Title: Improved Low Visibility forecast
1Improved Low Visibility forecast At Amsterdam
Airport Schiphol
Nico Maat Daan Vogelezang
May 2008
Photo Peter de Vries
2KDC Knowledge Development Centre (foundation)
- Members of Aviation Sector
- KLM airlines, LVNL (ATC), Amsterdam Airport
Schiphol (AAS) - Consulted Parties NLR, KNMI, Boeing, TU Delft,
To70, ADSE, Maastricht UAC, - Mission
- To integrate knowledge and to develop solutions
which enable to ensure and expand the mainport
position of Schiphol airport in Europe.
3The KDC-LVP Project (part I)
- Reduced Visibility gt Reduced Runway Capacity
- Larger in trail separations
- Less usable runway combinations
- Low visibility forecast gt flow restrictions
enforced - Incorrect visibility forecast gt
- Unnecessary flow restrictions (false alarm)
- Too late flow restrictions (miss)
- Project Goal
- Increase accuracy and reliability of low
visibility (LVP) forecasts
4LVP Conditions Flow Restrictions
5Aeronautical Forecast cascade
SKV Schiphol Probability Forecast
6Improvements TAFG
- RVR in addition to MOR
- More -closer- upstream sites advection
predictors - Joint probabilities for visibility and ceiling
- Reduced residual variance in dependent data
7RVR as a function of MOR and BG luminance
8Example MOR/BGL/RVR timeseries
9Improvements TAFG MOR-gt RVR
10Old vs. New BZO forecastBZO Limited Visibility
- old BZO prob. forecast
- combination of independent CLB threshold prob.
and MOR threshold prob. gt take largest (full
dependence) - MOR-gtRVR translation using table and guess BGLum
- new BZO forecast
- Joint probs of MOR and CLB are calculated P (MOR
lt X m or CLB lt Y ft) - deterministic fc for BG Luminance
- prob.MOR threshold translated/interpolated to
prob. RVR
12Verification of probabilities
- 3 years 200407-200704
- old independent data (TAFG SKV)
- new dependent data (TAFG)
- short term 8/day issue 4,7,10 (N24816)
- long term 4/day 9,12,,24 (N28952)
13P lt LVP-A (short)
RVR lt 1500 m or ceiling lt 300 ft
14P lt LVP-A (long)
15From Probability to Decision
- How would the (my) decision have worked out in
the past? - What does a (wrong) forecast cost ?
- Several Options
- choose largest category
- choose category at a fixed P
- which P ?
- (choose worst if Prob(worst)gt X
- which X?)
16Choice fixed percentage P25
200305 - 200704
current TAFG 02 4
17verification current/new
note MG-MG is not considered in these figures
18Users expense/cost Matrix
Forecast BZO category
Observed BZO category
False Alarm
gtFalse alarm and miss are equally costly
19total historical expense
Forecast BZO category
Observed BZO category
sum of cells 781 total (historical) expense
20Expense for TAFG 02z 4
- Absolute cost much lower for new cf. current
21Minimal expense gt Optimal P
blue largest category fa/mi1
22Minimal expense gt Optimal P
blue largest category fa/mi1 green fa/mi1,
min. 25-70
23Minimal expense gt Optimal P
blue largest category fa/mi1 green fa/mi1,
min. 25-70 red fa/mi10, min. 60-80
24Minimal expense gt Optimal P
blue largest category fa/mi1 green fa/mi1,
min. 25-70 red fa/mi10, min. 60-80 purple
fa/mi0.1, min. 15-20
- One probability forecast fits all users
- User may skip irrelevant categories
- User defines the cost of a wrong category
- optimize P is (in general) better than chosing
largest category
- perform independent verification
- use real cost values