interfaces
4Where did it come from?
Pad, Pad, Jazz, Morphic
Piccolo. NET
Java Piccolo
Deep Port
Relies On
Relies On
GDI orDirect3D
5Piccolo.NET vs. Piccolo.Java
6Other Piccolo.NET Differences
- Similar API, modified to better support .NET
constructs and style guidelines - Capitalized method names
- Properties instead of accessor methods
- Float instead of double precision
- Delegates or static classes instead of anonymous
inner classes
- Same great taste less filling!
- Essentially identical except for
- Lower quality rendering
- No graphical paths or transparency
- No rotation
- Poorer performance
- Still all the cool stuff
- Hierarchical, transformable objects
- Animation
- Event handling
- Efficiency mechanisms
8How does it work?
- Monolithic design
- Simple class hierarchy
- Simple runtime structure
9This Presentation Tool
- Similar structure to GraphEditor
- Scenegraph
- Event handlers
- But this time
- Hierarchical transforms
- Animation
10Getting Started(with Piccolo.NET)
- Pre-requisites
- Visual Studio.NET
- .NET Framework
- Setting up the Environment
- Install integrated help
- Add PCanvas to the toolbox
- Create new Visual Studio project
- Add reference to UMD.HCIL.Piccolo.dll and
11A Simple Example
using UMD.HCIL.Piccolo using UMD.HCIL.Piccolo.Nod
es using UMD.HCIL.PiccoloX public class
PHelloWorld PForm public override void
Initialize() PText text new
PText("Hello World") Canvas.Layer.AddChil
d(text) static void Main()
new PHelloWorld()
Coding Demo
12Adding Interaction with Events
- Two ways to do it
- Classes
- Use listener classes directly or extend them
- Delegates
- Attach event handler methods directly to PNode
Coding Demo
13Special Effects with Activities
- Three ways to do it
- Classes
- Use activity classes directly or extend them
- Delegates
- Attach activity stepped delegates to PActivity
- Convenience methods
- Call PNodes animation methods
Coding Demo
14Defining Multiple Views
- Various ways to do it
- Internal cameras
- Lenses
- Multiple layers
- Multiple canvases
Coding Demo
15A Bigger Example Graph Editor
- Nodes and Edges
- Highlightable
- Draggable
- Approach
- Structure of objects
- Relate nodes edges
- Event handlers
Coding Demo
16Where to go from here?
- Get Piccolo
- Download release version www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/picco
lo/download/index.shtml - Get the latest and greatest from CVS
- www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/piccolo/download/cvs.shtml
- Use the resources on the website
- Learning Center (FAQ, tutorials, mailing lists)
- www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/piccolo/learn/index.shtml
- API Documentation and Integrated help
- www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/piccolo/learn/api.shtml
- Thanks to Microsoft Research who supports the
creation and maintenance of Piccolo.NET and
PocketPiccolo.NET - Thanks to Jesse Grosjean who is the main
programmer behind the original Java Piccolo which
Piccolo.NET is based on