Title: Vital Inner Health and Wellness Clinic - Wellness clinic
1Comprehensive Health Solutions at Vital
Clinic https//vitalclinic.com.au Acupuncture
and Chinese Herbal Medicine Services
Welcome to Vital Inner Health and
Wellness Clinic
Upholding the principles of traditional Chinese
medicine, Sarah Liu offers holistic care at
Vital Clinic, treating a wide range of conditions
through acupuncture and herbal remedies.
At Vital Inner Health and Wellness Clinic, our
mission is to guide individuals on a
transformative journey towards optimal physical,
mental, and spiritual wellness. Grounded in
evidence- based integrative practices, we strive
to empower our clients to take an active role in
their healthcare and unlock their full potential.
3Our Services
Overview of Services
Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine
Cosmetic Acupuncture Specialized Treatments for
various conditions
4Acupuncture for Pain Relief
Effective Pain Management Acupuncture has been
shown to be an effective treatment for a variety
of common conditions, including back pain, neck
pain, and arthritis. This ancient Chinese
practice involves the insertion of thin needles
into specific points on the body to stimulate the
flow of energy and promote healing. Whether
you' re dealing with a recent injury or a long-
standing condition, our acupuncture services can
help you f ind lasting comfort and improved
mobility. Schedule your consultation today to
learn how Vital Clinic can help you reclaim your
quality of l i fe.
5Acupuncture TCM for Dysmenorrhea and Fibroids
Women's Health Focus Struggling with debilitating
menstrual cramps or uterine f ibroids? Vital
Clinic' s experts can provide effective, natural
relief. Acupuncture has been shown
to significantly improve symptoms of
dysmenorrhea ( painful periods) and uterine f
ibroids by regulating the menstrual cycle and
reducing inflammation. Our l icensed
practitioners use precise point stimulation to
restore balance and promote healing within the
body. I f you' re t i red of suffering each
month, contact Vital Clinic today to learn how
our Traditional Chinese medicine can provide
the relief you need.
6Chinese Herbal Medicine for Insomnia
Chinese Herbal Medicine for Skin Problems
Chinese Herbal Medicine for Depression
Get in Touch 03 9569 9932 vitalclinic2021_at_gmail.co
m https//vitalclinic.com.au 15 Station
St Oakleigh Vic 3166