Title: PPA 503 The Public PolicyMaking Process
1PPA 503 The Public Policy-Making Process
- Lecture 3a Official and Unofficial Actors and
Their Roles in Public Policy
- Political science traditions.
- Institutionalism focus on texts of
constitutions, laws, and other written statements
of policies and the relationships between formal
government institutions. - Behaviorism focus on political motivations of
individuals, acting singly and in groups, often
through polling, game theory, and statistical
techniques. - Neo-institutionalism focus on organizations and
systems in which individuals interact and achieve
political and policy goals through explicit or
implicit rules and operating procedures.
- Main categories of actors in the policy process.
- Official actors statutory or constitutional
responsibilities. - Legislative, executive, and judiciary.
- Unofficial actors participation with no
explicit legal authority. - Interest groups, media.
- First listed branch in the federal and most state
constitutions. - Source of considerable research.
- Primary function is lawmaking. Number of bills
and resolutions gives some idea of how busy
legislatures are.
- Burden eased by staff.
- Bills sifted by committee structure at both the
federal and state level. - Committee chairs wield significant power.
- Most bills fail to move past their first
committee hurdles because they are largely
symbolic gestures.
- Other critical functions performed by legislators
that affect public policy. - Casework activities to help constituents with
government agencies or to gain a privilege or
benefit. - Supports reelection.
- Oversight Monitor the implementation of public
policy. - Government Accountability Office www.gao.gov.
Studies public programs and makes recommendations
to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and
accountability. - Public hearings.
- Help understand issues.
- Reveal shortcomings in current policies.
- Make political capital.
8Legislative Organization
9Legislative Organization
- California process.
- http//www.leginfo.ca.gov/bil2lawx.html.
10Legislative Organization
- What you see on C-SPAN does not represent the
bulk of legislative action on policy. - Most of the critical work on public policy is
done in committees, which review legislation,
propose and vote on amendments, and, in the end,
decide whether a bill will die at the committee
level or be elevated for consideration by the
full body. - One of the most critical elements of legislative
organization is the organization on party lines.
11Legislature Critiques of Public Policy Process
- Many people argue that legislatures are out of
touch with the people. - To understand why legislatures work as they do,
you need to understand two elements of the
legislature the nature of the members of the
body and the organization and nature of the
branch itself.
12Legislature Critiques of Public Policy Process
- The primary goal of the typical legislator is
reelection. Casework allows legislators to
please voters. - Home style and hill style.
- Legislatures are decentralized institutions,
especially Congress. - Committees and subcommittees.
- Decentralization and centralization of party
leadership. - Issue networks and policy subsystems.
13Legislatures Implications for Policy Making
- Decentralization and casework focus makes complex
and change-oriented legislation difficult to pass.
14The Executive Branch
- For the sake of discussion, the executive branch
can be considered in two parts the
administration, staff, and appointees and the
bureaucracy. - Advantages of an elected executive in the policy
process. - Veto power.
- Unitary branch of government.
- Media and public attention.
- Informational advantage over the legislature.
15The Executive Branch
- Elected executive limitations.
- Power to persuade.
- The size of the Executive Office of the
President. - Elected executives focus on agenda-setting.
16Administrative Agencies and Bureaucrats
- Characteristics of bureaucracy.
- Fixed and official jurisdictional areas.
- Hierarchical organization.
- Written documentation.
- Expert training of staff.
- Career, full-time occupation.
- Standard operating procedures.
- Key complaints about bureaucracy.
- Size.
- Red tape.
17Administrative Agencies and Bureaucrats
- What Do Government Agencies Do?
- Government agencies provide services that are
uneconomical for the private sector (public goods
free-rider problem). - Public goods are indivisible and nonexclusive.
- Complaints tend to focus on speed, efficiency,
and effectiveness of public service delivery.
18Administrative Agencies and Bureaucrats
- Bureaucracy and the problem of accountability.
- The key problem is the question of
accountability. Most public employees are
appointed on merit, not accountability to elected
officials. - Early thinking focused on separation of politics
and administration. - Modern thinking Agency decisions are political
and in the realm of administrative discretion. - Problem no single, agreed-upon definition of the
public interest. - Administrative discretion ability to make
decisions with minimal interference.
19The Courts
- The ability to interpret legislative and
executive actions judicial review. - Courts are the weakest because their authority
rests on the legitimacy of the law and their
ability to argue their case. - Legislatures and executives initiate public
policy, while courts react to the practical
effects of such policies.
20Unofficial Actors and Their Roles in Public Policy
- Individual citizens.
- Low political participation.
- Voting.
- Other forms of participation campaigning,
contacting, etc. - Despite this, citizens can be mobilized
- Recall election in California.
- Generally speaking, individuals want the most
services for ourselves while paying the least
taxes for those services.
21Unofficial Actors and Their Roles in Public Policy
- Interest groups.
- Interest groups have been part of the political
scene since the founding. - Madison and the dangers of faction.
- Since the 1960s the number of groups has greatly
expanded. - Transportation, mass communication, expansion of
government. - Few legal barriers to the creation of groups.
22Unofficial Actors and Their Roles in Public Policy
- Interest groups.
- The power of interest groups varies.
- Knowledge, money, information.
- Group size, peak associations.
- Intensity, direct economic interest, ideological
commitment. - Social movements (combinations of interest
23Unofficial Actors and Their Roles in Public Policy
- Types of interest groups.
- Institutional versus membership groups.
- Economic (private) versus public interest versus
ideological groups. - Benefits, free-rider problems.
- Activities of interest groups.
- Lobbying.
- Campaign contributions.
- Access (well-off).
- Mass mobilization, protest, and litigation.
- Riots and protest marches.
24Unofficial Actors and Their Roles in Public Policy
- Political parties.
- Functions.
- Voting cues.
- Transmission of political preferences.
- Creation of packages of policy ideas.
- Organization of the legislative branch.
- Think tanks and other research organizations.
- Brookings, Cato, Urban Institute, Rand, American
Enterprise Institute. - Ideological, scholarly, and methodological
25Unofficial Actors and Their Roles in Public Policy
- Communications media.
- The news media are important actors in the policy
process. - Newspapers National versus regional versus
local. - TV is the central news medium. Older population,
networks younger population, cable news. - Entertainment programming can be equally
important. - Movies, t.v., videogames.
- Medias primary function in policy process is
agenda-setting. Media coverage correlates with
institutional attention.
26Unofficial Actors and Their Roles in Public Policy
- Communications media.
- News media are not just passive actors.
- Interest try to arouse media focus.
- Time and space constraints require discretion.
- Profit-driven businesses.
- Competitive biases of news gathering dramatic
and narrative qualities of the story.
27Unofficial Actors and Their Roles in Public Policy
- Subgovernments, issue networks, and domains.
- Policy domain is the substantive area of policy
over which participants in policy-making compete
and compromise. - The political culture and legal environment
influence the domains. - Policy community inside the domain consists of
the actors actively involved in policy making in
that domain. - Iron triangles one way of organizing the policy
community. - Issue networks may be more accurate description.
28Unofficial Actors and Their Roles in Public Policy
- Subgovernments, issue networks, and domains.
- Prying open policy networks (major corporate
interests usually dominate). - But, policy change is possible by prying open a
domain. - Focusing events.
- Social movements and mobilization.
- Exploiting the decentralization of American
government. - Going public.