Title: Modeling PCDD and PCDF adsorption
1Modeling PCDD and PCDF adsorption
Arnaud Marmier
2Outline of Talk
- Environmental Problem
- Atomistic Modelling
- Energy optimisation
- Free Energy diagram
- ab initio surface thermodynamics
3The Environmental Problem
- Persistent Organic Pollutants
- Pesticides/by product
- Soil pollution
- Remediation strategies informed by physical
properties - Many pollutants, many components of soil !
- Atomistic Model
- Atom/ions as
- interaction centres
- Bonding interactions (intra-molecule)
- Electrostatic interactions
- Dispersion-repulsion (van der Walls)
- Empirical !
- No electron redistribution
6Simulation, background
- Extracting information
- Energy optimisation
- Thermodynamic (Monte Carlo, Molecular Dynamics
-newtons law-) - Many technical details
- periodicity, choice of potential, ensemble
- Still, a powerful approach, relatively
inexpensive - 1000000 atoms affordable
7Simulation, details
Short Range Interaction, extended for covalent
Long Range Coulombic Interaction
Spring Constant, k
Shell Model to account for electronic
(Dick Overhauser, 1958)
Core Charge
Shell Charge At Centre
Oxygen ion is represented as a core plus a shell
coupled by a harmonic spring.
76 conformers
polychloro-dibenzo-dioxin (PCDDs)
Clay (Pyrophylite)
9PCDD/Pyrophillite, condor
polychloro-dibenzo-furans (PCDFs)
Clay (Pyrophylite)
polychloro-dibenzo-dioxin (PCDDs)
Quartz (001)
Minimisation in progress !!
15Water, direct
16Salt Distribution - Calcite
1M NaCl solution Build up of negative charge
near interface due to chlorine adsorption Charge
distribution oscillates EVEN if surface is
charge neutral
17Metal Ion Adsorption - Magnesium
Inner-sphere complex much lower in free energy 1
Inner-sphere complex 1 Outer-sphere complex Free
energy barrier similar to that of calcium and
18Metal Ion Adsorption - Strontium
Profile very similar to that of calcium 1
Inner-sphere complex 2 Outer-sphere
complexes Position and size of free energy
barrier is the same
19Water, Free Energies of Adsorption
20ab initio surface Thermodynamics
Calcite (0114)
Alumina (0112)
Kerisit, S. Marmier, A. Parker, S. C. Journal
of Physical Chemistry B 2005, 109, 18211.
Marmier, A. Parker, S. C. Physical Review B
2004, 69, 115409.
- Can get results
- Other substrates (Al2O3, FeOOH, CaCO3)
- Which results (for PHREEQ etc ) ?
- Coarse graining the method ?
- - cellular automata
- - other ?