Title: Status of the analysis of FPD data from Run6
1Status of the analysis of FPD data from Run6
2SPIN06 Abstract
Measurements of Transverse Spin Effects with the
Forward Pion Detector of STAR
- Status of the analysis of Run6 data
- AN(xF,pT) for p0 at vs200 GeV
- p0 production in forward region at vs62 GeV
- Jet-like events
3Transverse spin runs at STAR with forward
calorimetry 2001?2006
4Motivation for AN measurements in pp ? p0 X
W.Vogelsang http//www.npl.uiuc.edu/rseidl/worksh
Phenomenological models expect that p0 analyzing
power decreases with increasing pT
5Cell-by-cell calibration
- gains are determined from
- p0 peak position in 2? invariant
- mass distributions sorted by
- high towers
- accuracy of the calibration is
- at the level of 2
6Energy-dependent corrections
p0 peak position depends on the energy due to
energy leakages and ADC granularity (dedicated
MC study has been done)
7Run-dependent corrections
The FPD response vary with time/beam conditions
used for spin sorting
8Detector acceptance
- Strong correlation between xF
- and pT in the individual detectors
- Broader pT range in xF bins
- when combining data at
- lt?gt3.2 and 3.7
9Details of data analysis
30 fills, 467 runs gt 13.8M 2? events in four
10Details of data analysis
Analyzing power is measured by cross-ratio
method with two-arms (left-right) detector
Width of the distributions is generally consistent
with statistics
11p0 AN at vs200 GeV xF-dependence
- AN at positive xF grows with
- increasing xF
- AN at negative xF is consistent
- with zero
- Run 6 data at lt?gt3.7 are
- consistent with previous
- measurements
12AN(pT) at xF gt 0.4 (Run 35)
Online calibration of CNI polarimeter
Data are consistent with the 1/pT expectation of
13AN(pT) in xF-bins (Run 6)
- Combined Run6 data at lt?gt3.2
- and 3.7
- No decrease with increasing pT
- is seen for the p0 analyzing
- power
- In Run 6, 6.8 pb-1 of data with average beam
polarization 60 - has been acquired in pp collisions at vs200
GeV - Sizable transverse single spin asymmetry is
observed for - forward rapidity inclusive p0 production at
lt?gt3.2 and 3.7 - AN at positive xF grows with increasing
xF - AN at negative xF is consistent with
zero - No decrease of AN with increasing pT is
seen in the explored range - No systematic effects have been
revealed besides threshold effect - in the data at lt?gt3.2 accuracy of
the measurements is driven - by the statistics
- Run 6 preliminary results at vs200 GeV are
ready for release? - Additional study of systematic errors is to
be done for - the publication
- Toward SPIN06
- re-analysis of Run 3 and Run 5 data with
the same cuts as for Run 6 - to cover broader pT range
- theoreticians have been contacted hope
to get predictions/calculations - for the AN in the FPD kinematic region
- Analysis of the data at vs62 GeV is underway
- Still to do jet-like events
- simulation has been started
- calibration of the FPD outer matrices
needs to be completed
17Correlation between FPD gains and BBC rates
18Data to simulations comparison
19pp ? p0 X cross sections at vs200 GeV
- The error bars are statistical plus
point-to-point systematic - Consistent with NLO pQCD calculations at 3.3 lt ?
lt 4.0 - Data at low pT trend from KKP fragmentation
functions toward Kretzer. PHENIX observed
similar behavior at mid-rapidity.
NLO pQCD calculations by Vogelsang et al.
20Separated xF and pT dependence
Similar to ISR analysis J. Singh et al., Nucl.
Phys. B140, 189 (1978).
21 distributions in pT bins