Title: Spatial Processes and Image Analysis
1Spatial Processes and Image Analysis
Yassir Moudden Sandrine Pires CEA/DAPNIA/SEDI-SA
- Lectures
- Basic models and tools in signal and image
processing. - Multiscale transforms wavelets, ridgelets,
curvelets, etc. - Multiresolution analysis and wavelet bases.
- Noise modeling and image restoration.
- Problems and methods in multispectral data
2Basic models and tools in signal and image
- Outline
- Different types of images
- Sampling and quantification
- Fourier transform, Power spectrum
- Linear Filtering, convolution
- Non-linear operators mathematical morphology
- Statistical properties of images
3Signals, Images, etc.
- Quantitative data
- Organized in time or space
4Different types of signals and images (1)
- Continuous or Discrete index.
- Continuous or Quantized values.
- Finite energy, finite power, etc.
Computer processing requires finite energy,
discrete, quantized data.
5Different types of signals and images (2)
- Signals and images grouped in terms of regularity
properties - Continuous and global order of differentiability
- Local regularity
- Fractal dimension
- Statistical properties
- Marginal distributions, moments, etc.
- Coherence, correlations and non linear
dependencies - Stationarity
Different formal environment for handling indexed
data sets.
6Periodic signals and images
- Fourier series expansion
- where
- Plancherel-Parceval formula
7Signals and images as energy distributions in
time or space
- Energy
- Localization
- Spread
- More detailed characterization higher order
moments of the energy distribuition.
8 and in Fourier space
- Fourier transform
- Parceval
- Localization
- Spread
- Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
9A few properties of the Fourier transform
(Poisson Sommation Formula)
10Sampling from continuous to discrete time (1)
- Ideal sampling multiplication by a Dirac comb
with rate Fs 1/T. - Properties
- Linear oprator.
- Not shift invariant..
- Shannon-Nyquist sampling theorem
- Given a uniform sampling rate of Fs 1/T, the
highest frequency - that can be unambiguously represented is Fs/2.
- Reconstruction (interpolation) formula
11Sampling from continuous to discrete time (2)
- Sampling in time
- periodizes in frequency space resulting in
In higher dimensions, separable sampling schemes
are most commonly used. But there are other non
trivial possibilities.
12Linear operators - Filtering
- Simplest possible operators are linear.
- Shift invariant linear operators convolutive
systems - Harmonic signals are eigenvectors of linear
filters - with
13Example (1) low pass spatial filter
- Used for smoothing (removal of small details
prior to large object extraction, bridging small
gaps in lines) and noise reduction. - Low-pass (smoothing) spatial filtering
- Neighborhood averaging
- Results in spatial blurring
14Example (2) median filter (non-linear)
- Replace the current pixel value by the median
pixel value in a given neighborhood. - Achieves effective noise supression.
- Preserves the sharpness of real boundaries.
15Mathematical morphology
- Two basic non-linear operators
- Dilation
- Erosion
- Several composite operators
- Closing
- Opening
- Conditionnal closing, etc.
- A strucutring element is used in each of these
- Principle takes the binary image B, places the
origin of structuring element S over each pixel
of value 1, and ORs the structuring element S
into the output image at the corresponding
position. - It is typically applied to binary image, but
there are versions that work on gray scale image.
- The basic effect of the operator on a binary
image is to gradually enlarge the boundaries of
regions of foreground pixels (i.e. white pixels,
typically). - Thus areas of foreground pixels grow in size
while holes within those regions become smaller.
example dilation using a 3 by 3 square
structuring element for gap bridging.
- Principle takes the binary image B, places the
origin of structuring element S over each pixel
of value 1, and ANDs the structuring element S
into the output image at the corresponding
position. - It is typically applied to binary image, but
there are versions that work on gray scale image.
- The basic effect of the operator on a binary
image is to gradually eliminate small objects.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1
18Closing and opening
- Closing is a dilation followed by an erosion
(with the same structuring element). Closing also
produces the smoothing of sections of contours
but fuses narrow breaks, fills gaps in the
contour and eliminates small holes. - Opening is an erosion followed by dilation
(with the same structuring element). Opening
smoothes the contours of objects, breaks narrow
isthmuses and eliminates thin protrusions.
Effect of closing using a 3 by 3 square
structuring element
19Closing and opening
- Closing is a dilation followed by an erosion
(with the same structuring element). Closing also
produces the smoothing of sections of contours
but fuses narrow breaks, fills gaps in the
contour and eliminates small holes. - Opening is an erosion followed by dilation
(with the same structuring element). Opening
smoothes the contours of objects, breaks narrow
isthmuses and eliminates thin protrusions.
20Statistical signal and image processing
- Another way to build classes of signal and image
data. - Doesnt mean the signal or image data are
stochastic. - Means that our incomplete prior knowledge of what
is noise and what is information requires a
probabilistic framework for bayesian inference or
maximum likelihood estimation. -
- Many algorithms for image denoising, restoration
etc. are in this general framework MEM, Wiener,
shrinkage, detection. - Prior probabilities express our knowledge of
noise and signal.
21Statistical properties of signals and images
- A stochastic process/field is completely defined
by its probability law - Simplest model considers IID processes,
isotropic, stationary - How to account for coherent behaviour of
neighboring (or not) samples or pixels, in a
generic way? - Different priors for differents classes of
- Gibbs-Markov fields
- New representations of structured image data.
22Gibbs-Markov field models for images
- The probability distribution of the value of
pixel s does not depend on all the other pixels
but only on those pixels in the considered
neighborhood sort range local interactions.
- example Monte-Carlo simulations of an Ising
model for different values of coupling.
23Gibbs-Markov random fields in segmentation
Segmentation of satelite images of urban areas
using MRF.
24Multiscale transforms wavelets, ridgelets,
curvelets, etc.
- Outline
- The Fourier transform
- Transient world and singularities Gibbs effect,
regularity - Time-frequency analysis and the Heisenberg
principle - Optimal spatiospectral localization
- Wavelets, the continuous transform coherence,
sparsity, redundancy - Cauchy Schwartz inequality
- Approximation theory vanishing moments
- Non-linear operators mathematical morphology
- Markov random fields
- Problems in Astronomical data analysis
- Frames, radon, ridgelets, curvelets
- Parceval plancherel
- 2D wavelets
25Multiresolution analysis and wavelet bases
- Outline
- Multiresolution analysis
- The scaling function and scaling equation
- Examples
- Fast algorithms
- Orthogonal and biorthogonal wavelets
- Building wavelet bases
- Vanishing moments
- Applications in compression, approximation
- Trees
- Wavelet packets
- A trous algorithm
- Pyramidal algorithm
26Image restoration, noise models, detection,
- Outline
- Image fornation model, Inverse problems in image
processing - Algorithms for deconvolution Richardson-Lucy,
CLEAN, - Wiener filtering, Gaussian filter, Maximumentropy
methode - Spike processes
- Application of multiresolution methods
- Shrinkage, Sparsity, bayesesian approaches
- Inpainting
- Again Cauchy-Schwartz
- Pierpaoli
- Complex models accounting for coherent
behaviour of wavelet coefficients
27Multi-dimensional data analysis
- Outline
- What is multidimensional data
- Where does it come from
- Gaussianity
- Representations ans sparsity
- Projection pusuit
- Principal Component Analysis Karhunen-Loeve
Basis - Standard mainstream ICA
- Diversity and separability
- Non gaussianity, Non stationarity
- Linear mixture model
- Applications