Title: Understanding Girls Pathways to Violence and Aggression
1Understanding Girls Pathways to Violence and
- Lisa Pasko
- University of Denver
2This presentation
- Scope of girls violent offending
- Theoretical explanations for violence
- Pathways to girls aggression
- Conclusions/programming
3Girls arrests for violent offenses
4Person offenses of girls in residential
placement, United States, 1997-2001
- Girls arrests for simple assaults have gone up
by nearly 1/5 over the past ten years, while
boys arrests have gone down. - Girls commitments for simple assault have gone
up by 40.
6Theorizing girls violence
- Biology/psychology
- Prefrontal dysfunction
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Chronic childhood stress
- Maternal substance abuse and trauma during
pregnancy - Low levels of serotonin lead to impulsivity and
aggression - Internalizing/externalizing strain/stress
7Theorizing girls violence
- Environment
- Exposure to violence/victimization
- Hard wiring of the brain due to constant
exposure to violence - Negative emotionality (no consistent response
from care givers) - Impulsiveness
- Sensation seeking (need extreme emotions)
- Violence as survival strategy
8Violence highest among groups
- Who do not believe in a legal system to protect
them - Who do not involve formal authority in order to
handle disputes - Who experience high concentrations of poverty
- Who use violence as a means of gaining honor,
respect, and status - Girls in the gang/on the street part of this
subculture of violence, but in a different way.
9Girl world
- Girl fighting meanness as relational aggression
- In/exclusion dominate peer interaction
- Sarcasm, ridicule, gossip, name-calling, silent
treatment - Cultural images (TV, magazines) reinforce this
girl world the focus on body image, sexuality,
popularity, and meanness. Female empowerment
equates aggression and a willingness to fight. - This form of bullying can lead some girls to
avoid school and on pathway to street life.
10Understanding girls violent offending
- Pathways perspective to girls violence
- This approach attempts to determine life
experiences, particularly childhood ones, that
place one at risk of violent offending.
11Overall, girls pathways to delinquency
- Girls are more likely than boys to come from
fragmented families, to have chemically dependent
and/or criminally involved parents, and to suffer
from sexual and physical abuse in their homes. - These experiences precipitate running away (their
escape strategy) and increase exposure to
criminal opportunities and sexual victimization
on the streets.
12Overall, girls pathways
- In particular, sexual abuse affects girls'
ability to form attachment bonds needed to deter
delinquency and anti-social behavior. - It increases the likelihood of depression,
suicide attempts, problematic substance use, self
injury, violence, eating disorders, delinquent
peer groups, and risky lifestyles.
13Overall, girls pathways
- School forms yet another atmosphere of oppression
and alienation for many female juvenile
offenders. - Several studies have shown that girl offenders
have high rates of truancy, suspensions for
nonattendance, and overall low school attachment.
14For the most part
- When girls commit crime, they often do it for
instrumental reasons (running away, shoplifting). - They rarely risk physical injury. In comparison
to boys, they infrequently engage in violent one
on one competition. - When considering the rise in girls assaults, it
is equally important to note changes in law
enforcement and school policies and procedures.
15Research study
- Data drawn from a quasi-random sample of 112 case
files of girls who had been on probation during
2004 calendar year. - Data also enhanced by focus groups with girl
probationers and probation officers. - Average age was 15.5.
- First juvenile court referral
- Girls with a history of violence (n71) 34 were
referred for a violent offense (second 32 were
referred for running away) - Girls without a record of violence (n41) 46
referred for running away (second 24 for theft)
16Differences between violent and nonviolent female
juvenile offenders
- Violent girls are twice as likely to claim gang
involvement as are girls with no history of
violence. - 89 of girls who reported using violence have an
assault arrest in their record. - Of those girls arrested for assault, 67 have
also been arrested for a property offense and 15
have been arrested for drug offenses.
17Mental health/medical factors
- 44 of nonviolent girls have had treatment for
mental health issues before probation, with
nearly 75 having access to health insurance and
early childhood health care. - Only 26 of violent girls have had some form of
mental health treatment prior to probation
(usually for suicide attempt) less than 40 had
health insurance/childhood health care at any
point during their lives. - However, 56 of violent girls had at least one
recorded suicide attempt in their records, as
opposed to 50 of nonviolent girls, and violent
girls reported four times as many medical
problems (notably, STDs, asthma and stomach
18Family factors
- 2/3 of violent girls have been exposed to
domestic violence, as opposed to 46 of
nonviolent girls. - Violent girls are 25 more likely than nonviolent
girls to have experienced physical abuse. - Sex abuse (overall, 2 out of 5 report sexual
abuse) - Nonviolent girls dad/stepdad, brother, uncle,
and boyfriend are common perpetrators - Violent girls more likely to be assaulted by a
stranger, person in authority, or moms
boyfriend. They are also more likely to have had
more than one perpetrator.
19Family factors
- Violent girls also have more records of
- Witnessing the death of a significant other (20
of violent girls versus 12 of nonviolent) - Having a parent in prison (66 versus 47)
- Having a parent who uses drugs or alcohol (68
versus 58) - Having no contact with their father (60 versus
48) - Experiencing childhood neglect (31 versus 19)
20Sexual behavior
- All of the girls in the sample who had been
arrested for prostitution also had arrests for
assaults. - However, nonviolent girls (44) had more records
of running away to an older boyfriend (37) (at
least ten years their senior). - Of these 37 of violent girls who said they had
an older boyfriend, 80 also said they could
consider him a pimp.
21School factors
- 2/3 of both violent and nonviolent girls had
failed at least one semester. - For violent girls, their failure began at an
earlier age (elementary versus middle-school). - Violent girls are more likely to be assessed as
needing special education.
- Alcohol
- Both nonviolent (85) and violent (76) girls
reported using alcohol at some point before
probation. - Violent girls reported frequent and episodic use
while nonviolent girls reported experimental and
episodic drinking.
23Crystal methamphetamine
- 42 of violent girls had tried crystal
methamphetamine. - Of that 42, 68 report frequent use. (average
age first tried 13.1) - 55 of nonviolent girls reported ever trying
meth. - Of that 55, 55 also reported frequent use.
(average age first tried 14.2)
- 68 (n48) of violent girls and 82 (n34) of
nonviolent girls report trying marijuana in their
lifetimes. - Average age of first use for both 12.5.
- 44 of violent girls report frequent marijuana
use, versus 25 of nonviolent girls.
25Whom are girls assaulting?
- Number
- parent (mother) 19
- female peer 24
- male peer 3
- staff/teacher 8
- stranger 1
- siblings 8
- police 1
- grandparent 1
26Girls direct violence primarily at
- Other girls
- Mothers, women in authority (staff, teachers)
- Other intimates (siblings)
- Reasons gender loathing, resentful of those
who could have saved them for abuse, hit hardest
against those they feel betrayed trust
27Three key starting points
- Grade school (age 11 and younger) (serious,
repetitive violence, on-going street survival,
anti-social) - Failing out of school at an early age
- Limited resources (no health insurance)
- Empty and/or violent families
- Middle school-early high school (age 12-15)
(propensity for aggressive romantic
relationships) - Bullied, truant, low level delinquency
- High school (age 15) (group-influenced violence)
- Violence performed in groups, rarely chronic but
potentially severe
28Lethal violence and girls
Ashley Rios (gang)
Kelly Ellard (girlfighting)
Tammy Damm (mother, boyfriend-assisted)
29Girls who kill
- The rate of girls who commit murder in the U.S.
is higher than that of other countries, e.g.,
Japan and Austria. - Usually suffer from overt depression
- Likely kill in the context of a relationship
- Often kill in concert with a male perpetrator
- Those who kill alone resemble the violent male
teenager who kills alone
- To understand the rise to girls violence, one
must look at changes in girls worlds, cultural
representations, as well as formal justice
statistics. - Must consider all factors playing into her
violence biology, psychology, and environment. - The violent female juvenile offender
- Less access to early medical and mental health
care - More frequent drug use
- More gang involvement
- Risky sexual behavior
- More likely to have a parent who uses drugs, is
in prison, or is absent
31Responding to girls violence
- Girls programs must provide a respectful and
safe forum for girls to openly discuss their
experiences with abuse, victimization, and
personal safety issues. - It must provide an acceptable space for girls to
explore their physicality. - For the girl offender, programming also needs to
create services that assist girls in living
independently building career and work options
experiencing more visible avenues to power and
control reducing harmful girlfighting and
embracing meaningful friendships with other
girls. - Early childhood medical and mental health care is
of key importance.
32For more information or a copy of the
- Lisa Pasko
- 2000 E. Asbury Ave., Sturm Hall 446
- Department of Sociology and Criminology
- University of Denver
- Denver CO 80208
- 303.871.2049
- Lisa.Pasko_at_du.edu