Title: Delivering Values for members
1Delivering Values for members
- Alain Schlesser CV
- 1st Eurochambers Academy, Westerham
- Eurochamber Congress, Nicosie
2Keywords from Eurochamber Academy
- Barbarians at the gate
- competition
- affected
- strategy
- results
- missed opportunities
- Strategy for Chamber
- mapping out competition
- fundamental/legal missions
- core values
- Part 1 About our heterogeneity
- Part 2 How to survive and develop?
- Part 3 From strategy to delivering values for
members - Part 4 A large range of products and services
4Part 1 About HeterogeneityWho we are ?
- Legal objectives?
- profit
- non profit
- independant
- public private partnership
- public service
- other
- Where do we come from?
- local/national decision
- how old
- budget
- political influence
- other
5What about our environment?
- Answers to the questionaire
- Do we hide the same structures?
- CCI have evolved diversely because of the
local/national and political/economical
environment - What are our common objectives?
- Richard Normann?
- The 1599 spirit ?
- or making money
- Take home what is really the mandate of my CCI?,
What is my mission as a manager? -
6The fundamental strategic problem of the local
community to become a good home for value
creation in a global competition between
homes . (Richard Normann)
7The 1599 Spirit (Henry IV, Napoleon)
- Représenter,animer,servir, les intérêts
généraux du commerce de lindustrie et des
services pour promouvoir le progrès économique et
8 The Emperor and the Barbarians
- Roman empire
- Russian empire
- Kodak
- Polaroid
- GM
- Apple
- Compaq
- Xerox
- Alcatel
- CCI???
9These Emperors had
- Capital
- Skills
- Excellent RD
- Courage?
- Perceptiveness?
- Business sense?
10We are emperors!!!
- Public examples
- Private examples
11 Cest penser faux qui donne des pieds dargile
aux colosses économiques (A-Y
12 Part 2 How to survive and develop? define a
strategic vision!
- Where there is a will there is a way
- With a prooved methodology
- Keeping in mind the Heisenberg uncertainty
principle - And the fact that it will be your vision of the
world - I had a Dream
- Communicate your vision
13 We cannot have all the information about any
system that would be necessary for its complete
description (Heisenberg)
14An already applied methodology
- Take a specialist consultant
- Gather basic documents,annual reports, audits,
- Open your radar, collect strange, choking new
ideas - Seminar with your staff(select items, analyse
weak and strong points, create scenarii, create
strategic responses)
- Seminar with your board
- Decide the strategy
- Promote it (in and outside)
- Decline it in annual operational objectives
- Create indicators
- Include them in the annual interviews of your
team - Annual review with the staff
- Annual review with the board
- Integrate in your quality insurance system
15 Part3 From strategy to delivering value for
- The three aims of any organisation
- The three jobs of all CCI ?
- The three attitudes in the French CCIs
- Three ways to move from the actual position
- One Strategic attitude!!!
16Where is the client?
- Organigram?
- ISO 90012000
- Who speaks for him?,Who pay for him?
- Dont miss your actual/next client
17 Part 4 a large range of products and services
- Portscommerce, fish, sailing
- Airports
- Congress centers and fairs
- Nurseries, Science parks
- Training initial,permanent, apprentissage, high
scholls, technical, langages, holidays.. - Tomorrow optical fibers networks
- Consultants for commerce, industry,
production,export, environment,
tourism,management - Create and transmit companies
- Advice collectivities
18My Conclusion
- Emperors can survive, be a barbarian but keep
your values or quit the CCI network