Title: DESC Japan Command Brief
1DESC JapanCommand Brief
- Major Robert M. Letourneau
- Commander
2Driving Times
Driving Times New York to St Pete 19
hours Misawa to Sasebo 40 hours
- Mission
- Office Staff
- Japan Defense Fuels Supply Points
- Japan Petroleum Inventory
- Distribution Assets
- PCS Contracts
- Japan MRE Projects
- Japan MILCON Projects
- Japan Facility Improvement Program (JFIP)
- On Going Issues
- MOGAS Draw down
- Koshiba Closure
- Iwakuni MILCON / Runway Relocation
- Questions
5DESC JapanMission
- Provide United States Forces Japan
- and other customers in Japan
- the most efficient petroleum support
- in the most effective and economical manner
6DESC JapanCurrent Organization
7Japan DFSPs
Base Level DFSPs
Intermediate Level DFSPs
8Japan DFSPsOkinawa
Base Level DFSPs
Intermediate Level DFSPs
9PACOM Petroleum Inventory
10Japan Petroleum Inventory
501,312,000 gallons 369,624,400 gallons
AS of 4 Oct 02
11DFSP Koshiba
- Excess Capacity 00
- PACOM/J4 approved
- PAC POL Conf brief
- Moving Storage Forward
- Initial plan Mar 02
- Koshiba Pier Dec 00-Jan 01
- Yokota Runway Closure
- Tsurumi Tank Cleaning
- Latest Plan Dec O2
- Facility Return Plan
12Bulk MOGAS Draw down
- MOGAS Draw down
- Tsurumi, Hakozaki, Akasaki, Okinawa
- PCS Supported
- Start Date Jun 2002
- Projected Complete Feb 2004
13Bulk MOGAS Draw down Tsurumi
- Starting Inventory
- 29 Mbbl
- Current Inventory
- 15 Mbbl
- Avg. Monthly Issues
- 8 Mbbl to Trucks
- Projected Receipts
- Via barge from Hakozaki
- Est. Completion
- May 2003
14Bulk MOGAS Draw down Hakozaki
- Starting Inventory
- 28 Mbbl
- Current Inventory
- 28 Mbbl
- Avg. Monthly Issues
- 11 Mbbl
- Projected Receipts
- 14 Nov 02, 28M
- 24 Jan 03, 28M
- Est. Completion
- Jun 2003
15Bulk MOGAS Draw down Akasaki
- Starting Inventory
- 18 Mbbl
- Current Inventory
- 17 Mbbl
- Avg. Monthly Issues
- 2 Mbbl
- Projected Receipts
- 10 Nov 02, 8M
- 24 Jan 03, 8M
- Est. Completion
- Feb 2004
16Bulk MOGAS Draw down Okinawa
- Starting Inventory
- 52 Mbbl
- Current Inventory
- 17 Mbbl
- Avg. Monthly Issues
- 16 Mbbl
- Projected Receipts
- 15 Oct 02, 36M
- 26 Nov 02, 36M
- 9 Jan 03 36M
- Est. Completion
- May 2003
17Japan Distribution Assets Tankers
- T-5 Tankers, 235Mbbl, scheduled by DESC
- MV Richard G. Matthiesen (T-AOT 1124)
18Japan Distribution Assets Tankers
- T-1, MV Montauk, 36Mbbl,
- Scheduled by DESC Japan
19Japan Distribution Assets Ready Reserve Fleet
- 10 Day Ready Reserve
- Alatna, Chattahochee, Nodaway (30Mbbl Tankers)
- Berthed at the Tsuneishi Shipyard, Southern
20Japan Distribution Assets Rail Cars
- Lease 110 Rail Cars
- JP8 delivery
- Yokota
- Misawa
21Japan Distribution Assets Tank Trucks
- Truck delivery of fuel is an integral part of our
fuel distribution plan throughout Japan.
22Japan Distribution Assets Pipeline Systems
23Japan Distribution Assets Okinawa Pipeline
24Japan Distribution Assets Intermodal Containers
- Lube Oils
- LTL/L06
- DFSP Hakozaki
- DFSP Akasaki
25Japan Post Camp Station Contracts
26Japan MRE399 Active Projects
Navy - 206 Air Force - 78 Army -
74 Marines - 41
As of 7 Oct 02
27Japan MRE911 Other Projects
Navy - 594 Air Force - 109 Army -
148 Marines - 60
As of 7 Oct 02
28Japan MRE Projects(Estimated Total 136.6M)
Air Force - 78
Navy - 206
Marines - 41
Army - 74
As of 7 Oct 02
29Japan POL MILCON Projects (FY01-FY07)
30Japan Facilities Improvement Program (JFIP)
Data being updated
31On Going Issues
- Strategic Fuels Infrastructure Plan - Japan
- Personnel Actions
- Deputy Commander Position
- FAS/FES System Coordinator
- Personnel Transition
- GOJ Burden Sharing program
32DESC Japan
This concludes the briefing