Title: FINDing a GENI in a CCCastle
1FINDing a GENI in a CCCastle
- Reinventing the Internet (and More) January
2007 - Ellen W. Zegura
2My role in GENI
- Member of GENI Research Coordination Working
Group - Member of CRA GENI Community Advisory Board
(interim body) - Member of CCC Interim Council (interim body)
- Thanks to Dave Clark, Peter Freeman, Guru
Parulkar, many others for raw material
- A short story
- What is GENI?
- A research program (see FIND)
- A facility for experimenting at scale
- CCC and other acronyms
- Opportunities
4Once upon a time
- There was a research project
ARPANET Logical Map, March 1977
5That grew up to be the Internet.
6Times changed, and it kept up
Everything on WEB
IP on everything
Power lines
Modified John Doyle Slide
7And everyone (and thing) relied on it.
8Then one day,
- People realized it wasnt working so well
- Lots of spam
- Phishing attacks to steal identity and more
- Too hard to set up my home network
- Cant tell why it isnt working
- Would you have tele-surgery over the Internet?
- (Why) is Google building their own network?
- And there were things it couldnt do
- Can you print my dream? (4 year old Bethany)
9Scientists were heroic (and stymied)
- What is the Internet structure?
- How does it change and why?
- How robust is the Internet?
- What happens during a failure event?
- What are the properties of Internet paths?
- How do attacks propagate?
- What are users doing?
10Even experts had to admit
- in the thirty-odd years since its invention,
new uses and abuses, , are pushing the Internet
into realms that its original design neither
anticipated nor easily accommodates. - Freezing forevermore the current architecture
would be bad enough, but in fact the situation
is deteriorating. These architectural
barnaclesunsightly outcroppings that have
affixed themselves to an unmoving architecture
may serve a valuable short-term purpose, but
significantly impair the long-term flexibility,
reliability, security, and manageability of the
Internet. - Overcoming Barriers to Disruptive Innovation in
Networking, NSF Workshop Report, 2005.
11Along came the idea of a Future Internet
Future Internet (FI)E2E Networking and
Distributed Systems
Power lines
Link Technologies
Modified John Doyle Slide
- A short story
- What is GENI?
- A research program (see FIND)
- A facility/testbed for experimenting at scale
- CCC and other acronyms
- Opportunities
13What is GENI?
- Global Environment for Networking Innovations
- Two parts
- The GENI Research Program, which will develop and
evaluate ideas for the Future Internet - The GENI Facility, which will provide the
instrument for at-scale experimentation
14GENI research program
- FIND U.S. National Science Foundation program to
fund research on Future Internet Design (focus on
architecture) - Key areas of concern
- Security and robustness
- Mobility of hosts and networks
- Control and management
- Addressing, naming and (inter-domain) routing
- End-to-end principle vs in-network processing
15Security trends
- Increasing vulnerabilities, viruses, attacks,
worms - 20 new vulnerabilities reported every day
- 120,000 known viruses and worms -- 50 new ones
per day - Large scale attacks doubling every year
- Increasing economic cost
- Viruses alone 60B
- Worldwide 105B
- Some ISPs have more than 90 traffic that is spam
- Identity thefts has emerged as a significant and
serious threat - And more
Source Spafford Talk
16In the Future Internet
- Information disclosure control and integrity
- Important and well understood
- High availability -- suitable for even mission
critical scenarios - Balance of privacy and accountability
- Usable security for a range of users
- Context aware
- Different parts of the world have different
requirements - Appropriate for emerging devices and networks
- Mobile wireless and sensor networks, sensors,
PDAs, - Need coherent and comprehensive design
17Mobile wireless trends
- 2B cell phones
- 400M cell phones with Internet capability --
rising rapidly - New data devices (blackberry, PDA, iPod) and
services - 240M vehicles on the road -- will soon get
network connectivity with mobility - Mobile computing and embedded devices to dominate
future computing and communication - Closed vertically integrated networks and services
18In the Future Internet
- Seamless integration of networks
- Cellular WAN, wireless PAN, LAN and MANs, ad hoc
mesh - Build on current and new radio technologies
- 4G, WiMax, .11n, MIMO, cognitive radios, and more
to come - New protocol capabilities
- Cross-layer support, spectrum coordination,
discovery, QoS, multi-hop - Autonomic, self-
- Secured and privacy protecting
- Over otherwise shared wireless medium
- Accelerate new services and ability to deploy
them - location-aware, multimedia, dynamic communities
19Snapshot of research challenges
- A short story
- What is GENI?
- A research program (see FIND)
- A facility for experimenting at scale
- CCC and other acronyms
- Opportunities
21GENI facility motivation
Shared DeployedInfrastructure
Need for Large experimental facility/infrastructu
This chasm represents a majorbarrier to impact
real world
Small Scale Testbeds
Foundations Research
Funded by current programs
22Link between research and facility
- Goal Seamless conception-to-deployment process
Simulation / Emulation
Experiment At Scale (Facility)
23Facility goals
- Enable exploration of new network architectures,
mechanisms, and distributed system capabilities - A shared facility that allows
- Concurrent exploration of a broad range of
experimental networks and distributed services - Interconnection among experimental networks the
commodity Internet - Users and applications able to opt-in
- Observation, measurement, and recording of
outcomes - Help develop stronger scientific base
24Facility design key concepts
Slicing, Virtualization, Programmability
26Details of the Facility
Sensor Network
backbone wavelength
backbone switch
Customizable Router
Edge Site
Wireless Subnet
- A short story
- What is GENI?
- A research program (see FIND)
- A facility for experimenting at scale
- CCC and other acronyms
- Opportunities
28What is the CCC?
- Computing Community Consortium
- Solicited by US NSF, calling for the computing
research community to unite in the establishment
of a Computing Community Consortium - Serve as a community proxy responsible for
facilitating the conceptualization and design of
promising infrastructure-intensive projects
identified by the computing research community to
address compelling scientific grand challenges
in computing. - Initial responsibility would be guiding the
design of the Global Environment for Network
Innovations (GENI) on behalf of the research
community, ensuring broad community participation
in the GENI design process and identifying
necessary pre-construction development
activities. - Award made to Computing Research Association
29And eventually there will be
- CCC Council
- Interim group appointed November 2006
- Nominations for members due late Jan 2007
- GENI Science Council (GSC)
- Interim group appointed October 2006
- Nominations for members in November 2006
- Initial permanent group to be named soon
- GENI Project Office (GPO)
- Solicitation in fall 2007
- Award due in spring 2007
- Researchers
- Contribute to research vision and agenda
- Engage in peer-to-peer collaborations and
conversations about experiments - ResearchersGovernment
- Industry
31International Partnerships Important
- Help define facility scope
- Build national partner facilities to complement
US GENI facilities and capabilities - Share facilities with researchers in all partner
countries - Encourage collaborative international research
projects and experiments
32Industry Partnerships Important
- Help to refine RD objectives
- Become a member in the GENI consortium
- Provide leading-edge technology for use in GENI
- Contract (or subcontract) to build the facility
- Conduct collaborative research with universities
- Benefits to partnering
- Accelerate the transfer of academic research
results to commercial products - Enable a national/international proving ground
for new technology
- The future of the Internet is too important to be
left to chance or random developments. - True experimentation is needed.
- The GENI project intends to provide the basic
architectures, technologies, and policies that
will be needed for successful networking in the
2010-2020 time frame.
34More Information
- Visit the GENI web site at
- http//www.nsf.gov/cise/geni/
- Visit the CISE Web site at
- http//www.nsf.gov/dir/index.jsp?orgCISE
- Visit the CRA CCC web site at
- http//www.cra.org/ccc
- The GENI Planning Group
- Peterson, Anderson, Blumenthal, Casey, Clark,
Estrin, Evans, McKeown, Raychaudhuri, Reiter,
Rexford, Shenker, Vahdat, Wroclawski - The GENI Working Groups
- Research Coordination
- Facility Architecture
- Backbone
- Mobile wireless sensor networks
- Distributed services
- Planning grant workshops participants
- And others
36Backup slides
37Fitting parts together
38Another Important Trend Networking the Physical
New Machines
39Sensor Networking in Future Internet
- Sensor networks challenge Internet architecture
- host-to-host communication, addressing, routing,
end-to-end principle, - Sensor networks require
- Aggregate communication
- dissemination, data collection, aggregation
- Communication with data/logical services, not
just devices - Data centric as opposed to host centric
- Autonomic
- Self-configuration, self-management, self-
- Sensor networks constraints
- Limited resources, intermittent connectivity,
mobility, in-network proc
40Photonics Integration Trends
High capacity dynamic optical networks a
41Future Internet and Dynamic Optical Networks
Circuit and PacketService Layer
All Optical Transport Core
How can Future Internet exploit an optical core
that can provide bandwidth on demand
dynamically with low latency and guarantees?
42In-Network Processing Trends
- Middle boxes NAT, firewall, IDS, etc..
- WEB caching and content distribution networks
- Network based services computing, storage
- Internets end-to-end principle (a defining
attribute) challenged and revisited