Title: Veterinary Experiences in India
1Veterinary Experiences in India
2Veterinary Experiences in India
- Madras Veterinary College
- Cultural Endeavors
- Muda Mali Wildlife Reserve
- Trekking Adventures, New Delhi and Manali
3Madras Veterinary College
- Small Animal
- Large Animal
- Lectures and Farm Tours
4Small Animal
Treatment Surgery Orthopedics Reproduction Inpatie
nt Outpatient Ultrasound
5Small Animal Treatment
6Small AnimalOrthopedics
7Large Animal
Treatment Gynecology AI
10Large Animal
13Large Animal Gynecology
14Artificial Insemination
15Artificial Insemination
16Artificial Insemination Phantom Boxes
17Artificial Insemination Phantom Boxes
18Lecturesand Farm Tours
19Cultural Endeavors
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50Muda Mali Wildlife Reserve
51Prepare for many bumpy rides
52A Mahut and his elephant
53Elephant handling in Madu Malai
54Meeting the people
55Learning about the tribes
56Meeting exotic species (at least to us)
57Beautiful landscapes
58Euchre Tournament
59My friend, the killer elephant
60Exploring India on Our Own
61Visiting the Capitol
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63The Taj Mahal
64The Trip to Darjeeling and Northeast India
Riding on the Train
65 Darjeeling
The Monkeys
The Rain
The Bureaucracy
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68Going Home!
70Manali The Himalayas
71Thank You!