Title: The MicroBlog: Saying it all in 140 Characters
1The Micro-Blog Saying it all in 140 Characters
Vince Buscemi VP Operations Mindgrub
Technologies LLC vince_at_mindgrub.com _at_vincebuscemi
Todd Marks President CEO Mindgrub
Technologies LLC todd.marks_at_mindgrub.com _at_mindgrub
2The Micro-Blog Saying it all in 140 Characters
- Evolution of Social Media
- What is Twitter
- Twitter Applications
- Twitter Adoption
- Case Studies
- Demonstration
- Out-There Twitter
3Evolution of Social Media
4Google Trends Social Media
5Definition of Social Media
- Social Media can take many different forms,
including Internet forums, weblogs, social blogs,
wikis, podcasts, pictures and video. Technologies
include blogs, picture-sharing, vlogs,
wall-postings, email, instant messaging,
music-sharing, crowdsourcing, and voice over IP,
to name a few. 1 - 1http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_media
6Web 1.0 Roots Social Text
- Chat, Discussion Boards are HOT!
7Web 2.0 Progression Social Networking
- Usenet ? Wikis ? ICQ Friendster ? LinkedIn ?
MySpace ? Facebook ? Twitter
8Evolution of Social Networking
- Information is
- Getting easier to send and digest
- Delivered in small multiple bursts
- On the move via mobile devices
9What is Twitter?
10What is Twitter
- Twitters fundamental question is what are you
doing? - Users have 140 characters to describe what they
are doing - Users can text to 40404 and it shows on their
account - Twitter messages are made available via RSS
- There are several third party applications that
can display the RSS and make meaningful
relationships between data and users.
11Twitter Terminology (top 10)
- _at_user Referencing another user in a post
- Direct Message (D user) to send a message that
only you and the receipiant can see. - Hash Tag () Referring to a searchable keyword
/ phrase in a post.
12Twitter Terminology (top 10)
- tweet(ing) the act of posting to Twitter.
- retweet bringing a previous tweet conversation
or reference back into the current conversation. - tweeter/twitterer a user of Twitter.
- twittering to send a Twitter message.
- tweeple Twitter people, Twitter members, Twitter
13Twitter Terminology (Continued)
- tweeps Twitter people that follow each other
from one social media/network to another. - tweetup when twitterers meet in person - a
Twitter meet up. - twalking walking while twittering via text.
- tweetaholic someone addicted to Twitter, so much
so that it may be an actual problem.
14Twitter Shorthand (SMS Shorthand)
- 2 to, too, two
- 4 for, four
- abt about
- B4 before
- b/c because
- B4N bye bye for now
- BTW by the way
- chk check
- cld could
- da the
- deets details
- DM direct message, as in "DM me so I can
send you more info" - fwd forward
- GR8 great
- IMHO in my honest/humble opinion
- j/k just kidding
15Twitter Shorthand
- ur you are
- w or w/ with
- w/e weekend
- w00t! excitement
- wld would
- wtf what the f
- y/w you're welcome
- l8r later
- njoy enjoy
- ppl people
- plz please
- RT retweet
- ru are you
- thx thanks
16Twitter Adoption
17Google Trends Twitter
18Google Trends Twitter
19Celebrity Adoption
- Brittney Spears
- Lance Armstrong
- Oprah
- Steven Colbert
- Barak Obama
- John Cleese
- Ashton Kutcher
- Todd Marks
- Vincent Buscemi
20Celebrity Adoption (Ashton Kutcher)
21Twitter Applications
23(AIR) TweetDeck
24(iPhone) Tweety (3) Twitterific (free)
25Case Studies
26_at_cookbook (Recipes)
- New Eggplant Parmesan cvr3tom/sp/3T wine_at_low7m
puree. Slice/oil2eggplant 15m_at_400F/205C. Dip w
egg/crumbsp. Broilc parm. Srv on puree. - Chocolate Cupcakes cream4T buttr/8T sug egg.
Sift1/8t sodasalt/6T flour/4T cocoa/.25t bkgpdr.
Mix all4T milk fill6cups. 20m_at_375F/190C. - Darjeeling Soup fry leekonion/T butter.
Simmer15m2c cauliflr/1tatercelery/4c Darj
tea/sp/bay. Rmv bay puree6T milk. Srv w
nutmegpep. - Garlic Chicken mix 2lb/kg chickn/20whlclvgarlic/t
oreganorosemry/4T vermoutholvoilcelerywine/ch
op lemon/sp. Cvr h_at_350F/177C uncvr9m.
27_at_600Block (Restaurant Specials)
- Miss Shirleys' downtown location now serving
weekend brunch 8am to 4pm w/ outdoor seating.
Gotta be a shorter wait than Blue Moon, right? - RT _at_thefrontrowe Amish Outlaws _at_Luckie's 4/24. No
cover before 930. 2.50 drinks...9-11 when you
mention my name. http//twtvite.com/xpd7lq - I scream, you scream, we all scream for...FREE
CONE DAY at Ben Jerry's. Today 12pm to 8pm.
http//budurl.com/icecream - Regi's, Duclaws, Tapas Teatro, Alexander's
Tavern, Green Turtle, Todd Conner's, Bonaparte,
Nanami, Kali's Mezze outdoorseating - Is it 5 yet? Little Havana, Ra Sushi, Wharf Rat,
Mama's, Woody's, Shuckers, Ale Marys, Wine
Market, Joe2...others??? outdoorseating
28_at_tgob (2 Guys On Beer)
- Episode 065 - Wells Banana Bread Beer, Innis and
Gunn Original Oak Aged Scottish Beer - The Innis
and Gunn was aaawesome! - 120 minute IPA. Wow. That's something insane.
- _at_harvrock just stumbled across it! 11 a bottle
in Philly - totally worth it. - MGD for the Phillies home opener. Don't judge us.
- Sam Adams Boston Lager while watching the
Villanova / UNC game. Sometimes you just gotta
get back to basics.
29Baltimore Crime Beat
- In the middle of _at_mindgrubs pres w/
_at_vincebuscemi on the micro-blogging Twitter
_at_nabshow. nab09
32Far-out Twitter
33Thought Tweeting
34Tweeting Plants
35The Micro-Blog Saying it all in 140 Characters
- Evolution of Social Media
- What is Twitter
- Twitter Applications
- Twitter Adoption
- Case Studies
- Demonstration
- Out-There Twitter
36Questions? (www.mindgrub.com/NAB)
Vince Buscemi VP Operations Mindgrub
Technologies LLC vince_at_mindgrub.com _at_vincebuscemi
Todd Marks President CEO Mindgrub
Technologies LLC todd.marks_at_mindgrub.com