Title: Motte and bailey Castles in Britain
1Motte and bailey Castles in Britain
2Motte and Bailey Castles(click on the words for
more info)
How were they built?
Why were they built?
- Motte and Bailey castles were wooden castles
that were introduced by the Normans in 1050. - They were very quick to build (some took less
than 10 days to build).
- Motte is an old French word for clod of
earth. - This the hill where the wooden castle is built.
There are steps and bridges leading from the
- Motte and Bailey castles were wooden castles
that were introduced by the Normans in 1050.
Motte is an old French word for clod of earth
and bailey meant enclosure. They were very
quick to build (some took less than 10 days to
6How they were built
- To build a motte and bailey castle, you need to
dig a ditch around a hill and some flat land (the
bailey). Then, you had to fill water into the
ditch. Finally, on top of the hill, you build a
wooden castle and a fence around the area.
7Why were motte bailey castles built?
- William ordered them to be built after he got
the crown to stop people fighting with each other
after the Battle of Hastings and the death of
King Harold.
8Advantages and disadvantages of motte and bailey
- Disadvantages
- Easy to burn down because they were made of wood
- The wood rotted quickly so they had to make them
again every 10 years
- Advantages
- Quick to build 4 to 7 days
- Cheap to build
- Only need a few soldiers to defend a castles
9Stone Castles
- After a while it made more sense to build some
stone castles because the disadvantages
outweighed the advantages.
10Porchester Roman Fort
- Portchester Castle is an interesting site,
comprising a Roman Fort, later adapted into a
Norman Castle, which in turn became a medieval
Royal palace. -
In the late third century, Romans built
defensive forts to protect themselves from the
Saxons and to provide a secure base for the Roman
fleet sheltering in the harbor. The forts are
known as the Saxon Shore forts. The vast area
inside the fort was occupied beyond the departure
of the Roman army in the fourth century.
11Stages of the Norman conquest of Britain
- The Norman conquest of Britain took place
between 1066 and 1070
Normans conquering Britain
Edward the Confessor
Harold Godwinson
William, Duke of Normandy
12Bayeux Tapestry