Title: Nonlinear Piezolectric Generators
1Nonlinear Piezolectric Generators
Francesco Cottone
- N.i.P.S Laboratory Workshop
- Perugia, 10-03-2007
- Castello di Monterone (PG)
- Introduction mobile powering issues
- Present Vibration Piezoelectric Power Generators
- Non-linear piezo-osclillator models
- numerical result (Matlab)
- finite elements modelling of linear and
non-linear oscillators (Comsol) - Conclusions and forthcoming work
3Mobile powering
Wireless Sensor Network
Streaming Data to/from the Physical World
Multihop Networking
4Applications exsamples of WSN
- Environmental Monitoring
- Habitat Monitoring
- Integrated Biology
- Structural Monitoring
- Interactive and Control
- Medical biosensors
- Emergency medial response
- Pursuer-Evader
- Intrusion Detection
- Automation
- Interactive museum exhibits
- Military applications
5Goal requirements for mobile sensors powering
- Small (lt1cm3)
- Lightweight (lt100 gr)
- Low Power (lt100 µW)
- Long-lasting (2-10 yr)
- Inexpensive (lt1 )
- Low data rate
- wireless platforms
- Flexibility
Spec 6/2003 Mote on a chip INTEL
Present (cubic centimeter)
Future (cubic sub-millimeter sub-micrometer)
6Comparison onEnergy and Power sources
S. Roundy 2
7Batteries Vs Renewable Energy Sources
S. Roundy 1
8Batteries Vs Renewable Energy Sources
- If outdoor sunlight, or relatively intense indoor
light it available, solar cells appear to be the
best alternative. - Solar cells are a mature technology and a mature
research area. - If projected lifetime is longer than 1 year,
vibrations offer an attractive alternative for
certain environments. It was therefore decided
to pursue research into the conversion of
vibrations to electricity.
9Vibrations Noise as Energy source
Base of Milling Machine
Microwave Oven Casing
Displacement vs. Frequency
Displacement vs. Frequency
Acceleration vs. Frequency
Acceleration vs. Frequency
S. Roundy 1
10Existing methods for vibration energy scavenging
Capacitive Change in capacitance causes either
voltage or charge increase.
Inductive Coil moves through magnetic field
causing current in wire.
- Piezoelectric
- Strain in piezoelectric
- material causes a charge
- separation (voltage across
- capacitor)
Amirtharajah et. al., 1998
11Energy storage density comparison
- Electrostatic transducers are more readily
implemented in standard micro-machining
processes. - Electrostatic transducers require a separate
voltage source (such as a battery) to begin the
conversion cycle. - Electromagnetic transducers typically output AC
voltages well below 1 volt in magnitude (too low
power density)
12Piezoelectric Mechanical-electrical conversion
Constitutive Equations
d strain s stress Y Youngs modulus d
piezoelectric coeff. D electrical
displacement e dielectric constant E electric
13Piezoelectric Converters
Where k equivalent spring stiffness of beam
m attached proof mass bm damping
coefficient a1 geometric constant a2
geometric constant d31 piezoelectric
coefficient tc thickness of one
piezo-ceramic layer VR voltage across load
14MEMS µPG PIEZO at micron scale
4 N. E. duToit et al. Cambridge MIT-Institute
3 Y. Ammar et al. TIMA Lab Grenoble VIBES
project, october 2005
15Simple linear model of mechanical to electrical
energy conversion
- If acceleration magnitude is relatively constant
with frequency, output power is inversely
proportional to frequency. - There is an optimal level of electrically induced
damping that is designable. - It is better to have too much electrical damping
than too little.
z transducer displacement y magnitude of input
Power assuming w wn. A acceleration
amplitude of input vibrations m proof mass
Wiliams and Yates 6
16Power efficiency of piezoelectric generators
S. Roundy et. Al, Pervasive Computing, 2005
- Narrow frequency
- Actively and passive tuning resonance frequency
of generator - Wide bandwith designs
- Proof mass m
- Improve the strain from a given mass
- Coupling coefficient k31
- Thin-film piezoelectric-material properties
17The Idea Non-linear oscillators!!
Bi-stable systems
Piezo Inverted pendulum
18Non-linear oscillators numerical simulations
Piezo Beam in a non-linear potential
Exponentially correlated gaussian noise
19Non-linear oscillators numerical simulations
Piezo Beam in a non-linear potential
Parametric Duffing-like stochastic differential
equation (no analytical solution)
20Non-linear oscillators numerical simulations
Piezo Beam in a non-linear potential
beta7.3e10 (max Pv/Pi0.13)
Source exp. correlated gaussian noise Tau0.1s
Efficiency increased more than 4 times of
monostable well case (the increase depends
strongly by bandwith of the vibration source)
21Non-linear oscillators numerical simulations
Piezo Beam in a non-linear potential
piezo_inv_pend12_31_1_07b.png Beta7.3e10
Source colored gaussian noise Corr. Time
22Non-linear oscillators numerical simulations
Piezo Beam in a non-linear potential
piezo_inv_pend19_21_02_07_beta.png Pv/Pi(alpha,bet
a) noise sigma1 (max Pv/Pi0.13)
232D Finite Element Model of inverted
f16.58Hz first resonance mode
Frequency response
Harmonic excitation force _at_ first mode frequency
20000 dof
242D FEM of an inverted piezo-pendulum
Harmonic Excitation at 6.58Hz
broadening of the resonance peak
252D FEM of a magnetic piezo pendulum
Gaussian Noise Excitation µ0 s0.5 - 1 Fs100Hz
262D FEM of an inverted pendulum
27Energy Efficiency
- Noise Excitation
- Increment up to thirty times when the barrier
height increase relative to no barrier case - Harmonic Excitation
- not so much improvement relative to the situation
of a tuned external force at resonance frequency - almost one order of magnitude relative to out of
resonance excitation
282D FEM of a bi-stable membrane
vertical compression
Differential Pressure
- Stainless steel membrane of 1mm thickness and
20mm length - contracting clamping of 0.1mm we induce bistable
response on displacement when we applicate
external force (for example harmonic)
292D FEM of a bi-stable membrane
- Possible applications
- Piezoelectric micro generator
- Using PZT material for membrane
- Pressure sensor
- Actual pressure sensors are based on position
measurement of the membrane so they are affected
by aging of material therefore a decalibration in
30Preliminary experimental test
Experimental Setup of driven piezo inverted
31Preliminary experimental test
digital simulation and preliminary exp. results
System response to simulated floor vibration
with different spectral properties.
- Piezoelectric converters appear to be the most
attractive for meso-scale devices with a maximum
demonstrated power density of approximately 200
mW/cm3 vs. 100 mW/cm3 for capacitive MEMS
devices. - If external excitation is harmonic and its tuned
to resonance frequency of the device we can
obtain high mechanical energy transfer but it is
possible to reach it even with a bi-stability
dynamics - For an external excitation with noise or out of
resonance, FEA shows that a non-linear bistable
beahviour amplify up to a factor 30 or more the
vibrational energy extraction - Most of vibrational energy sources live al
relative low frequency (for example near hundred
Hz) so its hard to tune the resonance mode of
the device to external frequencies
33Forthcoming works
- We must compare FEA data with further
experimental measurements for macro and
sub-millimetric piezo generators - Scalability is an important issue for
micropowering - We want to implement a real sub-centimeter and
sub-millimeter prototype and characterize its
power conversion capability - in order to optimize energy harvesting we need to
- investigate new piezo material with high quality
factor and high piezoelectric couling constant - characterize response at various vibrational
- S. Roundy, P.K. wright, and J. Rabaey, Energy
Sacvenging for Wireless Sensor Networks with
Special Focus on Vibrations, Kluwer Academic
Press, 2003. - S. Roundy et al., Improving Power Output for
Vibration-Based Energy Scavengers, Pervasive
Computing IEEE 2005. - 3 Y. Ammar et al. TIMA Lab Grenoble EUSAI
conference - N. E. duToit et al. Cambridge MIT-Institute 2005
- S. Roundy et al. A study of low level vibration,
Computer Communication 2003 - Wiliams, Yates, Analysis of a micro-electric
generator for microsystems, proceeding of the
Trasducers 95/Eurosensors (1995) 687-695 - www.intel.com
- http//www.ife.ee.ethz.ch/tvonbuer/energyharvesti
ng_links.html - http//www.darpa.mil/mto/mpg/index.html