Title: Microformats
A session at NTC07, Washington DC Facilitated by
(the east coast) Michael Stein michael_at_membersonly
software.com http//michaelatmo.blogspot.com
23 principal takeaways
- What are microformats?
- How are they in use today?
- How can microformats can be valuable to
non-profit orgs?
4Official Definition -
- Designed for humans first and machines second,
microformats are a set of simple, open data
formats built upon existing and widely adopted
5My definition
- Microformats are transformations of prior widely
used standards. - Using pure xhtml as a data transfer mechanism,
microformats provide a way for both humans and
programs to read the same screen displays.
6Screen-scraping 20 years ago
- In 1987, we were hired by a small investment firm
to download stock data from Compuserve displays. - We had to trust the data would be displayed in
the same format from day to day.
7Screen-scraping conundrum
- Even today, most web displays are designed for
humans only. Only with careful programming can
data be extracted from them for computer use.
8Screen-scraping 2007 style
- Scraping by design What if we introduce elements
into the web page that identify the semantics of
individual text strings?
9Screen-scraping by design
- Whats so clever about microformats is that use
the same tags to add this semantic information as
to provide the visual formatting!
10The idea
11The idea
USE xHTML with semantics specified as
CLASS ltdiv classNAMEgt ltspan
classFIRSTNAMEgtCharleslt/spangt ltspan
classLASTNAMEgtWindsorlt/spangt lt/divgt And let
CSS handle the visuals.
12An example
13an example - source
ltdiv class"vcard"gt ltp class"fn" gtStein,
Michaellt/pgt ltdiv class"photo" style"floatleft"gt
ltimg src"images\00003971.jpg"
alt"Michael" /gtlt/divgt ltp class"org"gtMembers
Only Software, Inc lt/pgt ltdiv class"adr"gt ltp
class"street-address"gt 1806 T St NWlt/pgt ltpgtltspan
class"locality"gtWashingtonlt/spangt ltspan
class"region" gtDClt/spangt ltspan
class"postal-code"gt20009lt/spangt lt/pgt ltp
class"country-name"gtlt/pgt lt/divgt ltdiv
class"telecommunications"gt ltp class"tel"gtltspan
class"tel"gtltspan class"type"gtOffice
Phonelt/spangt ltspan class"value"gt(202)
328-1785lt/spangtlt/pgt ltp class"email"gtEmail lta
class"value" href"mailtomichaelatmo_at_gmail.com"gt
michaelatmo_at_gmail.comlt/agtlt/pgt lt/divgtlt/divgt
14an example visual styling
- hCard- phyisical appearance is controlled by the
style sheet used.
15Existing Microformats
- hCard
- hCalendar
- votelinks
- hreview
- rel-license
- rel-tag
The official microformats site Microformats.org Is
a repository of information on these And
emerging microformat standards
16Micro-micro formats
- Its all done with the rel attribute
- Used for tag, licence, xfn, etc
lta hrefhttp//michaelatmo.blogspot.com
relfriendgtMichael Stein lt/agt
17Microformats in Action
- Technorati builds its tagged blog index by
looking for the reltag microformat on claimed
blogs. A major use of a micro-micro-format.
18Microformat in Action
- OPERATOR is a FIREFOX extension that detects
microformats in each page you veiw and enables
actions on them. - Developed by Michael Kaply at IBM
- http//labs.mozilla.com/2006/12/introducing-operat
19Other microformat extractors
- TAILS an open source project.
- http//blog.codeeg.com/tails-firefox-extension-03/
- Allows custom scripting of the actions taken when
a microformat is found.
20Microformat creators
- These are little applets that let you type in the
information in a form and generate a microformat
for including in on a site. The Microformats.org
site has links to many such creators.
21Uses in the npTech context?
- Information sharing between npo sites
- Social Networking Community Building
applications? - Data Integration Applications?
- Are there new microformats we need to evolve to
meet specifucu npo reuirements.
22Some online resources
- microformats.org
- Jeremy Keiths site http//adactio.com/extras/get
23New book Im eager to read
- MicroformatsEmpowering Your Markup for Web 2.0
By John Allsopp