Title: PEBS is a school wide behavior
- PEBS is a school wide behavior
- plan we will all be using in every
- setting of the school this year.
- Lets learn more about
- what PEBS means together
- Positive
- Effective
- Behavior
- Support
3What does that mean?
- The School Staff have come up with what is
called a matrix that is specific to our school
and our students. In this matrix are some
guidelines which tell us all what is expected of
us in every school setting
4Here is what the matrix looks like
5Code of Conduct Matrix
6More of the matrix
7More of the matrix
8What is the one thing that PEBS is all about?
- The entire PEBS matrix is based on respect for
- Ourselves
- Others
- Our Environment
- Learning (Our own and others)
9Where does PEBS take place?
- PEBS will be used in every area of our school,
from the hallways to the playground, from our
classrooms to the office and even when we are on
field trips representing Bedford South School.
10How will Students know what is expected of them?
- The matrix will be reviewed on a daily basis.
We spent the first week of school practicing
What does Respect look like in all areas of the
school. Teachers will continually teach every
part of the matrix so students know exactly how
to behave in every area of the school.
11How will Students remember everything on the
- A copy of the matrix can be found in the front
of the school , in every classroom, and soon in
every hallway of the school and on our school
12What about Caught Being Good?
- This year, Caught Being Good is going to be a
bigger part of our year and will be a very
important part of the PEBS program. - When students are caught following the
expectations as laid out in the matrix they will
be given an Eagle Egg Ticket
13What about Caught Being Good?
Students place their Eagle Egg tickets in the
ballot boxes located in each homeroom. At the end
of each month there will be an assembly to
celebrate our successes that month. At the
assembly we will hold the Eagle Awards. Names
will be drawn from each class and the chosen
students will win a prize.
14Final Thoughts
- Every student has the ability to experience
success. The PEBS program is designed so that
success is attainable for all students in all
15(No Transcript)