Title: Remote sensing a a
1Remote sensinga a
2 What is remote sensing? DDefinition -
Remote sensing is a wooly term broadly it
describes the collection and interpretation of
information about a target without being in
physical contact with it. It is usually implicit
that the detecting and measuring medium is
electromagnetic energy. This definition excludes
endeavors such as seismography, magnetic,
gravity, and electric surveying, which tend to
come under the label of geophysical surveying.
Remote sensing is not a scientific discipline but
rather a tool whose range in applications is
limited only by our imagination (Oppenheimer,
3- Definition Remote
sensing is the practice of deriving information
about the earths land and water surfaces using
images acquired from an overhead perspective,
using electromagnetic radiation in one or more
regions of the electromagnetic spectrum,
reflected or emitted from the earths surface
(Campbell, 1996).
4Key attributes
- Remotely sensed data are acquired from a great
distance. - Satellite data allow many kinds of ongoing
studies. - Remote sensing is safe.
- Remote sensing offers very significant cost
benefit analysis - Sensors can be tuned to many different
wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. -
5Some examples of the applications of using remote
Mapping the rocks in a region (usually applicable
in arid areas without much vegetative cover)
This satellite thematic mapper (TM) image of the
Orocopia Mountains was created by Bob Crippen and
Ron Blom at JPL. It serves as a fantastic tool
for investigating rock relationships and serves
as the regional base map. In the portion of this
image that is outlined, note the distinct
difference in colors (rock types) across the box.
6Some examples of the applications of using remote
- Mapping structural lineaments
7Some examples of the applications of using remote
- Bathymetry
- Multispectral imagery can be used to map water
depths in certain circumstances. Visible
wavebands TM1 (blue), TM2 (green) and TM3 (red)
penetrate water to different amounts, the shorter
the wavelength the greater the penetration. Red
light can penetrate up to 10m and blue light as
much as 30m.
8Some examples of the applications of using remote
- Imaging buried structures
- The Landsat simulated true color mosaic (left)
shows the Selima Sand Sheet covering all but
rocky areas of the Sahara Desert in Sudan. On the
right, a 50-kilometer-wide strip of Shuttle
Imaging Radar, SIR-A, is placed over the Landsat
mosaic to reveal old stream channels and geologic
structures like these. Structures that are
otherwise invisible under the surface sands are
potential sources of water, placer minerals,
ancient artifacts, and information on changes of
climate in arid areas (courtesy of USGS Image
Processing Facility, Flagstaff).
9Some examples of the applications of using remote
- Earthquake prediction
- The surface displacement associated with the
June 1992magnitude 7.3 earthquake
10Some examples of the applications of using remote
- Determination of the surface composition of
terrestrial planets -
- The surface of Europa is broken up into large
plates and covered with extensive fractures. The
plates in many regions appear to have shifted and
rotated, and can be fit back together like pieces
in a puzzle. The false-color image to the left
shows Minos Linea. The long red bands are 10 to
20 km wide and have lighter lines running through
the centers.
11Some examples of the applications of using remote
- Volcanism in terrestrial planets
- 1. Volcanic plume (March 4, 1999)taken by
Voyager spacecraft - 2. Volcanic plume (July 3, 1999)taken by Galileo
12Some examples of the applications of using remote
- MOUNT ETNA, a volcanic peak in Sicily, subsided
as magma drained away below it. An interferogram
produced by two radar scans made 13 months apart
by the ERS-1 satellite displays four cycles of
interference fringes, indicating that the top of
the mountain settled by about 11 centimeters
during this interval.
13Electromagnetic spectrum
- Electromagnetic energy refers to all energy that
moves with the velocity of light in harmonic
14Electromagnetic spectrum
- An EM wave has two components, oscillating as
sine waves mutually at right angles, one
consisting of the electric field, the other the
magnetic field.
15Elecrtromagnetic spectrum
16Electromagnetic energy
- Sources of electromagnetic radiation
- 1. Sun (stars)
- 2. Matter with a temperature above
absolute zero - 3. Artificial transmitters (radio, radar)
17Electromagnetic energy
- The higher the frequency, the higher the energy!
18Electromagnetic energy Interaction with
19Electromagnetic energy Interaction with
Atmospheric windows
20Broad classification of sensors
- Passive - senses the radiation that naturally
upwell from the target, whether reflected or
backscattered sunlight or thermal radiation - Active systems - illuminate the target with an
artificial source of radiation
21Passive system
- Sunlight or thermal radiation
- Inappropriate at wavelengths at which
insignificant amounts of radiation occur naturally
22Active system system
- Radar
- May not be practical at wavelengths where the
active source requires considerable power in
order to get enough signal returned to the sensor
(e.g. camera flash)
23fig 3.2
24Raster image data
- Consists of discrete picture elements called
pixels - Each has an associated position within the image
and a brightness value or digital number, DN.
25Sensor Performance and Resolution
- Researchers at the Spectroscopy Lab have measured
the spectral reflectance of hundreds of materials
in the lab, and have compiled a spectral library.
The library is used as a reference for material
identification in remote sensing images.
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28- For images with more than one spectral band, the
various bands are co-registered - -therefore information from each spectral
channel is available
29Landsat band 4
Landsat band 5
Landsat band 7
False color image
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32Satellite sensors/missions SEAWIFS
Landsat 7 http//landsat.gsfc.nasa.gov/ Terra
(EOS AM-1) http//terra.nasa.gov/ ASTER
http//asterweb.jpl.nasa.gov/ MODIS
http//modis.gsfc.nasa.gov/ GOES
http//www.goes.noaa.gov/ SPOT
http//www.spot.com Very High Resolution
technology Commercial satellites offering up to 1
m spatial resolution are available. See the
following sites for information http//www.digita
lglobe.com http//www.orbimage.com http//spaceima
33Satellite Orbits
34Active sensors (Radar)
- Components
- Antenna array - devices that control the
propagation of an EM wave (wave guide) - Recorder Records and or displays the signal as
an image
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36Side-looking airborne radar
- SLAR an antenna array aimed to the side of
sensor platforms so that it forms an image strip
of land. - All weather capability
- Missions can be scheduled at night
- Provides clear, crisp representations of
topography with good positional accuracy.
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38Geometry of the radar image
- Depression angle
- Nadir
- Far range
- Near range
- Mid-range
39Geometry of the radar image
- Slant range direct distance from the antenna to
an object on the ground - Ground range the map representation of ground
40Geometry of the radar image
- Geometric artifacts (Radar layover)
- at near range, the top of tall objects are
closer to the antenna than its base - Result is the signal from the tall objects are
sometimes received ahead of near-range signals
41Geometry of the radar image
- Geometric artifacts (Radar foreshortening)
- Incorrect depiction of slope
- Occurs in terrain of moderate to high relief
Table 7.1
43Radar sensors
44Optical remote sensing from satellites
- Multispectral vs. hyperspectral remote sensing
- Multispectral remote sensing (MRS) can be defined
as an imaging system with 2 or more bands but
about 12 to 15 bands is the practical maximum. - A "band" is defined as a portion of the spectrum
with a given spectral width, such as 10 or 50 nm.
- Multispectral systems are non-contiguous in their
coverage of the spectrum.
45Optical remote sensing from satellites
- Multispectral vs. hyperspectral remote sensing
- Multispectral remote sensing (MRS) can be defined
as an imaging system with 2 or more bands but
about 12 to 15 bands is the practical maximum. - A "band" is defined as a portion of the spectrum
with a given spectral width, such as 10 or 50 nm.
- Multispectral systems are non-contiguous in their
coverage of the spectrum.
46Optical remote sensing from satellites
- Multispectral vs hyperspectral remote sensing
- The bands can be spectrally narrow or wide.
- Many satellite systems have traditionally had
wide (50 - 200 nm) bands while some aircraft
systems have discrete narrow bands (around 10
47Optical remote sensing from satellites
- Hyperspectral remote sensing
- Hyperspectral systems are known for having dozens
to hundreds of narrow contiguous bands. - Most are able to collect images starting at about
400 nm which is the edge of the blue visible part
of the spectrum
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49Optical remote sensing from satellites
- Hyperspectral remote sensing
- these systems can measure energy up to 1100 or
even 2500 nm. - Why important? Ans for detecting fine spectral
features that can identify specific materials
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51Optical remote sensing from satellites
- A hyperspectral system would reveal the subtle
absorption features (the "valleys) - The valleys at 1.4-1.5 um (1400-1500 nm) are the
distinguishing features or fingerprint of alunite
and distinguish it from other minerals. - Wide spectral bands could not find this feature
and the TM and MODIS sensors do not even have
bands centered on these wavelengths.