Title: International VV
1VVA Forum Agenda Salon 1A Room (North
Hall) Wednesday, 5 April 2006
- International VVA Activities
- Joint VVA / DSPT Session
- 0800-0805 Introduction Welcome Simone
Youngblood - Jake Borah
- 0805-0830 06S-SIW-056 Proposed Meta-Data for
Describing Scott Harmon - Simulation Representational Capabilities
- end of Joint VVA DSPT Session DSPT moves
to Joint Session with CFI, Salon 1B Room - 0830-0900 06S-SIW-120 - The UK MOD Generic VV
Process for Jonathan Read - Modelling, Simulation and Synthetic
Environments - 0900-0930 Invited Presentation The New
Established VVA Siegfried Pohl, - Guideline for the Federal Republic of Ingo
Cegla, - Germany Karsten Haymann
2Joint VVA / TE Session Salon 1A Room (North
Hall) Wednesday, 5 April 2006
- VVA Study Group Discussions
- 1030-1100 Introduction of the GM VV Study Group
Proposal Rene Jacquart - Jean-Louis Igarza
- 1100-1200 VVA Roadmap Simone Youngblood
- Jean-Louis Igarza
- 1200-1330 LUNCH
3Joint VVA / TE Session Salon 6A Room (North
Hall) Wednesday, 5 April 2006
- Frameworks Traceability and Confidence
- 1330-1400 06S-SIW-065 - Instantiating the
Missions and Means John Kearley - Framework Tools and Utilities, Standards and
- Specifications Validation and For Space
Exploration - 1400-1430 06S-SIW-066 - An AHP-Based FSE Method
for Evaluating Dr. Shi-xia Sun - the Credibility of LSCS Simulation
- 1430-1500 06S-SIW-058 - Process Modeling and
Formalization for Dr. Shi-xia Sun - Credibility Evaluation of Large-Scale Complex
System - Simulation
- 1500-1530 BREAK
4Joint VVA / Space Session Room 10 East
Hall Wednesday, 5 April 2006
- VVA Issues and Initiatives
- 1530-1600 NASAs MS Verification, Validation
and Joe Hale - Accreditation Strategy for Space Exploration
- 1600-1630 NASAs MS Accreditation Process Plan
and David ONeil - Specification for Space Exploration
- 1630-1700 MS Verification and Validation (VV)
Process Plan Bob Gravitz - and Specification for Space Exploration
Technologies - 1700-1730 An Overview of NASAs Simulation
Capability (Basis Alleen Bray - of Confidence) Documentation
- 1730-1745 An Overview of NASAs Program of
Future MS VVA Lisa Caine - 1745-1800 Wrap up and Future Thoughts
- Priscilla Elfrey, Bob
Gravitz, Joe Hale, Dave Mann, Mike Conroy
5VVA FEDEP PDG Salon 1A Room (North
Hall) Thursday, 6 April 2006
VPMM PDG Proposal Discussion 1030-1115
Overview of the Validation Process Maturity Model
(VPMM) Scott Harmon 1115-1200 Introduction
of the Validation Process Maturity Model
David Gross, (VPMM)
Product Development Group (PDG) Proposal
Scott Harmon 1200-1330 LUNCH VVA Overlay
PDG 1330-1700 Status Update of VVA, Overlay
to the FEDEP Simone
Youngblood 1400-1430 Overview of Current
Version of the VVA Overlay to Scott
Harmon the FEDEP 1430-1500
Discussion of Review Comments Received
Marcy Stutzman,
Simone Youngblood 1500-1530
BREAK 1530-1700 Discussion of Review
Comments Received (Cont'd) Marcy
Simone Youngblood 1700
Simone Youngblood
6Draft Recommended Practice for Verification,
Validation, and Accreditation of a Federation, an
Overlay to the High Level Architecture Federation
Development and Execution Process PDG Review
- Review Period 1 April 15 May 2006
- Download document and provide comments at
- http//www.sisostds.org/stdsdev/tracking_final/Vi
ewAbstract.cfm?Abstract_ID43 - Additional information available at
- VVA PDG discussion forum
- http//discussions.sisostds.org/default.asp?actio