Title: Advanced Techniques for Modeling Loss Given Default
1Advanced Techniques for Modeling Loss Given
Craig Friedman (craig_friedman_at_sandp.com) Sven
Sandow (sven_sandow_at_sandp.com) Risk Solutions
Group Standard Poors
2 - Introduction
- Measuring Probabilistic Model Performance from an
investors perspective - Building Probabilistic Models for use by an
investor - The Maximum Expected Utility Ultimate Recovery
Model - Conclusion
3Introduction Principal References
- Friedman, C. and Sandow, S. Model Performance
Measures for Expected Utility Maximizing
Investors, International Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Finance, Summer, 2003. - Friedman, C. and Sandow, S. Learning
Probabilistic Models An Expected Utility
Maximization Approach, Working Paper, 2003. - Friedman, C. and Sandow, S. Recovery Rates of
Defaulted Debt A Maximum Expected Utility
Approach, working paper, 2003
4Introduction 2 Credit Modeling Problems
- 1) A Probability of Default Problem
- Find prob(defaultx)
5Introduction 2 Credit Modeling Problems
2) A Recovery Distribution Problem Find
6Introduction Our Main Goal
- Find good models
- To do so, we must have a way to measure model
performance - The models will be used by investors to make
investment decisionsperformance should be
measured accordingly
7Performance Measures
- Popular Performance Measures for Credit Risk
- Utility Theory Basics
- Our Paradigm
- Information Theoretic Interpretation
- An Important Class of Utility Functions
8Performance Measures Popular Performance Measures
Classification Statistics for PD Models
- Procedure
- 1. Choose a cutoff probability
- 2. Calculate classification errors
- Percentage of low PD companies (below cutoff)
that default - Percentage of high PD companies (above cutoff)
that dont default - 3. Compare models based on the above errors.
- This approach
- converts a PD model to a Classification model and
measures performance of the Classification model - ignores all differences and distinctions between
PDs for the group of companies (above) below the
cutoff - throws away lots of information
- Is used by many market participants
9Performance Measures Popular Performance Measures
Rank-Based Measures for PD Models
- Rank-based measures are more sophisticated.
- Avoids some of the shortcomings of classification
statistics discussed above - Examples Receiver Operator Characteristic Curve,
Accuracy Ratio, highly related ideas Gini
coefficient, power curve,. - Idea
- Make a continuum of cutoff probabilities
- Use the results, indexed by cutoff.
- We still measure PD Model Performance by
considering performance of a bunch of
Classification Models - Does this approach prevent terrible models from
slipping through the cracks?
10Performance Measures Popular Performance Measures
Rank-Based Measures for PD Models
- Some problems are fixed. Others remain.
- Weird transformations of models all have the same
ROC curves, ROC curve areas, and AR scores! -
Some probabilities are
less than zero, others
are greater than 1. -
Extreme upward distortion -
Extreme downward
distortion -
- Are the ranks of the PDs enough? Or do we need
the actual values of the probabilities to make
well-informed investing and lending decisions?
11Performance Measures Popular Performance Measures
Rank-Based Measures for PD Models
- Ranks are not enough to make sound lending
decisions. - Example A loan officer compares Loan A with
Loan B, loans which are identical in all respects
except A has a lower PD than B, and B has a
higher return (in the absence of default) than A.
- For sufficiently low PD levels, the loan officer
will prefer loan B, for its high return. - For sufficiently high PD levels, the loan officer
will prefer loan A, since it is less likely to
default. - PD levels matter!
- Difficult to generalize beyond 2-outcome models,
- Not consistent with preferences of any expected
utility maximizing investor - Can lead to disastrous model selection (examples
12Performance Measures Utility Theory Basics
- Utility functions assign values (utilities) to
random wealth levels -
(power2 utility used
by -
Morningstar to rank -
funds) - Utility functions characterize the investors
risk aversion. - Rational investors maximize their expected
utility (from Utility Theory).
13Performance Measures Utility Theory Basics
- Utility Theory is based on reasonable
assumptions, for example - More is preferred to less (the utility function
is a strictly increasing function of wealth) - The slope of the utility function decreases as
wealth increases (a gift of 1 provides more
utility when your wealth is low than when your
wealth is large.) - Utility Theory is one of the pillars of modern
financial theory.
14Performance Measures Our Paradigm
- Our Model Performance Measures are
- Natural Extensions of the Axioms of Utility
Theory - Familiar, in important special cases
- Enterprise-wide
- PD, late payment, etc.
- Recovery, dilution, aggregate default rate
distribution, etc. - Multi-Horizon PD
- Default correlation modeling
- others
- Consistent with our approach to Model Formulation
15Performance Measures Our Paradigm
- Assumptions
- Investor with utility function
- Market with odds ratio for each state (AAA bonds
cost more than CCC bonds!) - Investor believes model and invests to maximize
expected utility (a consequence of Utility
Theory) - Paradigm We base our model performance measure
on an (out of sample) estimate of expected
utility. - Accurate models allow for effective investment
strategies - Inaccurate models induce over-betting and
under-betting - Our performance measures have financial
16Performance Measures Our Paradigm
- Given a benchmark model, we can construct a
relative performance measure based on our
paradigm - The benchmark model can be
- An industry standard model
- The non-informative model
- The non-informative model is so simple that we
can construct a single relative performance
measure, without the effort of building a complex
benchmark model.
17Performance Measures Our Paradigm
- Investor has utility function U(W),
18Performance Measures Our Paradigm
19Performance Measures Our Paradigm
20Performance Measures Our Paradigm
21Performance Measures Information Theoretic
- Entropy is a measure of the uncertainty of a
random variable -
- High Entropy Prob Measure Low Entropy
Prob Measure - Hlog(10) H0
22Performance Measures Information Theoretic
- Kullback-Leibler Relative Entropy is a measure of
the discrepancy from one probability measure to
another -
- Large Discrepancy Small Discrepancy
- D(pq)log(10) D(pq) is approximately 0
23Performance Measures Information Theoretic
- Entropy is the difference between fantasy and
optimality - By analogy
24Performance Measures Information Theoretic
- We define the Generalized Relative Entropy (GRE),
a measure of discrepancy between probability
measures - GRE is convex in p and non-negative. GRE is zero
if and only if pq
25Performance Measures Information Theoretic
- By putting U(W)log(W) we recover entropy,
Kullback-Leibler relative entropy - We have the information theoretic interpretations
26Performance Measures Important Class of
Utility Functions
- Often, we dont know/trust the odds ratios
- Note that for U(W)log(W)
27Performance Measures Important Class of
Utility Functions
28Performance Measures Important Class of
Utility Functions
29Performance Measures Important Class of
Utility Functions
- Difference in expected utility
- Estimated wealth growth rate pickup (for a
certain type of investor) who uses model 2 rather
than model 1 - Logarithm of likelihood ratio (deviance, Akaike
Information Content) - Performance measure that generates an optimal (in
the sense of the Neyman-Pearson Lemma) decision
surface. - Difference between
- relative entropy from empirical probs to model 1
probs - relative entropy from empirical probs to model 2
30Performance Measures Important Class of
Utility Functions
- Error term from using the approximation
- is two orders of magnitude smaller than the
deviation from homogeneous expected returns.
31Performance Measures An Important Class of
- Morningstar uses the power utility with power 2.
- This is how a member of our family approximates
Morningstars utility function
32Performance Measures pdf(y),prob(Yyx),pdf(y
- Please see the paper
- There are a few twists, but the results are
basically the same. - For extension of these ideas to measure
regression model performance, please see
33Maximum Expected Utility Models Introduction
- Maximize Model performance measures relevant for
an INVESTOR who relies on the models to make
INVESTMENT DECISIONS - Are flexible enough to accurately reflect the
data - Do Not Over-fit the data
- We learn/build models based on a coherent model
learning theory specifically designed for
34Maximum Expected Utility Models Introduction
- Balance
- Consistency with the Data
- Consistency with Prior Beliefs
- Result a 1 hyperparameter family of models, each
of which is associated with a a given level of
consistency with the data. Each model - is asymptotically maximizes expected utility over
a potentially rich family of models - is robust maximizing outperformance of benchmark
model under most adverse true measure (more
later). - Choose optimal hyperparameter value by maximizing
expected utility on an out of sample data set. - In this talk, we discuss our approach in the
simplest setting Discrete Probability Models.
35Maximum Expected Utility Models Formulation
- Model feature means are deterministic quantities
- Sample feature means are observations of a random
vector - Central Limit Theorem random vector has Gaussian
distribution - (asymptotically)
- Equally consistent model measures lie on the
level sets of this Gaussian
36Maximum Expected Utility Models Formulation
37Maximum Expected Utility Models Formulation
- We define the notion of Dominance (of one model
measure over another).
38Maximum Expected Utility Models Formulation
39Maximum Expected Utility Models Formulation
Primal Problem
40Maximum Expected Utility Models Formulation
41Maximum Expected Utility Models Formulation
42Maximum Expected Utility Models Formulation
43Maximum Expected Utility Models Dual Problem
44Maximum Expected Utility Models Dual Problem
- Which is familiar, see, for example
45Maximum Expected Utility Models Summary of
46Maximum Expected Utility Models Losing the Os
47Maximum Expected Utility Models More General
48Maximum Expected Utility Models Applications and
- We can use the same methodology to model
conditional - Default Probabilities (Friedman and Huang, 2003)
- Recovery Rate Distributions (Friedman and Sandow,
2003) - Aggregate Default Rate Distributions (Sandow, et
al, 2003) - Late Payment Probabilities
- Default Time Densities
- Dilution Distributions
- Asset Price Distributions
- To date, our models have outperformed benchmark
models based on industry standard approaches
(e.g., PD, Ultimate Recovery) under a variety of
performance measures
49Recovery Model Motivation
- Two major factors affect credit risk
- Probability of default (We model prob(default1
given x).) - Probability distribution over recoveries given
default (RGD) - In the past little modeling effort for RGD
- Best known model is Moodys LossCalc
- Modeling of expected recovery one month after
default and confidence intervals - No explicit modeling of full probability
distributions - No modeling of ultimate recovery
50Recovery Model Data
- Standard and Poors LossStatsTM Database
- Contains discounted ultimate recovery rates
- for more than 1800 bonds and loans
- which defaulted and emerged since 1988
- Contains a variety of bond/loan characteristics
- Seniority of debt
- Debt below class
- Debt above class
- Collateral type
- Outstanding debt
51Previous Recovery Research by SP
- Empirical research by Van de Castle, Keisman
(Credit Week, June 16, 1999) and Bos, Kelhoffer,
Keisman (Credit Week, August 7, 2002) RGD
depends strongly on - Seniority/debt cushion
- Quality of collateral
- Economic environment
- Effect of economy can be captured by aggregate
default rates (see also E. Altman, B. Brady, et.
al., 2002)
52Recovery Modeling ApproachConditional
- p(rx) probability density of recovery rate r
conditioned on vector x of explanatory variables,
which are - Collateral quality
- Debt below class
- Debt above class
- Aggregate default rate
- Others if necessary
- Recoveries are mostly between 0 and 1.2.
- There is a large number of defaults with complete
or zero recovery.
53Recovery Model Approach
- Maximum Expected Utility Model
- Global features
- Point features
54Recovery Model Performance
- Model Performance Measure, Delta gain in
expected logarithmic utility (wealth growth rate)
with respect to a non-informative model
55Recovery Model ResultsProbability density
versus RGD and collateral
56Recovery Model ResultsProbability density
versus RGD and collateral
57Recovery Model ResultsPoint probabilities
versus collateral
58Recovery Model ResultsMoments versus collateral
59Recovery Model ResultsProbability density
versus RGD and debt above
60Recovery Model ResultsProbability density
versus RGD and debt above
61Recovery Model ResultsPoint probabilities
versus debt above
62Recovery Model ResultsMoments versus debt above
63Recovery Model ResultsProbability density
versus RGD and debt below
64Recovery Model ResultsProbability density
versus RGD and debt below
65Recovery Model ResultsPoint probabilities
versus debt below
66Recovery Model ResultsMoments versus debt below
67Recovery Model ResultsProbability density
versus RGD and aggregate default rate
68Recovery Model ResultsProbability density
versus RGD and aggregate default rate
69Recovery Model ResultsPoint probabilities
versus aggregate default rate
70Recovery Model ResultsMoments versus aggregate
default rate
71 Conclusion
- We have utilized Utility Theory to construct
Model Performance measures from an investors
perspective - We have built Probabilistic Models that are
approximately optimal with respect to the above
performance measures. These models - Are numerically robust (convex programming)
- Are theoretically robust (best-worst case
measure) - Are flexible
- Do not overfit
- Perform well in practice
- We have described the Maximum Expected Utility
Ultimate Recovery Model
72 References
- References available on request.
- craig_friedman_at_sand.com
- sven_sandow_at_sandp.com