Title: Combating Routing Microholes in Hybrid WSNs
1Combating Routing Microholes in Hybrid WSNs
- Michael G. Portnoy
- Natalija Vlajic
- Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
- York University
May 31, 2007
2Presentation Outline
- Intro to wireless sensor networks
- Problem definition - routing holes
- Microholes and our approach for solving them
- Approach feasibility, justifiability
effectiveness - Distributed Algorithm for Routing Microholes
Abolishment (DARMA) - Discussion, and future work
3Presentation Outline
- Intro to wireless sensor networks
- Problem definition - routing holes
- Microholes and our approach for solving them
- Approach feasibility, justifiability
effectiveness - Distributed Algorithm for Routing Microholes
Abolishment (DARMA) - Discussion, and future work
4Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)
- Small, cheap, resource constrained devices
- Capabilities
- Sensing
- Computing
- Communicating
- Self organizing
- Each node acts as router
- Geographic routing
- Forward packets to nodes closer to destination
5Can use mobile nodes in WSN to improve network
- Hybrid WSN
- Static and mobile nodes
- Mobile nodes may be used to improve
- Coverage
- Fault tolerance
- Energy efficiency
- New area no field deployments (yet)
6WiDAR Wireless Detection and Ranging
7WiDAR (cont.)
- 4th year computer engineering final project
8Presentation Outline
- Intro to wireless sensor networks
- Problem definition - routing holes
- Microholes and our approach for solving them
- Approach feasibility, justifiability
effectiveness - Distributed Algorithm for Routing Microholes
Abolishment (DARMA) - Discussion, and future work
9Holes can prevent or diminish proper network
- Node deployment issues
- Limited precision
- Accidental or environmental damage
- Malicious damage
- Above may cause a number of anomalies (a.k.a.
holes) - Various types of network holes
- Coverage
- Jamming, sink/black/worm
- Routing (our research focus)
10Geographic (greedy) routing
- Nodes forward packets to nodes which are closer
to destination than themselves 4.
11Greedy forwarding strategy can get stuck at node
x (i.e. local minimum)
- The above is a routing hole 5
12Routing holes can cause a number of problems in
- Routing holes can create inefficient routing
paths - Delays
- Bottlenecks
- Long routes
- Poor load distribution
- Premature energy depletion of edge nodes
- Exacerbate the problem
- Can lead to network partitioning
13Presentation Outline
- Intro to wireless sensor networks
- Problem definition - routing holes
- Microholes and our approach for solving them
- Approach feasibility, justifiability
effectiveness - Distributed Algorithm for Routing Microholes
Abolishment (DARMA) - Discussion, and future work
14Our contribution - we suggest using mobile nodes
to eliminate routing holes
- To our knowledge, no one has suggested this
before - Main idea Place mobile node/s inside the routing
15Advantages of using mobile nodes
- Advantages
- Better traffic load distribution
- Fewer bottlenecks
- Shorter routes
- Fault tolerance
- Hence, fewer delays, efficient operation
- Shorter hop distance reduces energy consumption!
- Average received signal power decreases
exponentially with distance
16What are microholes
- Our research is still in the preliminary stages,
therefore we suggest a base hole case the
microhole. - Not routing holes in the traditional sense.
I.e. Do not contain local minima. - Microholes - Small imperfections in the routing
path that do not prevent correct geographic
routing, but can be optimized using mobile nodes.
17Microhole example
- Can reduce average hop length by 0 to 50
- Reduction in average hop length provides for
significant energy saving due to properties of
signal propagation.
18Is combating microholes important? We did a
simulation with the following parameters
- Based on Crossbow MPR500CA sensor 1 and the
Great Duck Island experiment 17 - Tx frequency 900MHz (868/916 Mhz)
- RF Tx power -20 to 5 dBm
- Receiver sensitivity -98 dBm
- Data rate 38.4 kbaud
- Message size 30 Kbytes
- Deployment period ½ year
- 31.7 hop distance reduction
- Tx period variable
19How much energy will be gained if a mobile relay
node is used?
Path loss exponents
- Observation reducing the hop length by the same
relative amount in environments with greater path
loss leads to greater energy gains.
20Presentation Outline
- Intro to wireless sensor networks
- Problem definition - routing holes
- Microholes and our approach for solving them
- Approach feasibility, justifiability
effectiveness - Distributed Algorithm for Routing Microholes
Abolishment (DARMA) - Discussion, and future work
21Approach Feasibility, Justifiability, and
- We say that for our approach to be employed in a
real world scenario it has to be - Feasible - mobile node has the physical
capacity needed to deploy to a microhole - Justifiable - benefits outweigh the costs
- Effective - acceptable probability with which the
mobile node will be successful in completing
its mission goal
- The mobile node must have enough energy to move
to a deployment location and operate there for a
desired period of time P.
- The cost of deploying to a microhole should be
lower than the gain.
- Feasibility and justifiability can only be
calculated based on precise node coordinates. - Precise node deployment locations cannot usually
be known prior to the deployment. - It could be very costly to use our approach if it
is ineffective. - Need to have a way to evaluate our approach prior
to the WSN deployment.
25Effectiveness evaluation
- We try to find the probability with which only a
single node fails and it is within the mobile
nodes feasible or justifiable locomotion
distance. -
26Presentation Outline
- Intro to wireless sensor networks
- Problem definition - routing holes
- Microholes and our approach for solving them
- Approach feasibility, justifiability
effectiveness - Distributed Algorithm for Routing Microholes
Abolishment (DARMA) - Discussion, and future work
27DARMA in a nutshell
- Distributedly determine the existence of
microhole/s and maps them - Communicate this information to mobile nodes
through flooding - Mobile nodes rank holes
- Mobile nodes exchange hole ranking information
- Mobile nodes deploy based on their own and
received hole ranking information
28Main issues to consider
- How can we distributedly determine the existence
and mapping of a hole? - How do we communicate the hole information to the
mobile nodes? - How can the mobile nodes decide who should move
and where?
29Distributedly determining routing hole existence
and routing hole mapping
- Assumption every node knows its own and its
neighbors global coordinates - Use TENT rule and BOUNDHOLE algorithms for large
holes 10 (future work) - Microholes are simple to detect and map
30How do can we determine if there is a microhole?
- If s?b, and b?d and
- If ? gt 0 and is a user defined threshold ?
microhole exists
31Ranking holes
- For each microholeMobile would consider
deploying iff - Feasible
- Justifiable
- If above is satisfied for hole i,
- Ranki Ge(P) Cmv
32Deciding where to deploy
- Mobiles will want to deploy to the highest
ranking hole - Before deploying, mobile nodes exchange their
hole rankings - Hence, if (M1, Ranki, R1) gt (M2, Ranki,R2), M1
will deploy to hole i, while M2 will deploy to a
its lower ranked hole - Large random number R will be used for breaking
33Presentation Outline
- Intro to wireless sensor networks
- Problem definition - routing holes
- Microholes and our approach for solving them
- Approach feasibility, justifiability
effectiveness - Distributed Algorithm for Routing Microholes
Abolishment (DARMA) - Discussion, and future work
- Energy savings alone might not be sufficient to
justify our approach. Might have to consider - Data load distribution
- Fault tolerance
- Mission criticality
- Must consider other approaches during WSN design
depending on goals. E.g. - Deploy more static nodes
- Use improved routing algorithms
35Future work
- Current research is a stepping stone
- Extend our approach and DARMA to traditional
routing holes - Study effects of our approach on energy
consumption, load distribution, fault tolerance
and delays (simulation and real-life deployments) - Develop better gain models that factor in various
WSN parameters besides energy consumption
36That is it Thank you!
- Any Questions?
- For more info please visitwww.cse.yorku.ca/mpor
- Crossbow Technologies, Internet
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h/exploratory/motes.htm - ScatterWeb, Internet http//www.scatterweb.com/
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