Title: Variables and
1Variables and Hypotheses
2Source for hypothesis
- Jordan, J. M. (1998). Executive
- cognitive control in communication Extending
plan-based theory. Human Communication Research.
25, 5-38.
- Planning Theory (Berger, 1995) is the base theory.
Jordan (1998) offers an extension on planning
theory by incorporating the notion of executive
control processes (i.e., editing and adjustments
of plans).
Jordan (1998)
H1 Cognitive efficiency will be positively
related to interaction involvement
5Independent Variable
Cognitive Efficiency
Conceptually Optimal selection of stimuli,
knowledge retrieval, and application of
processing strategies.
Operationally Measured by the Cognitive
Failures Questionnaire
6The Cognitive Failures Questionnaire
(Broadbent, Cooper, Fitzgerald, Parkes, 1982)
The Cog F has 25 closed-ended questions about
cognitive slips and lapses.
The reliability of the Cog F is ? .83
7Example Cog F item
1. Do you read something and find you havent
been thinking about it and must read it again?
Very Quite Very Often Often Occasionally Rarely
Never 4 3 2 1 0
8Dependent Variable
Interaction Involvement
Conceptually Attentiveness, responsiveness, and
perceptiveness focused on the interaction partner
and elaborate processing of the partners actions
Operationally Measured by the Interaction
Involvement Scale
9The Interaction Involvement Scale
(Cegala, Savage, Brunner, Conrad, 1982)
The IIS has 18 Likert-type items.
The reliability of the IIS is ? .89
10Example of Interaction Inv. item
- Often in conversations I am NOT sure how Im
expected to respond.