Chapter Four Anatomy of the Nervous System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter Four Anatomy of the Nervous System


... and relay station for sensory info to/from cerebral cortex (except olfactory) ... given column have similar or related properties, e.g., may all respond to touch ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter Four Anatomy of the Nervous System

Chapter Four Anatomy of the Nervous System
  • Your Brain

Research Methods
  • Injection of dye into blood allows CAT
    (computerized axial tomography) scanner to take
    images of the brain
  • Intentional brain damage
  • points to behavioral impairment, e.g., damage to
    Brocas area associated with inability to speak
  • intense magnetic field temporarily inactivates
  • electrode or chemicals used to damage specific
  • but, brain damage may not solely produce
    behavior impairment may be due to many factors

  • Figure 4.1  Computerized axial tomography (CT
    scanning). (a) A persons head is placed into the
    device and than a rapidly rotating source sends
    x-rays through the head while detectors on the
    opposite side make photographs. A computer than
    constructs an image of the brain. (b) A CT scan
    of a normal human brain. (Source Dan

Research Methods cont.
  • Brain stimulation
  • can evoke sensations, e.g., flashes of light
  • less intense magnetic fields stimulate an area
  • injected chemicals stimulate specific receptors
  • but, sensations are in isolation and behaviors
    depend on coordination across brain areas

Research Methods cont.
  • Recording brain activity
  • identifies area of brain associated with behavior
  • PET (positron emission tomography) detects
    radioactive chemicals absorbed by most active
  • rCBF (regional cerebral blood flow) measures
    increased blood flow by monitoring inert
    radioactive chemical
  • fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging)
    detects release of oxygen in active cell -
    replaces PET and rCBF
  • but, brain is always active and interpreting
    changing activity is a challenge
  • also, different people use different areas for
    same task

New Brain Research CNN Today Biological
Psychology, Volume I
Research Methods cont.
  • Correlating brain anatomy with behavior
  • extensive practice on string instrument
    correlated with enlarged area of brain receiving
    sensations from left hand
  • experienced taxi drivers have enlarged area of
    hippocampus related to spatial memory
  • Albert Einstein had one area of brain larger than
    normal and had unusually high ratio of glia to
  • Caution samples are small correlation is not

Structure of the Vertebrate Nervous System
  • CNS brain spinal cord
  • PNS nerves outside brain spinal cord
  • somatic nerves that convey messages from sense
    organs to CNS from CNS to muscles and glands
  • autonomic set of neurons that control heart,
    intestines, other organs
  • sympathetic arousal, fight or flight,
  • parasympathetic relax and digest,

  • Figure 4.5  The human nervous system. Both the
    central nervous system and the peripheral nervous
    system have major subdivisions. The closeup of
    the brain shows the right hemisphere as seen from
    the midline.

Anatomical Terms for Directions
  • Road map of nervous system uses technical terms
    to describe a three dimensional structure
  • basic terms include, e.g., ventral, dorsal,
    lateral and medial
  • permits clear communication among investigators

  • Figure 4.6 Terms for anatomical directions in the
    nervous system. In four-legged animals dorsal and
    ventral point in the same direction for the head
    as they do for the rest of the body. However,
    humans upright position has tilted the head
    relative to the spinal cord, so the dorsal and
    ventral directions of the head are not parallel
    to the dorsal and ventral directions of the
    spinal cord.

The Spinal Cord
  • Bell-Magendie Law
  • the entering dorsal roots carry sensory info to
    brain and,
  • the exiting ventral roots carry motor info to
    muscles and glands
  • Dorsal root ganglia clusters of neurons outside,
    but near, the spinal cord on dorsal roots
    carrying sensory info
  • Cut the spinal cord and brain loses motor control
    over parts of body served by that segment and

  • Figure 4.7  Diagram of a cross section through
    the spinal cord. The dorsal root on each side
    conveys sensory information to the spinal cord
    the ventral root conveys motor commands to the

Autonomic Nervous System
  • Sympathetic prepares body for arousal
  • increased breathing, increased heart rate,
    decreased digestive activity
  • form chain of ganglia just outside spinal cord
  • act as a single system in sympathy with one
  • short preganglionic axons and long postganglionic
    axons both release norepinephrine

Autonomic Nervous System cont.
  • Parasympathetic facilitates vegetative,
    nonemergency responses by the bodys organs
  • increases digestive activity, activities opposing
    sympathetic system
  • consists of cranial nerves and nerves from sacral
    spinal cord
  • long preganglionic axons extend from the spinal
    cord to parasympathetic ganglia close to each
    internal organ
  • shorter postganglionic fibers then extend from
    the parasympathetic ganglia in the organs
    release acetylcholine

The Hindbrain (rhombencephalon)
  • Medulla controls vital reflexes, e.g.,
    breathing, heart beat
  • Pons area where many axons cross from one side
    of the brain to the other
  • Reticular formation controls motor areas of the
    spinal cord output to cerebral cortex increasing
    arousal and attention
  • Raphe system sends axons to much of the
    forebrain, increasing or decreasing the brains
    readiness to respond
  • Cerebellum controls movement, balance and
  • damage impairs timing and difficulty shifting
    attention between auditory and visual stimuli

The Midbrain (mesencephalon)
  • Tectum (roof) includes superior colliculus and
    inferior colliculus, important routes for sensory
  • Tegmentum (covering, carpet) includes
  • nuclei for third and fourth cranial nerves (eye
  • parts of reticular formation
  • extensions of the pathways between the forebrain
    and the spinal cord or hindbrain
  • Substantia nigra gives rise to dopamine path that
    deteriorates in Parkinsons disease

  • Figure 4.12  The human brain stem. This composite
    structure extends from the top of the spinal cord
    into the center of the forebrain. The pons,
    pineal gland, and colliculi are ordinarily
    surrounded by the cerebral cortex.

The Forebrain (prosencephalon)
  • Cerebral cortex outer portion of brain
  • Thalamus center of forebrain and relay station
    for sensory info to/from cerebral cortex (except
  • Hypothalamus small area with widespread
  • damage here affects sexual behavior temperature
    regulation, fighting, feeding, activity level
  • sends messages to attached pituitary gland,
    altering release of hormones into bloodstream
  • Limbic system borders the brain stem and mediates
    eating, drinking, sexual activity, anxiety and

  • Figure 4.14 The limbic system is a set of
    subcortical structures that form a border (or
    limbus) around the brain stem.

The Forebrain cont.
  • Basal ganglia includes caudate nucleus, putamen,
    globus pallidus
  • many connections with frontal cortex, where
    planning, memory and emotional expression arise
  • Basal forebrain
  • here the nucleus basalis is key part of brains
    system for arousal, wakefulness, and attention
    (intermediary between hypothalamus and cerebral
  • Hippocampus
  • located between thalamus and cerebral cortex
  • critical for the formation of new memory
  • connected to the hypothalamus by the fornix

Figure 4.18
  • Figure 4.18  The basal ganglia. The thalamus is
    in the center, the basal ganglia are lateral to
    it, and the cerebral cortex is on the outside.
    (Source After Nieuwenhuys Voogd vanHuijzen,

Cerebral Spinal Fluid and the Ventricles
  • Cerebral spinal fluid assists in cushioning the
  • fills the central canal, channel in the center of
    the spinal cord
  • fills the ventricles, four cavities within the
  • fills space between brain and meninges (membranes
    that surround the brain and spinal cord)
  • meningitis is inflammation of meninges

Cerebral Spinal Fluid and the Ventricles cont.
  • Cerebral spinal fluid is clear fluid similar to
    blood plasma
  • formed in choroid plexus
  • flows from lateral to third to fourth ventricle
    to central canal or between meninges
  • reabsorbed in arachnoid apace between meninges
    and brain and spinal cord

Cerebral Spinal Fluid and the Ventricles cont.
  • Hydrocephalus is blockage of flow of CFS
  • increases pressure on the brain
  • in infants this spreads the skull bones and is
    associated with mental retardation

  • Figure 4.20  The cerebral ventricles. (a) Diagram
    showing positions of the four ventricles. (b)
    Photo of a human brain, viewed from above, with a
    horizontal cut through one hemisphere to show the
    position of the lateral ventricles. Note that the
    two parts of this figure are seen from different
    angles. (Source After Woolf, 1991)

Cerebral Cortex
  • Contains grey matter, the outer surface of
    cerebral hemispheres
  • White matter is formed by axons extending inward
    from cortex
  • Neurons from each hemisphere communicate with
    each other through the corpus callosum and
    anterior commissure

Cerebral Cortex cont.
  • Contains six distinct layers of cells parallel to
    surface of cortex (laminae I - VI)
  • a layer may be missing in a region, e.g., lamina
    IV is absent from the motor cortex
  • lamina V is thickest in motor cortex
  • Organized into columns of cells
  • arranged perpendicular to the laminae
  • cells within a given column have similar or
    related properties, e.g., may all respond to
    touch on palm of hand or foot

Lobes of Cortex
  • Occipital lobe posterior end of cortex
  • contains primary visual cortex
  • damage in one hemisphere causes blindness in
    opposite visual field
  • Parietal lobe between occipital lobe and the
    central sulcus
  • contains the primary somatosensory cortex which
    receives touch sensation, muscle-stretch and
    joint position information
  • postcentral gyrus includes four bands of cells
    two receive light-touch information, one receives
    deep-pressure and one a combination of both

Lobes of Cortex cont.
  • Temporal lobe lateral portion of each
    hemisphere, near the temples
  • essential for understanding spoken language
  • contributes to perception of movement and face
  • damage may lead to Külver-Bucy syndrome
  • Frontal lobe extends from the central sulcus to
    the anterior limit of the brain
  • primary motor cortex controls fine movements
  • prefrontal cortex important for working memory,
    delayed response tasks, planning of appropriate
    behavior for context

How Do the Parts Work Together
  • A brain area functions like a word in a sentence
  • damage the amygdala and diminish fear (delete a
    word and you lose something)
  • but, fear intensifies with pain and diminishes
    with a trusted friend (a word has richer meaning
    in context)
  • no single brain area where information is

How Do the Parts Work Together
  • Unified experience emerges from binding of
    separate parts
  • Simultaneous neural activity may bind brain areas
  • recognition of Mooney faces produced gamma waves
    30-80/second in various brain areas
  • when cat sees and hears bird it has synchronized
    neural activity in occipital, parietal, and
    frontal areas
  • Einsteins brain had larger than normal inferior
    parietal cortex, an area known to bind different
    aspects of perception, e.g., damage prevents
    binding color to shape

How Do the Parts Work Together cont.
  • But, why does synchronous activity produce
  • Overall, the cerebral cortex serves to elaborate
    sensory material
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