Title: Security Modeling and Evaluation for Mobile Agents
1Security Modeling and Evaluation for Mobile Agents
- Anthony Chan and Michael Lyu
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2Classification of Mobile Code
Know-how the code to execute Resources
input/output for code execution Processor
abstract machine that holds the state of
Ghezzi and Vignas classification of mobile code
3Attack model of malicious hosts against mobile
Model proposed by Fritz Hohl
- Attacks scenarios that can be described
- spy out and modify the whole data part of an
agent - spy out and modify the code part of an agent
- manipulate the code execution sequence of an
agent - manipulate the execution environment of an agent
Malicious Host
(Other agents)
Read/manipulate properties control execution
System call
4Mobile agent application
- Advantages of developing the application using
mobile agents over conventional client/server - reduced network traffic for client client
(handheld PC) needs to handle only two network
transmissions (agent sending and receiving) - non-interactivity of client client can be
plugged to network, send agent, disconnect from
network then after a while reconnect at another
physical location, and receive agent
5Mobile Agent SecurityA Closer Look
- Two facets of mobile agent security
- host security
- protect hosts from malicious agents (code/data)
- similar to remote evaluation and code on demand
approaches - agent security
- protect agents from malicious hosts
- a relatively new area in security research
6Possible solutions
- An open research question
- Two cases
- closed network malicious hosts are identifiable
- agent integrity checking
- encrypted transmission
- time limiting techniques
- open network malicious hosts are not identifiable
7Open network
- Encryption
- need to hide the code (algorithm) and data of
agents so that any malicious hosts would not be
able to tamper - one possible way would be mobile cryptography
using probabilistic encryption - Time-limiting techniques
- limit the time for an agent to survive
- security modeling
8Security Modeling
Host 1
Host 2
Host n
- Assume
- the time to breach the agent on host i is
inversely exponential to the number of
instructions carried out by host i - the number of instructions carried out by a host
is directly proportional to time
9Security modeling
- Let an agent stays at host i for time Ti,
- P(breach at host i)
- 1 - exp(-?iTi), ?i is a constant
- Then the agent security, i.e., probability of no
breach at all host,
We may use this to measure the time we allow an
agent to stay on a host, so that the agent is
still safe up to a certain probability