Title: Light interference and localization of strongly driven multiparticle systems
1Light interference and localization of strongly
driven multi-particle systems
- Mihai Macovei, JÖrg Evers and Christoph H. Keitel
- Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics,
Heidelberg, Germany
CEWQO 2007, Palermo, Italy
- Motivation
- Spatial distribution of spontaneous emission
- Weak and strong-field spatial interference
- Two photon spatial coherences in strongly
driven regular multi-particle structures. - Cauchy-Schwarz inequalities
- Localization of atomic ensembles via
super-fluorescence - Conclusions
- recovering the first-order spatial
interference for stronger laser fields, - improving the spatial light-resolution,
- investigating the spatial behaviors of quantum
properties of light - to localize atomic ensembles with a
sub-wavelength accuracy
- multi-particle systems,
- single- and two-photon interference,
- sub-wavelength localization.
4Spatial distribution of spontaneous emission
- The spontaneous emission of non-interacting
excited particles in vacuum is isotropic. - The collective spontaneous emission of an
excited pencil-shaped two-state system is
distributed along the samples axis.
M. Gross and S. Haroche, Phys. Rep. 93(5), 301
5Spatial quantum interference
6Spatial interference
Double slit with two trapped ions
applications e.g. in lithography?
U. Eichmann et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 2359
7Two-atom collective states
Introduce new state basis
dark-center interference
bright-center interference
Two transition amplitudes add with different
bright center
dark center
via symmetric state
via anti-symmetric state
C. Skornia et al., Phys. Rev. A 64, 063801 (2001)
8Weak- field spatial interference. The model
9Analytical methods. Approximations
- Master equation approach
- Dipole and rotating - wave approximations
- Mean-field and Born - Markov approximations
- Dressed - states formalism
- Secular approximation.
10Weak- field spatial interference. Visibility
For weak fields,
the visibility of the interference pattern
Note that V?0 when ? gtgt ?.
11The strong field case
Spectral decomposition
under strong driving splitting in different
spectral bands
Mollow spectrum
define observables for each spectral band
12Recovering strong-field interference
- modify mode density at dressed-state transition
frequencies e.g. via cavity - this changes spontaneous emission and
redistributes populations - look at single spectral band
change mode density via cavity
right sideband suppressed
left sideband suppressed
13Strong - field spatial interference. Analytical
14Strong - field spatial interference. Spectral
-line intensities
15Strong-field spatial interference in a tailored
electromagnetic bath
One can define separately the visibilities V
(Imax-Imin) /(Imax Imin) for each of the
central, left and right spectral lines,
Central band visibility VCB as a function of ?
no interference in plain vacuum, ? 1
16Strong-field spatial interference. Regular atomic
17The strong-field spatial interference pattern
Central-band intensity ICB/N2 as function of a1.
Here kLrab20p and VCB 0.9. Blue line N8, red
curve N2.
M. Macovei, J. Evers, G.-x. Li, C. H. Keitel,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 043602 (2007).
18Two-photon spatial coherences in strongly driven
multi-particle structures
19Two-photon spatial coherences
The coherence properties of an electromagnetic
field, at space-point R, can be evaluated with
the help of the second-order coherence functions
are the creation (annihilation) operator for
modes i, j .
can be interpreted as a measure for the
probability for detecting one photon emitted in
mode i and another photon emitted in mode j with
delay t.
The quantity
20Second-order correlation functions. Properties
Equal times
- g2( t 0 ) 1 poissonian photon statistics
(e.g. coherent state) - g2( t 0 ) lt 1 sub-poissonian photon
statistics (e.g. Fock state) - g2( t 0 ) gt 1 super-poissonian photon
statistics (e.g. thermal light)
Different times
- g2( t gt 0 ) g2( t 0 ) bunching (e.g.
thermal light) - g2( t gt 0 ) gt g2( t 0 ) anti-bunching (e.g.
single atom fluorescence)
- g2( t gt 0 ) gt g2( t 0 )
- g2( t 0 ) lt 1
21Cauchy-Schwarz inequalities
The Cauchy-Schwarz inequalities are violated if
i.e., if the cross-correlation between photons
emitted into two different modes are larger than
the correlation between photons emitted into
individual modes.
22The Cauchy-Schwarz parameters
23Two-photon spatial coherences
24Second-order spatial interference resolution
The central-band second-order correlation
function. The red line depicts the strong-field
limit (Vc0) while the blue curve describes the
weak-field case with N2,
M. Macovei, J. Evers, G.-x. Li, C. H. Keitel,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 043602 (2007).
- The strong-field first order interference pattern
can be recovered by tailoring the electromagnetic
reservoir surrounding the atomic structure - Second order correlation functions do exhibit
interference effects even in the standard vacuum. - The cross-correlations between photons emitted
in the spectral sidebands violate Cauchy-Schwartz
inequalities and their emission ordering cannot
be predicted.
26Localization of atomic ensembles via
M. Macovei, J. Evers, C. H. Keitel, M. S.
Zubairy, Phys. Rev. A 75, 033801 (2007)
27Multi-particle sub-wavelength localisation.
sample of atoms
Localization of ensembles
- atoms are positioned in a standing wave laser
field - sample has linear dimensions smaller than
wavelength - atoms dipole-dipole interact
Dicke model
- collective operators, e.g.
28The Hamiltonian
Free energies
Atom-laser coupling
Atom-vacuum coupling
29Master equation
Coherent part
Spontaneous emission Dipole-dipole coupling
30Steady-state solution
Ansatz for steady state
Bosonic ladder operators
Inserting in Master equation yields analytic
31Steady-state solution
Ansatz for steady state
Bosonic ladder operators
Inserting in Master equation yields analytic
32Fluorescence intensity profile
O / (N?) 100 O / (N?) 50 O / (N?) 25
Od -10 ? ?/(N?) 0.5
width 0.01 ?
Intensity dip width can becontrolled
Position in standing wave
33Fluorescence intensity profile
2 atoms 4 atoms 8 atoms
O 100 ? Od -5 ? ? 10 ?
Two atom case
- For small distances, anti-symmetricstate
decouples - Minimum dip width aroundposition of symmetric
Many atom case
- Minimum width around positionwhere symmetric
states are - No structure at positions ofantisymmetric states
- But positions not exactlydefined because of
many(anti-) symmetric states
35Scanning-dip spectroscopy
- Change phase of standingwave field to move nodes
- Constantly monitorscattered light intensity
- Identify position of atomsvia the absence of
lightat the nodes? localized particles
unperturbed - accuracy determined bydip width
Intensity dip should be as narrow as possible
36Single-pass localization
Collection flying through cavity
- Only short interaction
- Try to obtain as much information as possible
Measurement scheme
- The total amount of scatteredlight provides
localization information - Measured intensity fixeshorizontal cut and
thusposition range
Large slope of intensity profile desirable over
whole wavelength
Localization of atomic ensembles
- ensemble confined to region smaller than
wavelength - evaluate fluorescence in standing wave field?
collective effects
Scanning-dip localization
- relies on the absence of fluorescence? localized
particle essentially unperturbed - exploits collectivity and strongfields to tailor
a narrow dipin fluorescence profile
Single-pass localization
- gain as much position informationas possible in
single pass - requires a wide dip in fluorescence profile in
order to work at all positions