Title: Pomeri cid
1Pomeri cid
- Traditional Pamirian House and its Symbolism
2Pamir (Pomer)
- Pa lt pada, av. pada, shug. pod foot
- Mir ltmithra- av. mi?ra God of sun
- Under the foot of sun,
- or foot of Mithra
3Appearance of Traditional Pamiri House
4-cid gtkata house -xuna gt fr., tj. house
-mala gt arab. mahalla quarters
5Pex?woz// Pex?ozfr., tj.pevoz meeting, to
6dali? hallentrance-roomsitan pillar,
fr., tj. sutun quxuna separate room
7dupeca fr., tj. du, sg. ðu two"pec
pecondan to wrap -a
8nêx elevated places vo???nêx//daroznêx -
vo??? f.(m. vu???), daroz long,
elongatedbarnêx - bar height
9x?asitan- (Surush, Hazrati Muhammad) xa
kingsitan pillar vo???nêxsitan //
daroznêxsitan (Mehr, wind, Imam Aly)
10Horn of argali
11kicorsitan (Anahita, Bibi Fotimai Zahro, water)
kicor -fireplacepoygasitan (Zamyad, Hazrati
Hasan, earth)poyga -floor barnêxsitan
(Azar, Hazrati Husayn, fier) barnêx - height
elevated place
12Two main transversal supporting beams
- According to Zoroastrism
- Minu - Spiritual World
- Geti - Material World
- According to Ismailism
- Universal Reason (Aqli Kull)
- Universal Soul (Nafsi Kull)
13Minu - Universal Reason (Aqli Kull)
14Geti -Universal Soul (Nafsi Kull)
15bucki??ijcrossbarbuc gt bucak goatki?? gt
kixtow to slaughter-ij
16Zidun pantry zi iv hole-dun
17calakfr., tj. cah well-akkicor fireplace
- calak place for keeping a small amount of wood
- kicor honorable place
- (w)ujra separate place for cooking and eating
18 ruz /? skylight source of
light and a path between human and heaven
corxunacor fourxuna house
19Poygafr., tj. poy, shg. poð foot-ga fr., tj.
-goh place
20Three levels of Cid
Three kingdom of nature 1. Inanimate world -
Poyga 2. Vegetative soul - Calak, Vo???nêx and
Barnêx 3. Cognitive soul - Kicor