Title: COSC 4406 Software Engineering
1 COSC 4406Software Engineering
Haibin Zhu, Ph.D. Dept. of Computer Science and
mathematics, Nipissing University, 100 College
Dr., North Bay, ON P1B 8L7, Canada,
haibinz_at_nipissingu.ca, http//www.nipissingu.ca/fa
2Lecture 18 Risk and Quality Management
3Project Risks
What can go wrong?
What is the likelihood?
What will the damage be?
What can we do about it?
4Reactive Risk Management
- project team reacts to risks when they occur
- mitigationplan for additional resources in
anticipation of fire fighting - fix on failureresource are found and applied
when the risk strikes - crisis managementfailure does not respond to
applied resources and project is in jeopardy
5Proactive Risk Management
- formal risk analysis is performed
- organization corrects the root causes of risk
- TQM concepts and statistical SQA
- examining risk sources that lie beyond the bounds
of the software - developing the skill to manage change
6Seven Principles
- Maintain a global perspectiveview software risks
within the context of system and the business
problem - Take a forward-looking viewthink about the risks
that may arise in the future establish
contingency plans - Encourage open communicationif someone states a
potential risk, dont discount it. - Integratea consideration of risk must be
integrated into the software process - Emphasize a continuous processthe team must be
vigilant throughout the software process,
modifying identified risks as more information is
known and adding new ones as better insight is
achieved. - Develop a shared product visionif all
stakeholders share the same vision of the
software, it likely that better risk
identification and assessment will occur. - Encourage teamworkthe talents, skills and
knowledge of all stakeholder should be pooled
7Risk Management Paradigm
8Risk Identification
- Product sizerisks associated with the overall
size of the software to be built or modified. - Business impactrisks associated with constraints
imposed by management or the marketplace. - Customer characteristicsrisks associated with
the sophistication of the customer and the
developer's ability to communicate with the
customer in a timely manner. - Process definitionrisks associated with the
degree to which the software process has been
defined and is followed by the development
organization. - Development environmentrisks associated with the
availability and quality of the tools to be used
to build the product. - Technology to be builtrisks associated with the
complexity of the system to be built and the
"newness" of the technology that is packaged by
the system. - Staff size and experiencerisks associated with
the overall technical and project experience of
the software engineers who will do the work.
9Assessing Project Risk-I
- Have top software and customer managers formally
committed to support the project? - Are end-users enthusiastically committed to the
project and the system/product to be built? - Are requirements fully understood by the software
engineering team and their customers? - Have customers been involved fully in the
definition of requirements? - Do end-users have realistic expectations?
10Assessing Project Risk-II
- Is project scope stable?
- Does the software engineering team have the right
mix of skills? - Are project requirements stable?
- Does the project team have experience with the
technology to be implemented? - Is the number of people on the project team
adequate to do the job? - Do all customer/user constituencies agree on the
importance of the project and on the requirements
for the system/product to be built?
11Risk Components
- performance riskthe degree of uncertainty that
the product will meet its requirements and be fit
for its intended use. - cost riskthe degree of uncertainty that the
project budget will be maintained. - support riskthe degree of uncertainty that the
resultant software will be easy to correct,
adapt, and enhance. - schedule riskthe degree of uncertainty that the
project schedule will be maintained and that the
product will be delivered on time.
12Risk Projection
- Risk projection, also called risk estimation,
attempts to rate each risk in two ways - the likelihood or probability that the risk is
real - the consequences of the problems associated with
the risk, should it occur. - The are four risk projection steps
- establish a scale that reflects the perceived
likelihood of a risk - delineate the consequences of the risk
- estimate the impact of the risk on the project
and the product, - note the overall accuracy of the risk projection
so that there will be no misunderstandings.
13Building a Risk Table
Risk Mitigation Monitoring Management
14Building the Risk Table
- Estimate the probability of occurrence
- Estimate the impact on the project on a scale of
1 to 5, where - 1 low impact on project success
- 5 catastrophic impact on project success
- sort the table by probability and impact
15Risk Exposure (Impact)
The overall risk exposure, RE, is determined
using the following relationship HAL98 RE
P x C where P is the probability of occurrence
for a risk, and C is the cost to the project
should the risk occur.
16Risk Exposure Example
- Risk identification. Only 70 percent of the
software components scheduled for reuse will, in
fact, be integrated into the application. The
remaining functionality will have to be custom
developed. - Risk probability. 80 (likely).
- Risk impact. 60 reusable software components
were planned. If only 70 percent can be used, 18
components would have to be developed from
scratch (in addition to other custom software
that has been scheduled for development). Since
the average component is 100 LOC and local data
indicate that the software engineering cost for
each LOC is 14.00, the overall cost (impact) to
develop the components would be 18 x 100 x 14
25,200. - Risk exposure. RE 0.80 x 25,200 20,200.
17Risk Mitigation, Monitoring,and Management
- mitigationhow can we avoid the risk?
- monitoringwhat factors can we track that will
enable us to determine if the risk is becoming
more or less likely? - managementwhat contingency plans do we have if
the risk becomes a reality?
18Risk Due to Product Size
Attributes that affect risk
estimated size of the product in LOC or FP?
estimated size of product in number of
files, transactions?
percentage deviation in size of product from
average for previous products?
size of database created or used by the
number of users of the product?
number of projected changes to the
for the product? before delivery? after delivery?
amount of reused software?
19Risk Due to Business Impact
Attributes that affect risk
affect of this product on company revenue?
visibility of this product by senior
reasonableness of delivery deadline?
number of customers who will use this product
interoperability constraints
sophistication of end users?
amount and quality of product documentation
must be produced and delivered to the customer?
governmental constraints
costs associated with late delivery?
costs associated with a defective product?
20Risks Due to the Customer
Questions that must be answered
Have you worked with the customer in the past?
Does the customer have a solid idea of
Has the customer agreed to spend time with
Is the customer willing to participate in
Is the customer technically sophisticated?
Is the customer willing to let your people do
jobthat is, will the customer resist looking
over your
shoulder during technically detailed work?
Does the customer understand the software
engineering process?
21Risks Due to Process Maturity
Questions that must be answered
Have you established a common process
Is it followed by project teams?
Do you have management support for software
Do you have a proactive approach to SQA?
Do you conduct formal technical reviews?
Are CASE tools used for analysis, design and
Are the tools integrated with one another?
Have document formats been established?
22Technology Risks
Questions that must be answered
Is the technology new to your organization?
Are new algorithms, I/O technology required?
Is new or unproven hardware involved?
Does the application interface with new
Is a specialized user interface required?
Is the application radically different?
Are you using new software engineering methods?
Are you using unconventional software
methods, such as formal methods, AI-based
artificial neural networks?
Are there significant performance constraints?
Is there doubt the functionality requested is
23Staff/People Risks
Questions that must be answered
Are the best people available?
Does staff have the right skills?
Are enough people available?
Are staff committed for entire duration?
Will some people work part time?
Do staff have the right expectations?
Have staff received necessary training?
Will turnover among staff be low?
24Recording Risk Information
Project Embedded software for XYZ system Risk
type schedule risk Priority (1 low ... 5
critical) 4 Risk factor Project completion
will depend on tests which require hardware
component under development. Hardware component
delivery may be delayed Probability 60
Impact Project completion will be delayed for
each day that hardware is unavailable for use in
software testing Monitoring approach
Scheduled milestone reviews with hardware
group Contingency plan Modification of
testing strategy to accommodate delay using
software simulation Estimated resources 6
additional person months beginning 7-1-96
- The American Heritage Dictionary defines quality
as - a characteristic or attribute of something.
- For software, two kinds of quality may be
encountered - Quality of design encompasses requirements,
specifications, and the design of the system. - Quality of conformance is an issue focused
primarily on implementation. - user satisfaction compliant product good
quality delivery within budget and schedule
26Software Quality
Conformance to explicitly stated functional and
performance requirements, explicitly documented
development standards, and implicit
characteristics that are expected of all
professionally developed software.
27Cost of Quality
- Prevention costs include
- quality planning
- formal technical reviews
- test equipment
- Training
- Internal failure costs include
- rework
- repair
- failure mode analysis
- External failure costs are
- complaint resolution
- product return and replacement
- help line support
- warranty work
28Software Quality Assurance
Process Definition Standards
Formal Technical Reviews
Analysis Reporting
Test Planning Review
29Role of the SQA Group-I
- Prepares an SQA plan for a project.
- The plan identifies
- evaluations to be performed
- audits and reviews to be performed
- standards that are applicable to the project
- procedures for error reporting and tracking
- documents to be produced by the SQA group
- amount of feedback provided to the software
project team - Participates in the development of the projects
software process description. - The SQA group reviews the process description
for compliance with organizational policy,
internal software standards, externally imposed
standards (e.g., ISO-9001), and other parts of
the software project plan.
30Role of the SQA Group-II
- Reviews software engineering activities to verify
compliance with the defined software process. - identifies, documents, and tracks deviations
from the process and verifies that corrections
have been made. - Audits designated software work products to
verify compliance with those defined as part of
the software process. - reviews selected work products identifies,
documents, and tracks deviations verifies that
corrections have been made - periodically reports the results of its work to
the project manager. - Ensures that deviations in software work and work
products are documented and handled according to
a documented procedure. - Records any noncompliance and reports to senior
management. - Noncompliance items are tracked until they are
31Why SQA Activities Pay Off?
cost to find
and fix a defect
32Reviews Inspections
... there is no particular reason
why your friend and colleague
cannot also be your sternest critic.
Jerry Weinberg
33What Are Reviews?
- a meeting conducted by technical people for
technical people - a technical assessment of a work product created
during the software engineering process - a software quality assurance mechanism
- a training ground
34What Reviews Are Not
- A project summary or progress assessment
- A meeting intended solely to impart information
- A mechanism for political or personal reprisal!
35The Players
standards bearer (SQA)
maintenance oracle
user rep
36Conducting the Review
be preparedevaluate
product before the review
review the product, not
the producer
keep your tone mild, ask
questions instead of
making accusations
stick to the review agenda
raise issues, don't resolve them
avoid discussions of stylestick to technical
schedule reviews as project tasks
record and report all review results
37Review Options Matrix
trained leader agenda established reviewers
prepare in advance producer presents
product reader presents product recorder takes
notes checklists used to find errors errors
categorized as found issues list created team
must sign-off on result IPRinformal peer review
WTWalkthrough INInspection RRRround robin
yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes no no yes no no yes maybe
no maybe maybe maybe no maybe no no no no
yes yes yes yes no yes no no yes yes
38Sample-Driven Reviews (SDRs)
- SDRs attempt to quantify those work products that
are primary targets for full FTRs. - To accomplish this
- Inspect a fraction ai of each software work
product, i. Record the number of faults, fi found
within ai. - Develop a gross estimate of the number of faults
within work product i by multiplying fi by 1/ai. - Sort the work products in descending order
according to the gross estimate of the number of
faults in each. - Focus available review resources on those work
products that have the highest estimated number
of faults.
39Metrics Derived from Reviews
inspection time per page of documentation
inspection time per KLOC or FP
inspection effort per KLOC or FP
errors uncovered per reviewer hour
errors uncovered per preparation hour
errors uncovered per SE task (e.g., design)
number of minor errors (e.g., typos)
number of major errors (e.g., nonconformance
to req.)
number of errors found during preparation
40Statistical SQA
Product Process
Collect information on all defects Find the
causes of the defects Move to provide fixes for
the process
... an understanding of how
to improve quality ...
41Six-Sigma for Software Engineering
- The term six sigma is derived from six standard
deviations3.4 instances (defects) per million
occurrencesimplying an extremely high quality
standard. - The Six Sigma methodology defines three core
steps - Define customer requirements and deliverables and
project goals via well-defined methods of
customer communication - Measure the existing process and its output to
determine current quality performance (collect
defect metrics) - Analyze defect metrics and determine the vital
few causes. - Improve the process by eliminating the root
causes of defects. - Control the process to ensure that future work
does not reintroduce the causes of defects.
42Software Reliability
- A simple measure of reliability is
mean-time-between-failure (MTBF), where - MTBF MTTF MTTR
- The acronyms MTTF and MTTR are mean-time-to-failur
e and mean-time-to-repair, respectively. - Software availability is the probability that a
program is operating according to requirements at
a given point in time and is defined as - Availability MTTF/(MTTF MTTR) x 100
43Software Safety
- Software safety is a software quality assurance
activity that focuses on the identification and
assessment of potential hazards that may affect
software negatively and cause an entire system to
fail. - If hazards can be identified early in the
software process, software design features can be
specified that will either eliminate or control
potential hazards.
- Poka-yoke (mistake-proofing) devicesmechanisms
that lead to - the prevention of a potential quality problem
before it occurs or - the rapid detection of quality problems if they
are introduced. - An effective poka-yoke device exhibits a set of
common characteristics - It is simple and cheap. If a device is too
complicated or expensive, it will not be cost
effective. - It is part of the process. That is, the poka-yoke
device is integrated into an engineering
activity. - It is located near the process task where the
mistakes occur. Thus, it provides rapid feedback
and error correction.
45ISO 90012000 Standard
- ISO 90012000 is the quality assurance standard
that applies to software engineering. - The standard contains 20 requirements that must
be present for an effective quality assurance
system. - The requirements delineated by ISO 90012000
address topics such as - management responsibility, quality system,
contract review, design control, document and
data control, product identification and
traceability, process control, inspection and
testing, corrective and preventive action,
control of quality records, internal quality
audits, training, servicing, and statistical