Heredity and Environment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Heredity and Environment


Those that survive pass on their genes to the next generation. ... system, sensory receptors (ears, nose, eyes), and skin parts (hair and nails) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Heredity and Environment

Lecture 3
  • Heredity and Environment
  • Prenatal Development
  • Birth

Heredity and environment
  • The case of intelligence

Charles Darwin
  • Observed that most organisms reproduce at
    tremendous rates, yet populations remain nearly
  • Reasoned that an intense, constant struggle for
    food, water, and resources must occur among the
    numerous young born.
  • Those that survive pass on their genes to the
    next generation.
  • Believed that those who survive are superior to
    those who do not.

Natural Selection
  • Natural selection is the evolutionary process
    that favors individuals of a species that are
    more adapted to survive and reproduce.

Francis Galton (1822-1911)
  • Galton Intelligence is a matter of sensory
  • Sensory acuity mainly a function of natural
    endowment ? Intelligence inherited.
  • Children of illustrious individuals are far more
    likely to be illustrious themselves.
  • Eugenics -gt Selective breeding.

Alphonse de Candolle (1806-1893)
  • Climate, religious tolerance, democratic
    government, and a thriving economy are at least
    as important as inherited capacity.
  • Galton -gt
  • Intelligence tests
  • Concept of Correlation
  • Twins studies

Modern Twin Studies
  • The behavioral similarity of identical twins is
    compared with the behavioral similarity of
    fraternal twins.
  • Identical twins (monozygotic twins) develop from
    a single fertilized egg that splits into two
    genetically identical replicas, each of which
    becomes a person.
  • Fraternal twins (dizygotic twins) develop from
    separate eggs and separate sperm, making them
    genetically no more similar than ordinary

Issues with Twin Studies
  • By comparing groups of identical and fraternal
    twins, behavior geneticists capitalize on the
    basic knowledge that identical twins are more
    similar genetically than are fraternal twins.
  • However, adults might stress the similarities of
    identical twins more than those of fraternal
  • Identical twins might perceive themselves as a
    set and play together more than fraternal twins.

Alfred Binet (1857-1911)
  • First Binet turned to the favored method of Paul
    Broca ? Measured skulls
  • By the end The idea of measuring intelligence
    by measuring heads seemed ridiculous.
  • 1904 Psychological methods.
  • Series of short tasks, related to everyday
    problems of life.
  • ? Mental age and Chronological age.
  • ? Special educational programs.

W. Stern (1871-1938)
  • Mental age should be divided by chronological age
    ? Intelligence quotient (IQ).

Binets approach
  • The scores are a practical device.
  • The scale is an empirical guide for identifying
    children who need help.
  • Emphasis upon improvement through special

  • Intelligence Means of power and control.
  • Identification of the so called feeble-minded
    within the USA. Goal prevent procreation
  • Restriction on immigration of so-called inferior
    races from Europe.
  • Legitimizing oppression of African Americans by
    suggesting that they intellectually inferior.

American psychologists hereditarian theory of IQ.
  • Binet's scores Measures of an entity called
  • Intelligence Largely inherited
  • Inherited IQ scores Marked people and groups for
    an inevitable station in life.
  • Differences between groups Heredity

  • Conceptual problem.
  • Equation of "heritable" with "inevitable.
  • Confusion of within and between-group heredity.
  • ? Statistical definition of heritability.
  • ? Range of reactions.
  • ? If heredity explains a certain percentage of
    variation among individuals within a group, it
    must also explain a similar percentage of the
    difference in average IQ between groups ? wrong
    (two separate phenomena).

Henry Goddard (1866-1957)
  • Translated the Binet-Simon scale into English.
  • "It is perfectly clear that no feeble-minded
    person should ever be allowed to marry or to
    become a parent.
  • ? 20 states passed sterilization laws.
  • Idiots Imbeciles Morons.
  • Immigration specified European countries for
    which the percentage of mentally defective
    immigrants was the highest.

Lewis Terman (1877-1956)
  • Revised the Binet scale and made it popular. IQ
  • Children should be segregated in special classes
    and be given instruction which is concrete and

Robert M. Yerkes (1876-1956)
  • Army Alpha Test Literate individuals. Army Beta
    Test Illiterate individuals
  • Results About half of the white males tested
    in the army had a mental age of 13 or lower.
  • European immigrants can be graded by their
    country of origin.
  • Blacks lacks initiative, displays little or no
    leadership, and cannot accept responsibility.
  • ? Immigration Restriction Act of 1924. Quotas
    against nations of "inferior stock."

US Black-White mental testing
  • 1897 G. R. Stetson tested 500 African American
    and 500 European American public school children
    in Washington, D.C.
  • Children were required to repeat four stanzas of
  • Black children outperformed the white children ?
    Memory not a valid measure of intelligence.

  • Arthur Jensen sparked a debate theorizing that
    intelligence is primarily inherited. Differences
    between races are inherited.
  • Flynn effect
  • Average IQ test score performance is rapidly
  • The largest Flynn effects appear on so-called
    culture fair tests
  • Dutch data shows a 21 point difference between
    1952 and 1982.

Down Syndrome
  • Caused by the presence of an extra chromosome
  • Characterized by
  • round face
  • flattened skull
  • extra fold of skin over the eyelids
  • protruding tongue
  • short limbs
  • retardation of motor and mental abilities

John Langdon H. Down
  • Physician to the Asylum for Idiots at Earlswood.
  • 1860s Investigations into the 'structure and
    function of the various organs' in idiots and
  • Classify idiots on the basis of their resemblance
    to ethnic groups.
  • Facial features and behavioral attributes of
    certain idiots -gt typical Mongols.

Conclusions about Heredity-Environment Interaction
  • Both genes and environment are necessary for a
    person to exist.
  • The emerging view is that genes give people a
    propensity for a particular developmental
    trajectory that is ultimately realized through
    environmental circumstances.

Prenatal Development
  • From a zygote, a single cell, the size of a
    period in your book, to 2 billion cells and
    weighing over 3kgs.

The Process of Human Reproduction
  • Reproduction begins when an ovum is fertilized by
    a sperm.
  • This produces a zygotea single cell formed
    through fertilization.
  • In the zygote, two sets of unpaired chromosomes
    combine to form one set of paired chromosomes.

The Course of Prenatal Development
  • The Germinal Period
  • The Embryonic Period
  • The Fetal Period

The Germinal Period
  • It is the period that occurs the first 2 weeks
    after conception.
  • By about 1 week after conception, the zygote is
    composed of 100 to 150 cells.
  • This period includes the creation of the zygote,
    continued cell division, and attachment of the
    zygote to the uterine wall.
  • Implantation, or attachment to the uterine wall,
    occurs about 10 days after conception.

The Differentiation of Cells
  • The Blastocyst - the inner layer of cells that
    develops during the germinal period and later
    becomes the embryo
  • The Trophoblast - the outer layer of cells that
    develops during the germinal period and later
    provides nutrition and support for the embryo

The Embryonic Period
  • The period that occurs from 2 to 8 weeks after
  • The rate of cell differentiation intensifies,
    support systems for the cells form, and organs

Cell Layers of the Embryo
  • Endoderm - inner layer develops into the
    digestive and respiratory systems
  • Ectoderm - outermost layer becomes the nervous
    system, sensory receptors (ears, nose, eyes), and
    skin parts (hair and nails)
  • Mesoderm - middle layer becomes the circulatory
    system, bones, muscles, excretory system, and
    reproductive system

Prenatal Life-Support Systems
  • The Placenta - consists of a disk-shaped group of
    tissues in which small blood vessels from the
    mother and the offspring intertwine but do not
  • The Umbilical Cord - contains two arteries and
    one vein, that connects the baby to the placenta
  • The Amnion - a bag or envelope that contains a
    clear fluid in which the developing embryo floats

Important Embryonic Developments
  • 21 Days - Eyes begin to appear
  • 24 Days - Heart cells begin to differentiate
  • Fourth Week - First appearance of the urogenital
    system, arm and leg buds appear, chambers of the
    heart take shape, blood vessels surface
  • Fifth to Eighth Week - Arms and legs
    differentiate further, face starts to form,
    facial structures
  • 8 Weeks - 2.5 cm long

Definition of Organogenesis
  • The process of organ formation that takes place
    during the first 2 months of prenatal development

The Fetal Period
  • The period that begins 2 months after
    conception and lasts, on average, 7 months

Three Months after Conception
  • The fetus is 7.5 cm long.
  • The fetus becomes active, moving its arms, legs,
    head, and opening and closing its mouth.

The End of the Fourth Month
  • The fetus is 15 cm. long.
  • Arm and leg movements can be felt by the mother
    for the first time.

The End of the Fifth Month
  • The fetus is 30 cm long.

The End of the Sixth Month
  • The fetus is approximately 35 cm long.
  • A grasping reflex is present.

The End of the Seventh Month
  • The fetus is 40 cm long.
  • The fetus is very active.

The Eighth and Ninth Months
  • The fetus grows longer and gains substantial
  • At birth, the average North American baby is
    about 51 cm long and weighs 3.2 kg.

Prenatal Diagnostic Tests
  • Maternal Blood Test
  • Ultrasound Sonography
  • Amniocentesis
  • Chorionic Villi Sampling

  • A prenatal medical procedure in which a sample of
    amniotic fluid is withdrawn by syringe and tested
    to discover if the fetus is suffering from any
    chromosomal or metabolic disorders
  • Performed between the 12th and 16th weeks of
  • There exists a small risk of miscarriage (one in
    every 200-300)

Chorionic Villi Sampling
  • A prenatal medical procedure in which a small
    sample of the placenta is removed
  • Performed between the 8th and 11th weeks of
  • Provides information about the presence of birth
  • Has a slightly higher risk of miscarriage than

Sensory Capacities of the Fetus
  • Motion The vestibular system of the middle ear
    begins to function in the human fetus about 5
    months after conception and is fully mature at
  • Vision Little is known for certain. At 26 weeks
    of pregnancy, fetuses respond to light it causes
    their heart rate to change.
  • Sound Research indicates that at 4 months after
    conception the fetus is able to respond to sound.

  • Teratology - The field of study that investigates
    the causes of birth defects.
  • Teratogen - Any agent that causes a birth defect.
  • Numerous teratogens exist, thus almost every
    fetus is exposed to at least some.
  • It may take a long time for the effects of a
    teratogen to show up.
  • Only about half of all potential effects appear
    at birth.

Sensitivity during Organogenesis
  • The probability of a structural defect is
    greatest during organogenesis.
  • 15 - 25 days after conception, the brain is most
  • 24 - 40 days after conception, the eyes are most
  • 20 - 40 days after conception, the heart is most
  • 24 - 36 days after conception, the legs are most

Sensitivity during the Fetal Period
  • Exposure is less likely to cause anatomical
  • Exposure is more likely to stunt growth.
  • Exposure is more likely to create problems in
    organ functioning.

Prescription and Nonprescription Drugs
  • Both can have possible effects on the fetus.
  • A tragic example is with the tranquilizer
    thalidomide, prescribed in the early 1960s.
  • Mothers do not have to be chronic drug users for
    the fetus to be harmed.
  • Taking the wrong drug at the wrong time is enough
    to physically handicap offspring for life.

Prescription Drugs that Can Function as Teratogens
  • Antibiotics (streptomycin, tetracycline)

Nonprescription Drugs that Can Function as
  • Diet Pills
  • Aspirin
  • Caffeine
  • FDA recommends either no caffeine or very little.

  • Heavy Drinking
  • Moderate Drinking

Heavy Drinking during Pregnancy
  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) - A cluster of
    abnormalities that appears in the offspring of
    mothers who drink alcohol heavily during
  • Facial deformities
  • Defective limbs, face, and heart
  • Below average intelligence, with some cases of
    mental retardation
  • Adults with FAS found to have a high incidence of
    mental disorders, such as depression or anxiety

  • Fetal and neonatal deaths are higher among
    smoking mothers.
  • There exists a higher incidence of preterm births
    and lower birthweights.

Environmental Hazards
  • Radiation nuclear environments, X-rays, computer
  • Chemicals carbon monoxide, mercury, lead,
    pesticides, PCBs
  • Heat saunas, hot tubs

Other Maternal Factors
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Nutrition
  • Emotional States and Stress
  • Maternal Age

Effects of Stress on Pregnancy
  • Mothers stress can be transmitted to the fetus.
  • When a pregnant woman experiences intense fears,
    anxieties, and other emotions, physiological
    changes occur.
  • These affect the fetus through, for example,
    restricting blood flow to the uterine area
    depriving the fetus of adequate oxygen.

Maternal Age
  • Adolescence
  • The Thirties and Beyond

The Thirties and Beyond
  • The risk of Down Syndrome increases after the
    mother reaches age 30.
  • Women have more difficulty getting pregnant after
    the age of 30.
  • As women remain active, exercise regularly, and
    are careful about their nutrition, their
    reproductive systems may remain healthier at
    older ages.

Paternal Factors
  • Mens exposure to lead, radiation, certain
    pesticides, and petrochemicals may cause
    abnormalities in sperm that lead to miscarriage
    or disease.
  • When fathers have a diet low in vitamin C, their
    offspring have a higher risk of birth defects and
  • Fathers smoking during pregnancy may lead to
    lower birthweight and potential for their
    offspring developing cancer.
  • Older fathers may place their offspring at risk
    for certain birth defects, such as Down syndrome
    and dwarfism.

The Birth Process
  • Stages of Birth
  • The Fetus/Newborn Transition

The First Stage of Birth
  • This is the longest of the three stages, lasting
    an average of 12-24 hours.
  • Uterine contractions are 15-20 minutes apart and
    last up to 1 minute.
  • Contractions cause cervix to stretch and open.
  • Contractions get closer together as the stage
  • By the end of this stage the cervix is dilated to
    about 10 cm.

The Second Stage of Birth
  • This stage begins when the babys head starts to
    move through the cervix and the birth canal.
  • It terminates when the baby completely emerges
    from the mothers body.
  • This stage lasts about one and a half hours, and
    involves the mother bearing down to push the baby
  • Contractions come about every minute and last
    about a minute.

The Third Stage of Birth
  • This stage is called afterbirth and lasts only
  • It involves the detachment and expulsion of the
    placenta, umbilical cord, and other membranes.

The Fetus/Newborn Transition
  • Being born involves considerable stress for the
  • Anoxia (the condition in which the fetus/newborn
    has an insufficient supply of oxygen) can cause
    brain damage, and is a concern if delivery takes
    too long.
  • After the umbilical cord is cut, 25 million air
    sacs in the lungs must fill with air.
  • The newborns bloodstream is redirected through
    the lungs and to all parts of the body.
  • The baby is born with a protective covering of
    skin grease called vernix caseosa which is
    cleaned off.

The baby's experience of birth
  • Otto Rank (1884-1937) Birth trauma, rather than
    the Oedipus complex central position in the
    causation of psychoneurosis.
  • Hugo Lagercrantz and Theodore Slotkin (1986) As
    the birth process begins, a surge in the
    production of adrenaline and other stress
    hormones protect him/her from adverse conditions.
  • Lagercrantz and Slotkin point out that infants
    delivered by cesarean section often have
    difficulty breathing.

Cesarean Delivery
  • The baby is removed from the mothers uterus
    through an incision made in her abdomen.
  • Usually performed if the baby is in a breech
    position, causing the babys buttocks to emerge
    from the vagina first.

Measures of Neonatal Health and Responsiveness
  • The Apgar Scale
  • The Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale

The Apgar Scale
  • A method widely used to assess the health of
    newborns at 1 and 5 minutes after birth.
  • It evaluates infants
  • heart rate
  • respiratory effort
  • muscle tone
  • body color
  • reflex irritability
  • Obstetrician or nurse assesses the newborn and
    gives a score of 0, 1, or 2 on each item.
  • A score of 7-10 is good, 5 indicates possible
    developmental difficulties, 3 or below signals an

The Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale
  • Performed within 24-36 hours after birth to
    evaluate neurological development, reflexes, and
    reactions to people.
  • The newborn is rated on each of 27 items,
    contributing to four categories physiological,
    motoric, state, and interaction.
  • Babies are also given global classification such
    as worrisome, normal, superior.

Parent-child relationship
  • Bonding is the occurrence of close contact
    between parents and newborn in the period shortly
    after birth.
  • Research supports the importance of bonding, but
    challenges the significance of the first few days
    of life as a critical period.
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