On the semantics of Polish do. A minimalspecification approach - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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On the semantics of Polish do. A minimalspecification approach


... of such factors as the physical properties of TR and LM, contact and motion) ... example 2, where the goal reading overrides the spatial configuration) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: On the semantics of Polish do. A minimalspecification approach

On the semantics of Polish do. A
minimal-specification approach
  • Daria Bebeniec
  • Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland
  • daria_at_hektor.umcs.lublin.pl

Principled Polysemy
  • Tyler and Evans (2001, 2003, 2004), constrained
    methodology for modelling prepositional meaning
  • LCCM (lexical concepts, cognitive models) Theory
    (Evans 2005, 2007, in press)
  • In opposition to so-called full-specification
    approaches (Brugman 1988, Lakoff 1987), bone of
    contention distinctness of sense nature of
  • ? full-specification approach lexical
    units possess constant semantic values and
    therefore all meaning can be given exhaustive
    representation by the enumeration of senses
  • ? minimal-specification approach lexical
    units constitute underspecified prompts which
    activate relevant portions of encyclopedic
    knowledge, depending on the context they occur

Nature of spatial meaning
  • Distributed spatial semantics (Sinha and Kuteva,
  • ? spatial meaning is scattered over all
    elements co-occurring in a given syntagm
  • Meaning as indeterminate, protean and emergent -
    The cat jumped over the wall example (Tyler and
    Evans, 2001, 2003)
  • ? none of the lexical items provides the
    specification concerning the shape of the
    trajectory it is retrievable from the complex
    interaction of the knowledge concerning cats,
    walls, the activity of jumping and some aspects
    of force dynamics
  • ? meaning emerges in the dynamic process
    of meaning construction, i.e. in a particular
  • Usage-based perspective (Langacker 1988, 2000)

Centrality of sense
  • Central sense (proto-scene) configurational
    element functional element (Vandeloise 1994,
    Herskovits 1988), e.g. ?the apple in the bowl /
    the apple beneath the bowl (after Evans in press
  • ? even though the relation of containment
    typically associated with the preposition in is
    evidently present in the figure above, it is the
    preposition beneath that seems the most natural
    choice (this is because containment is associated
    with the functional consequence of location with
    surety, absent from the foregoing configuration)
  • ? functional knowledge is an intrinsic
    part of every spatial configuration and helps
    account for usage potential and sense derivation
  • Criteria for abstracting central senses (Tyler
    and Evans 2003 47-50)
  • 1) earliest attested meaning
  • 2) predominance in the semantic network
  • 3) frequency of participation in compounds and
    other composite forms
  • 4) contrast sets
  • 5) grammatical predictions

Distinctness of sense
  • Distinct senses vs. instances of use (Tyler and
    Evans 2004)
  • ? the problem is crucial to the full
    specification minimal specification distinction
    and actually touches on the understanding of
    polysemy (inclusion or exclusion of such factors
    as the physical properties of TR and LM, contact
    and motion)
  • ? even though the boundary between a sense
    and a usage is subtle, any analysis which aims at
    differentiating single senses ought to take into
    account only conventionalized usages (senses), as
    opposed to the usages whose meaning arises from
    the accumulation of a number of spatial elements
    at the sentence level
  • Criteria for discriminating distinct senses
    (Tyler and Evans 2001 731-733)
  • 1) meaning absent from other distinct senses
  • 2) context-independent instantiations
  • Meaning extension (pragmatic strengthening,
    experiential correlation (e.g. Grady 1999),
    perceptual resemblance)
  • On-line meaning construction (best fit, knowledge
    of real-world force dynamics, topological

DO proto-scene
  • 1) Poszla do kina / szkoly / sklepu / kosciola.
    She went to the cinema / school / the store /
  • 2) Poszedl do pracy. He went to work.
  • 3) Wsiadla do samochodu. She got in the car.
  • 4) Podeszla / doszla do samochodu. She approached
    to / arrived at the car.
  • 5) Idz do mamy. Go to your mother.
  • 6) Zajrzal do domu przez okno. He peeped into the
    house through the window.
  • 7) Stal tylem do sciany. He stood with his back
    towards the wall.

  • The proto-scene for do
  • configurational element a spatial relation
    where a TR is oriented towards a salient LM
  • functional element goal

DO proto-scene (cont.)
  • Unsurprisingly, the proto-scene for do is
    compatible with that for the English cognate to
    (see Tyler and Evans 2004)
  • Sentences 1-7 are all instances of the
  • Do does not encode motion by itself (the
    implicature of movement is evident only in the
    presence of verbs of motion, examples 1-5)
  • Still, do is particularly apt for participating
    in dynamic readings (due to the information
    encoded by the proto-scene there is a strong
    correlation between being oriented towards
    something and an intention to reach it - hence
    the functional consequence of goal)
  • Do is also neutral with respect to containment
    (final-inclusion readings are influenced by
    canonical functions associated with particular
    bounded LMs, by the presence of a motile TR and
    finally, by the semantics of the verb e.g.,
    examples 3 and 4 wsiasc vs. podejsc vs. dojsc)
  • In sum, the nature of a given LM plus other
    sentential clues influence the reading of an
    utterance in terms of the presence or absence of
    potential containment and motion
  • The examples quoted also illustrate the
    indeterminacy of lexical meanings (esp. example
    1) and the importance of functional information
    (esp. example 2, where the goal reading overrides
    the spatial configuration)

DO other distinct senses
  • 1) The Temporal Sense Zamierzam pracowac do
    wieczora. Im going to work till the evening.
  • ? the Temporal Sense may have been motivated by
    the correlation of distance, which is a situated
    implicature arising from the frequent
    co-occurrence of do(-) with motion verbs, and
    duration. Besides, attaining a goal is usually
    limited to a certain period of time, so that the
    sense of success often depends on completing a
    given action within that period of time.
  • 2) The Comparison Sense Legia wygrala 2 do 1.
    Legia won 2 to 1.
  • ? The Comparison Sense rests on the fact that
    physical proximity, that is, bringing two things
    together, is a necessary condition for comparing
    them. That sense is an interesting example of how
    implicatures, or meaning components arising
    incidentally in a given linguistic and
    extralinguistic context, get entrenched and turn
    into separate senses.
  • 3) The State Sense Do zakochania jeden krok. It
    takes one step to fall in love. / Kolysala
    dziecko do snu. She rocked the baby to sleep.
  • ? The State Sense may be accounted for in terms
    of the correlation between states and locations
    through recurring instances of a particular
    emotional state being experienced in a particular
    locale, the correlation between location and
    emotional and/or physical state becomes
    established (Tyler and Evans 2003 187).
  • 4) The Attachment Sense Do pudelka przywiazana
    byla karteczka. There was a little card tied on
    to the box. / Byla do niego bardzo przywiazana.
    She was strongly attached to him. / Zapisal sie
    do partii. He joined the party.
  • ? The Attachment Sense constitutes an example
    where physical proximity, a consequence of the
    trajector reaching its goal, is correlated with
    transfer in a particular direction. On being
    sanctioned, the sense may be used in other than
    purely spatial relationships

DO other distinct senses (cont.)
  • 5) The Limit Sense Badal do 20 pacjentów
    dziennie. He examined up to twenty patients a
  • ? The Limit Sense may have been established on
    the grounds that reaching a goal is frequently
    thought of as an end or limit of some activity.
    Besides, distances covered when reaching a goal
    can be measured, and the landmark in the sentence
    at issue constitutes a point on a certain scale,
    which also corroborates the motivation proposed.
  • 6) The Function Sense filizanka do kawy coffee
    cup / pasta do butów shoe polish
  • ?The Function Sense is a result of the
    correlation of the canonical destination of the
    trajector with the inherent function of the
  • 7) The Emotion Sense milosc do matki love for
    ones mother / niechec do kogos aversion to
  • ? The Emotion Sense can be explained by the fact
    that interpersonal relationships require physical
    presence and contact, which naturally entails
    orientation, as we normally face other people
    when talking to them. Contacts, in turn, result
    in having some kind of emotional attitude to
    people who we know.
  • Interestingly, although motion and containment
    are not encoded by do, their consequences
    (implicatures deriving from experiential
    correlations), via the process of pragmatic
    strengthening, give rise to and sanction many of
    the distinct senses presented above.

  • Zlatev (in press) with regard to the full
    specification minimal specification
    distinction the reason for the multiplication of
    prepositional senses is one of the consequences
    of the widely-accepted cognitivist assumption
    that there is no division between the semantic
    and pragmatic portion of meaning. If nothing can
    be relegated to context, then it may seem natural
    that all meaning should be given explicit
    representation. Also, language-based
    introspective research of both fully-specified
    and minimally-specified kind is naturally
    confined to the normative level of description,
    i.e. devoted to describing a set of shared
    conventions rather than mental representations.
  • Nevertheless, Principled Polysemy offers at least
    some advantages in the field of cognitive spatial
    semantics. First of all, clear methodological
    principles minimize the much-criticized
    subjectivity of description. In addition, the
    model takes a definite stand on the questions of
    distinctness of sense and prepositional dynamism,
    one of the results being a considerable reduction
    in the number of senses in a semantic network.
    Another benefit of Principled Polysemy is its
    account of meaning extension, language-based and
    constructed without resort to subsymbolic
    conceptual metaphors. Also, it is worth noting
    that the framework developed by Tyler and Evans
    attempts to integrate a number of recent findings
    in psycholinguistics, lexical semantics and
    language change (such as the question of
    psychological reality, functional information and
    the notion of pragmatic strengthening, for
    example). Therefore, Principled Polysemy
    constitutes an important step towards formulating
    a comprehensive encyclopedic approach devoted to
    spatial meaning, which has already been
    undertaken by Evans in his LCCM Theory (2005,
    2007, in press).

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    Curie-Sklodowska University Press.
  • Evans, Vyvyan, A Lexical Concepts and Cognitive
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