Title: Geographic Information Systems for Business Applications
1Geographic Information Systems for Business
Brian E. Mennecke Iowa State University
2"If you will have a young man to put his travel
into a little room, and in short time to gather
much, this you must do ... let him carry with
him also some map or book describing the country
where he travelleth, which will be a good key to
his inquiry..." (Sir Frances Bacon, Essay 18,
Of Travel, 1625).
3What is a GIS
A geographic information system (GIS) is a
computer-based information system that provides
tools to collect, integrate, manage, analyze,
model, and display data that is referenced to an
accurate cartographic representation of objects
in space. (Mennecke, Dangermond, Santoro, Da
rling, Crossland, 1995).
4The Objectives for this Presentation
- For you to
- understand what a GIS is and what it can do
- understand how a GIS can be used to analyze and
interpret data so that YOU can identify
applications for this technology
- understand the underlying cartographic principles
that make a GIS work and
- understand issues associated with locating,
preparing, and importing map and attribute data.
5Cartographic Terminologyand Principles
- Types of Maps
- GIS Data
- Layering
- Coordinates
- Projections
- Scale
6Types of GIS Data
- Attribute Data
- Stored in dBase Tables (e.g., .DBF )
- Map Data
- Stored in Shape files (e.g., .SHP)
- Areas
- Lines
- Points
7Types of Maps
- A Range-Filled Thematic Map
8Types of Maps
- A Dot Density Thematic Map
9Types of Maps
10GIS Layers Data
- The Cartesian coordinate system
- The Cartegraphic System for the Earth
- Lines of Latitude (running east-west app. 69
- Lines of Longitude (running north-south)
- Projections are methods by which features on a
sphere (the earth) can be represented on a flat
surface (a paper map)
14Types of Projections
15Types of Projections
16Types of Projections
- The Albers Conformal Projection
17What About Scale?
- Scale is the ratio of the distances of objects
represented on the map to the actual distances of
these objects on the earths surface
18Small Scale Maps
- Smaller scale maps represent the map objects with
a larger ratio (1250,000)
19Large Scale Maps
- Large scale maps represent the map objects with a
smaller ratio (e.g., 110,000)
20GIS Start to Finish
- Step 1 Define Your Objectives
- Step 2 Acquire the Required Data
- Step 3 Preprocess Data
- Step 4 Data Management and Analysis
- Step 5 Generate Output
21Defining Your Objectives
- Identify who your user is
- Identify her needs
- Defines goals and objectives based on user needs
22Acquire the Required Data
- Acquire Attribute Data
- In house
- From Vendors
- Acquire Map Data
- In House
- Digitize Maps
- Create Maps using GPS
- From Vendors
- Census data (e.g., Topologically Integrated
Geographic Encoding and Referencing or TIGER
23What is TIGER? Topologically Integrated
Geographic Encoding and Referencing System
- TIGER Content
- Streets and their names
- Lakes, streams, and their names
- Railroads
- Geographic entity boundaries and names
(governments, census tracts, census blocks, etc.)
- Housing unit locations
- Key geographic locations (airports, schools,
- ZIP Codes and address ranges for city-style
24The Digitizing Process
A GPS System
25Preprocess Data
- Import Data
- For example, TIGER line files may need to be
converted into TIGER Boundary Files
- Data from a spreadsheet needs to be imported into
ArcViews table format
- Correct Errors
- Build Custom Areas/Features
- Geocode Data
26Data Management and Analysis
- Manage the Data
- Work with table elements
- Consider the data in light of the organizational
data schema
- Consult with other users
- Analyze the Data
- Redefine existing features
- Examine relationships
27Generate Output
- Print paper maps
- Export map images to other applications
- Export map or table data to other data management
- Build interactive web maps
28GIS Software Vendors
- Environmental Systems Research Institute
- InterGraph Corporation (GeoMedia)
- MapInfo Corporation (MapInfo)
- Microsoft (MapPoint2004)
29GIS Applications
- Map Creation
- Report Preparation
- Facilities Management
- Analysis of Employer/Employee Demographics
- Transportation Issues
- Strategic Planning
- Decision Making
30Location Based Services
- Location-based services incorporate information
about the user's location into the provision of
products or services. These include
- Locator services (e.g., wheres the closest
- Navigation systems (e.g., in the car or on your
- M-commerce applications (e.g., proximity alerts,
closest service, mobile advertizing)
31So, Why Use SL for Education?
- Theoretical and Practical Considerations
- A spatial domain
- Space as an organizing principal
- Spatial exploration
- Build and design objects and actions
- The domain of the Avatar
- Interactions with avatars create a rich
communication and collaborative experience
- Avatars and the extended self
32A Look Ahead
- 3-D Content is everywhere
- Millsberry, Webkinz, Clubpenguin, VMK, and other
kid-focused MUVEs abound
- Richer, natural forms of collaboration in 3-D
spaces are coming
- Google Streetview
33Potential GIS Benefits
- Improved Decision Making
- Reduced Errors
- Reduced Risks
- Improved Management and Control
- Improved Service to Clients