Title: Gender, Legends and Art Bacchus Dionysos
1Gender, Legends and Art Bacchus - Dionysos
University of Helsinki Department of Art Research
2Zeus, seated on a rock, gives birth to the god
Dionysos from his thigh
3Newly born from the thigh of Zeus
- Dionysos is depicted in this painting newly born
from the thigh of Zeus. - The king of the gods holds a thyrsos (a pine-cone
tipped staff), one of the usual attributes of
Dionysos, and sits on a stool spread with a deer
skin. - His infant son holds a vine-branch in one hand
and a wine cup in the other, indicating his
destined role as the god of wine.
4Dionysos young and mature
5Birth of DionysosDate ca 405 - 385 BC
6Blessed Dionysos
- Come, blessed Dionysos, various-named,
bull-faced, begot from thunder, Bakkhos famed.
Bassaros God, of universal might, whom swords and
blood and sacred rage delight in heaven
rejoicing, mad, loud-sounding God, furious
inspirer, bearer of the rod by Gods revered, who
dwellest with humankind, propitious come, with
much rejoicing mind. - Orphic Hymn 45 to Dionysus
- I sing of Dionysus, the son of glorious Semele.
He appeared on a jutting headland by the shore of
the fruitless sea, seeming like a stripling in
the first flush of manhood his rich, dark hair
was waving about him, and on his strong shoulders
he wore a purple robe Hail, child of fair-faced
Semele! He who forgets you can in no wise order
sweet song. - Homeric Hymn 7 to Dionysus
7Bacchus and Ariadne by Titian
8Dyonisus and satyr
9Dionysos and Ariadne
10Caravaggio positive Christian interpretationBacc
hus Christ
11Caravaggio Bacchus
12Leonardo da Vinci, BacchusBacchus St. John the
baptistOil on panel transferred to canvas,
13Rubens negative interpretation of a fat (!)
vicious bacchus